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Professoressa Ordinaria





Elena Pariotti, PhD in Philosophy of Law, is Professor at Padua University, where she teaches “Human Elena Pariotti, PhD in Philosophy of Law, since 2006 is Professor at Padua University, Department of Political Science, Law, and International Studies, where she teaches “Human Rights” and “Legal Theory”. She was previously Assistant Professor (1998-2001) and Associate Professor (2001-2006), at the University of Padova.
Her research have been dealing with Human rights; philosophy of international law; multiculturalism; theory of regulation; theory of legal interpretation.
She is member of the Academic Board of the International Ph.D Programme on “Human Rights, Society and Multi-level Governance” and took part in the Academic Board staff of the post-graduate programme in “Human Rights: Evolution, Guarantee and Limits”, managed by University of Palermo, Italy.
She is assistant editor of “Ars interpretandi. Journal of Legal Hermeneutics”; member of the editorial board of the on line Journal “Diritto & Questioni pubbliche”; member of the scientific board of “Ragion pratica”; member of the Advisory Committee of the Journal “Notizie di Politeia”; member of the Advisory Committee of the Journal "Persona y Derecho"; member of the permanent board of referees of “Utrecht Journal of International and European Law”.
She spent the following research stays: October-December 2015 at the Kolleg-Forschergruppe Theoretische Grundfragen der Normenbegründung in Medizinethik und Biopolitik, Westalische Wilhelms-Universität Münster (Centre for Advanced Study in Bioethics), Germany, fellowship funded by the Centre for Advanced Study in Bioethics, Universität Münster; July-August 2007 at the Institute for International Law and Humanities, School of Law, Melbourne University (Australia), fellowship funded by the University of Padova; October 1996-March 1997 at Balliol College, Oxford, U.K., fellowship funded by the University of Padova.
She coordinated the following research projects: 2017 (February 5)-2020 (February 5) PRIN “Soggetto di diritto e vulnerabilità: modelli istituzionali e concetti giuridici in trasformazione” (Subject of Rights and Vulnerability: Institutional Models and Legal Notions) local team coordinator; funded by the Italian Ministry for Research; 2013 (February 1)-2016 (January 31): team leader in the 7FP project SiS-2012-1.1.1-1 “Governance frameworks for Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) - Grant agreement for: Collaborative project - Project acronym: Res-AGorA - "Responsible Research and Innovation in a Distributed Anticipatory Governance Frame. A Constructive Socio-normative Approach”; 2009 (March 1)-2011 (August 31); team leader in the 7FP project – SiS-2007- - “Ethical and regulatory challenges raised by synthetic biology“ – Acronym: “Synthetics”.
She participated in the “NeuroLaw Network” coordinated by Oxford University (U.K.), (2013-2016) and in the Project 7FP project SIS – “Ethics in Public Policy Making: The Case of Human Enhancement”; Acronym: EPOCH (2010-2012).
Institutional appointments: Programme coordinator of the undergraduate programme in “Economics Law” (Diritto dell’economia) (2004-2011), University of Padova, Italy; Dean of the School of Economics and Political Science (2011-2015); Deputy Director (2011-2015) and Director (2015-2023) of the Department of Political Science, Law, and International Studies.


Office hours

  • Wednesday from 10:30 to 12:30
    at Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche, Giuridiche e Studi Internazionali - Palazzo Bo, 1^ piano, stanza 9
    ATTENZIONE: nella settimana corrente (27/1/2025) il ricevimento sarà sospeso, per gli impegni legati alla sessione d'esami. E' tuttavia possibile richiedere via email un colloquio per ragioni urgenti.



(2024) Diritti fondamentali e diritti umani in Europa: intersezione e distinzione, in “Notizie di Politeia”, XL, 154, 2024, pp. 126-132, ISSN 1128-2401.
(2024) Vulnerabilità, approccio intersezionale e linguaggio dei diritti, in “GenIUS”, ISSN 2384-9495, online first, February 2024.
(2023) Limiti e deficit dei diritti umani, in “Rivista di filosofia del diritto. Journal of Legal Philosophy”, XII, 2023, numero speciale, ISBN: 978-88-15-38847-6, pp. 75-92.
(2023) Vulnerability and Human Rights: Which Compatibility?, in “International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue internationale de Sémiotique juridique”, DOI 10.1007/s11196-023-09977-y, online first dal 18/03/2023 (open access
(2018) Human Rights as Basic Rights: A Path to Universality?, PERSONA Y DERECHO.
(2018) Vulnerabilità e qualificazione del soggetto: implicazioni per il paradigma dei diritti umani, in O. Giolo, B. Pastore ( cura di), Vulnerabilità: Analisi multidisciplinare di un concetto, Carocci, Roma, 2018, pp. 147-160.
(2018) Regulating Human Enhancement: The Role and Challenges for Human Rights, “Notizie di Politeia”, XXXIV, 130, ISSN 1128-2401 pp. 112-130.
(2017), Self-regulation, concetto di diritto, normatività giuridica, in “Ars interpretandi”, 2017, n. 2, pp. 8-27.
(2013), I diritti umani: concetto, teoria, evoluzione, CEDAM, Padova, pp. I-260.
(2012). The United Nations "Protect, Respect and Remedy" Framework on Transnational Corporations and Human Rights: On a Pitfall of a Reductionist Approach, NOTIZIE DI POLITEIA (ISSN:1128-2401), 180- 190, XXVIII, fascicolo 106.
(2012). Verso la legittimazione democratica dell'ordine ultra-statuale: alcune premesse concettuali. In: Viola, F. (a cura di). Lo stato costituzionale di diritto e le insidie del pluralismo. Il Mulino, Bologna: 287- 308 .
(2011). Non-State Actors, International Law, and Human Rights. In: SILVERBURG; SANFORD R.. International Law. Contemporary Issues and Future Developments. Westview Press, BOULDER (CO).
(2011). Definizione e universalità dei diritti umani: oltre il minimalismo, verso la valorizzazione del contenuto essenziale. In: Cesar Fabriz D., Peter Filho J., Faro Homem de Siqueira J.P., Ulhoa P.R., Fuchs H.V.. O Tempo e O Dereitos Humanos. Livraria e Editora Lumen Juris Ltda, Rio del Janeiro: 183- 198.
(2011). Soft Law and Transnational Corporations' 'Power': Framing the Accountability for Human Rights, NOTIZIE DI POLITEIA (ISSN:1128-2401), 123- 135, 27.
(2012). Transnational corporations and human rights. In: Cushman T.. Handbook of Human Rights. Routledge, London - New York: 466- 475.
(2010). Law, Uncertainty and Emerging Technologies. Towards a Constructive Implementation of the Precautionary Principle in the Case of Nanotechnologies, PERSONA Y DERECHO (ISSN:0211-4526), 15- 27, 62.
(2010). Regolare l'incertezza: verso uno sviluppo costruttivo del principio di precauzione applicato alle nanotecnologie. In: ARNALDI S. - LORENZET A.. Innovazioni in corso. Il dibattito sulle nanotecnologie fra diritto, etica e società. il Mulino, BOLOGNA: 383- 406,
(2009). Il ruolo della teoria nella positivizzazione dei diritti umani: attualità e limiti della proposta di Norberto Bobbio, DIRITTI UMANI E DIRITTO INTERNAZIONALE (ISSN:1971-7105), 475- 484, 3.
(2009). "Soft law" e ordine giuridico ultra-statuale tra "rule of law" e democrazia, RAGION PRATICA (ISSN:1720-2396), 87- 105, 32.

Research Area

- Human rights: foundational, conceptual and justificatory issues
- Human rights protection and implementation on legal theory perspective
- Global justice and human rights
- Non-State actors and human rights
- Theory of international law
- Theory of regulation and governance