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Ricercatore a tempo det. art. 24 c. 3 lett. B L. 240/2010




Born in Rome in 1967
I graduated from the University of Rome "La Sapienza" in 1992 in Contemporary History. I obtained my PhD in Contemporary History at the University of Turin. I have been an adjunct lecturer at the Department of History at the University of Rome "La Sapienza". I have collaborated in various projects with the Germanic Historical Institute in Rome.
From October 1, 2007 to September 30, 2010, I had a three-year postdoctoral fellowship at the German Historical Institute in Rome as part of a research project coordinated by the University of Mainz (Germany), in collaboration with the Institute for Contemporary History in Munich and the Kulturwissenschaftliches Institut in Essen. From October 2015 to December 2015, I was a Fellow at the Yad Vashem Institute in Jerusalem, for a project entitled "The German Police in Italy."
Since July 2017, I had a scientific consultancy contract with the Fondazione Museo della Shoah in Rome.
My main research topics are the Shoah in Italy; collaborationism in Europe during the Nazi occupations; Italian military history during fascism; Italian war crimes; and fascist violence.


Office hours

  • I will meet the students after the lessons on monday and tuesday


Nessuna misericordia. Storia della violenza fascista, Biblion, Milano, 2022

Gli specialisti dell’odio. Delazioni, arresti, deportazioni di ebrei italiani, Giuntina, Firenze, 2021

The Italian Army in Slovenia. Strategies of Antipartisan repression, 1941-1943, Palgrave Macmillan, New York, 2013.

Storia della Repubblica sociale italiana. Carocci, Roma, 2012.

L’esercito italiano in Slovenia 1941-1943. Strategie di repressione anti-partigiana, Viella, Roma 2011.

Noi non sappiamo odiare. L’esercito italiano tra fascismo e democrazia, Utet, Torino, 2010.

- Amedeo Osti Guerrazzi, Caino a Roma. I complici romani della Shoah, Cooper, Roma, 2006 (1. 2005).

- Poliziotti. I direttori dei campi di concentramento in Italia, Cooper, Roma, 2004.

- “La Repubblica necessaria”. La Repubblica Sociale Italiana a Roma, 1943-1944, Franco Angeli, Milano, 2004.

- con Roberta Saccon e Beatriz Volpato Pinto, Dal Secchia al Paraìba, Verona, Cierre, 2002.

- L’utopia del sindacalismo rivoluzionario. I congressi dell’Unione Sindacale Italiana 1912-1913, Bulzoni, Roma, 2001.

- Grande industria e legislazione sociale in età giolittiana, Paravia, Torino, 2000.

Articoli in riviste scientifiche e capitoli in volumi:

Le vittime ebree delle Fosse Ardeatine nelle aule di giustizia, in AA. VV., Le Fosse Ardeatine. Dodici storie, Roma, Gangemi, 2020, pp.37-48.

Cultures of Total Annihilation? The German, Italian and Japanese Armies During the Second World War, in Miguel Alonso, Alan Kramer, Javier Rodrigo (Eds.), Fascist Warfare, 1922-1945. Aggression, Occupation, Annihilation, London, Palgrave MacMillan, 2020, pp.119-142.

Germans, Italian, and Jews. The Nazi-Fascist police in Italy 1943-1945, “Search and Research”, Numero monografico, Yad Vashem, 2020, pp.8-169.

Introduzione alla sezione sull’Italia dell’Encyclopedia of Nazi Camps and Ghettos (vol.III) del The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.

Mussolini e i capi provincia della RSI, in “E-Review”, n.6, 2008

Gli italiani e le leggi razziali, in Liana Novelli Glaab, Ebraismo e antisemitismo nella società italiana. Una storia discontinua, Frankfurt am Main, Biblioteca italiana, 2018, pp.129-158.

From Fascism to the Italian Civil War, The Republican’s Fascist’s Identity from 1943 to 1945, in Richard Carrrier – Emanuele Sica (a cura di), Italy in the Second World War: Alternative Perspectives, Leiden, Brill, 2018, pp.203-223.

L’inferno sulla città santa. Roma 1940-1944, in Nicola Labanca (a cura di), Città sotto le bombe. Per una storia delle vittime civile di guerra (1940-1945), Milano, Unicopli, 2018, pp.87-140.

I tedeschi e i fascisti, in Mirco Carrattieri, Marcello Flores, La Resistenza in Italia. Storia Memoria Storiografia, Goware, Bologna, 2018, pp.77-99.

Das System Mussolini. Die Regierungspraxis des Diktators 1922 bis 1943 im Spiegel seiner Audienzen, in “Vierteljährshefte für Zeitgeschichte” n.66 (2018), pp.201-232.

Italians at War. War and Experience in Fascist Italy, in “Journal of Modern Italian Studies”, November 2017, pp.589-605.

Antikommunismus im italienischen Faschismus in Dominik Rigoll, Norbert Frei (a cura di) Der Antikommunismus in seiner Epoche. Weltanschauung und Politik in Deutschland, Europa und den USA, Wallstein Verlag, Berlin, 2017, pp.158-174.

Le SS Italiane. Il modello dell‘“Uomo nuovo“ fascista, in Thomas Schlemmer, Hans Woller (a cura di), Die faschistische Herausforderung. Ne