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Professoressa Ordinaria






Research lines, with some of the specific issues proposed for PhD students:

1- Language production and comprehension

2- Deafness and sign language

2- Bilingualism, cognitive control, decision making

3- Writing processes

Office hours

  • Tuesday from 15:00 to 17:00
    at Via Venezia 8, piano 2, stanza 19
    Il ricevimento avrà luogo il martedì alle ore 15.00 in presenza o in modalità Zoom; il link è il seguente: Si consiglia di prendere appuntamento con la docente, sia per il ricevimento in presenza che via Zoom, scrivendo una mail con almeno un giorno di anticipo. Si avvisa che il giorno 24 SETTEMBRE 2024 il ricevimento è sospeso.


Most recent publications:

Miozzo, M., Navarrete, E., Ongis, M., Mello, E., Girotto, V., & Peressotti, F. (2020). Foreign language effect in decision-making: How foreign is it?. Cognition, 199, 104245.

Scaltritti, M., Suitner, C., & Peressotti F. (2020). Language and motor processing in reading and typing: Insights from beta-frequency band power modulations. Brain & Language, 204, 104758.

Miozzo, M., Villabol, M., Navarrete, E., & Peressotti, F. (2020). Hands show where things are: the close similarity between sign and natural space. Cognition.

Guerra, S., Peressotti, A., Peressotti, F., Bulgheroni, M. Baccinelli, W., D’Amico, E., Gomez, A., Massacesi, S., Ceccarini, F., & Castiello, U. (2019). Flexible control of movements in plants. Scientific Reports, 9.

Colombo, L., Sulpizio, S., & Peressotti, F. (2019). The developmental trend of transposed letters effects in masked priming. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 186, 117-130.

Arcara G., Franzon F., Gastaldon S., Brotto S., Semenza C., Peressotti F., Zanini C. (2019). One can be some but some cannot be one: ERP correlates of numerosity incongruence are different for singular and plural. Cortex, 116, 104-112

Pretato, E., Peressotti, F., & Navarrete, E. (2019). Giudizi di iconicità per 234 segni dellaLingua dei Segni Italiana. Giornale Italiano di Psicologia, 46(3), 685-708.

Petrova, A., Navarrete, E., Suitner, C., Sulpizio, S., Reynolds, M., Job, R. & Peressotti, F. (2018) Spatial congruency effects, just not for words: Looking into Estes, Verges, Barsalou (2008). Psychological Science, 29, 1195-1199. doi: 10.1177/0956797617728127.

Lorenzoni, A., Peressotti, F. & Navarrete, E., (2018). The manipulability effect in object naming . Journal of Cognition, 1, p. 30 . doi: 10.5334/ioc.30.

Pretato, E., Peressotti, F., Bertone, C., & Navarrete, E. (2018). The iconicity advantage in sign production: The case of bimodal bilinguals. Second Language Research, 34, 449-462. doi: 10.1177/0267658317744009.

Peressotti, F., Scaltritti, M. & Miozzo, M. (2018). Can sign language make you better at hand processing? PlosOne, 13:e0194771, doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0194771.

Research Area

Information about my research is available at the web page of the COGNITION AND LANGUAGE LABORATORY - CoLab (web page

I am strictly collaborating with:
Dr. Eduardo Navarrete
Dr. Michele Scaltritti

I am supervising the following young researchers:
Cinzia Quartarone
Simone Gastaldon

I am also collaborating with
Prof. Brad Mahon, Rochester University, US
Prof. Michele Miozzo, New School, New York, US
Prof. Michael Reynolds, Trent University, CA

Are you interested in Sign Languages? Can you speak a Sign Language? Contact us! We are looking for collaborators

Thesis proposals

These are the main topics:

Language production and comprehension

Deafness and sign language

Bilingualism and cogntive consequences of bilingualism

Dialect and bilingualism


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