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Andrea Pase (1964) is Full Professor of Geography at the Department of Historical and Geographical Sciences and the Ancient World of the University of Padua. He holds a PhD from the same University. He is currently member of the Board of his Department and member of the Board of the PhD Programme in Historical, Geographical and Anthropological Studies of the Universities of Padua and Venice Ca’ Foscari. He is member of the Board of the Società di Studi Geografici (Florence). In his research path, the historical geography and cartography were the access point for the study of the unfolding of modern State territorial rationality, with particular reference to the definition and setting of borders (in Europe and in colonial and postcolonial Africa). Sahelian region is the place of direct confrontation with territorial processes, linked to water seen both as common-pool resource and as the basis for the modernization of agriculture. He carried out these investigations always with Marina Bertoncin, colleague and friend. The main subject of research is the imposition of hydroagricultural development projects along the Senegal, Niger, and Nile Rivers and around Lake Chad: fieldwork has investigated the dynamics of power between the different political, economic and social actors involved. However, development projects often failed, widening the gap between the declared (development) and the pursued (logic of domination). Together with Marina Bertoncin, he has conducted several research projects in arid Africa, funded by the University of Padua. He is currently leading a national research project (PRIN 2022) on the topic of ongoing transformation processes in African drylands, by setting up a network of on-site co-researchers and using remote sensing and database analysis. Another area of research, primarily of a theoretical-methodological character but also with applicative declinations, concerns the dynamics of proximity and distance management, also with reference to mega-development projects in Africa.
He has been supervisor of several doctoral theses and member of the evaluation committee of other doctorates.
He wrote more than hundred articles or chapters and four monographs on historical and social geography. He edited several conference proceedings. He has published in journals such as Geoforum, Investigaciones Geográficas, Mobilities, Cultural Geography, Geographica Helvetica, Géographie Économie Société, Méditerranée - Revue Géographique du Pays Meditérranéens, Geotema, Bollettino della Società Geografica Italiana and Rivista Geografica Italiana.


Office hours

  • at Sezione di Geografia, DiSSGeA, Via del Santo, n. 26, Padova
    Il docente riceve su appuntamento concordato via mail (



Bertoncin M., Pase A. and Quatrida D. (2014), Geografie di prossimità. Prove sul terreno. Milano: FrancoAngeli, pp. 1-237.
Bertoncin M., Pase A. (2012), Autour du Lac Tchad: enjeux, tensions et conflits pour le contrôle de l'eau. Paris : Harmattan, pp. 1-354.
Pase A. (2011), Linee sulla terra. Confini politici e limiti fondiari in Africa sub sahariana. Roma: Carocci, pp. 1-326.
Bertoncin M., Pase A. (2008), Attorno al lago Ciad. Sguardi diversi sullo sviluppo., Torino: Harmattan Italia, pp. 1-439.

Selected book chapters (2021-)
Pase A. (2024). Emptying and Filling. Maps of Inland Africa. In: Rossetto T., Lo Presti L. (eds), Routledge Handbook of Cartographic Humanities. New York-London: Routledge, pp. 235-245.
Pase A. (2023), Quattro quartieri e un trauma. Strani plurali, molti punti interrogative. In: Pase A., Giaretta P. (a cura di), Quante Padove? Un viaggio nello spazio e nel tempo tra i quartieri di Padova. Padova: Bette, pp. 63-96.
Bertoncin M., Pase A. (2023), Handling distances as a key factor in social power dynamics. In: Biasiori L., Mazzini F., Rabbiosi C. (eds), Reimagining Mobilities across the Humanities. Volume 1: Theories, Methods and Ideas, New York-London: Routledge, pp. 73-87.
Pase A., Hofman I., Kronenburg García A., Haller T., Cirillo D., Giger M., Abebe M., Hurni K., Bertoncin M. (2022), Large-scale agricultural investments in drylands: Facing some blind spots in the grabbing debate. In: A. Kronenburg García, T. Haller, H. van Dijk, C. Samimi, J. Warner (eds.), Drylands Facing Change: Interventions, Investments and Identities. New York-London: Routledge, pp. 73-92.
Kronenburg García A., Pase A., Haller T., Artur L., Nogueira Lisboa S., Metrak M., Bertoncin M., Suska-Malawska M. (2022) Wetlands in drylands: Large-scale appropriations for agriculture, conservation and mining in Africa. In: A. Kronenburg García, T. Haller, H. van Dijk, C. Samimi, J. Warner (eds.), Drylands Facing Change: Interventions, Investments and Identities. New York-London: Routledge, pp. 53-72.
Haller T., Pase A., Warner J., Hashimshony-Yaffe N., Kronenburg García A., Bertoncin M. (2022), Mega-infrastructure projects in drylands. From enchantments to disenchantments. In: A. Kronenburg García, T. Haller, H. van Dijk, C. Samimi, J. Warner (eds.), Drylands Facing Change: Interventions, Investments and Identities. New York-London: Routledge, pp. 112-131.

Selected articles (2021- )
Pase A. (2024), Il ricercatore prestazionale e l’authorship. Rivista Geografica Italiana, CXXXI, Fasc. 1, pp. 151-164.
Bertoncin M., Pase A., Petrele Giada (2022), Sketching local development: Graphic methods at the intersection of democratic and representational experimentalism. Area, 55, pp. 160-175.
Pase A., Gianoli F., De Felice L., Bertoncin M., Cherlet M., Kronenburg Garcìa A. (2022), Il respiro del Sahel. Rappresentazioni di uno spazio in movimento. Rivista Geografica Italiana, CXXIX, Fasc. 1, Issn 0035-6697, pp. 32-59.
Pase A., Rossetto T., Lo Presti L., Peterle G. (2021), Pandemic Cartographies: A Conversation on Mappings, Imaginings and Emotions. Mobilities, DOI: 10.1080/17450101.2020.1866319