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Professore Ordinario





My research field is the Science and Technology Studies, and in particular I am focused on the role of science and technologies in the public sphere and on their social representations. I am also interested in the construction processes of scientific knowledge and in the evolution of the research activities in laboratories. I have worked on biotechnology issues (in vitro fertilisation, cloning and genomic). During the last years my research activities are addressing the relationship between big-data and scientific research activities, as well as the implications for the social sciences of the availability of large amounts of textual data through the web.
From 2008 I am the coordinator of the Padua Science, Technology and Innovation Studies research unit (PaSTIS -; in particular, I am leading the TIPS project (Technoscientific Issues in the Public Sphere), aimed at analysing the societal relevance and evolution of technoscience using the media as a source. For this purpose it has been developed a web-platform able to automatically collect, scrape, classify and analyse the content of news and posts (

I have been President of STS-Italia (2016-2018); currently I am Director of CIGA (Centre for Environmental Law Decisions and Corporate Ethical Certification, an interdisciplinary research centre established at Padua University for studying the societal and ethical issues related to emerging technologies).
I have been co-founder and President of the research centre Observa Science in Society (2001-2015); during that period I collaborated in many research projects - both at national and international level - some of them as PI.

Personal web-page:


Please contact me through e-mail ( in order to schedule a meeting.

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Office hours

  • at via Cesarotti, 12 - 2° piano, studio
    Gli studenti interessati possono raggiungermi via e-mail ( per concordare tempi e modalità di un incontro. Please contact me through e-mail ( in order to schedule a meeting.



Neresini F., Agodi M.C., Crabu S., Tosoni S. (eds) (2024), “Manufacturing Refused Knowledge in the Age of Epistemic Pluralism. Discourses, Imaginaries, and Practices on the Border of Science”, London, Palgrave-Macmillan

Neresini F., Giardullo P, Di Buccio E, Morsello B, Cammozzo A, Sciandra A, et al. (2023) «When scientific experts come to be media stars: An evolutionary model tested by analysing coronavirus media coverage across Italian newspapers», PLoS ONE 18(4): e0284841. [ journal.pone.0284841]

Giardullo P., Neresini F., Marín-González E., Luís C., Magalhães J. and Arias R. (2023) «Citizen science and participatory science communication: an empirically informed discussion connecting research and theory», JCOM – JOURNAL OF SCIENCE COMMUNICATION, 22, 02, pp.1-18
[DOI: 10.22323/2.22020201]

Neresini F. (2022) Technoscience, in Rebughini P. & Colombo E. (eds) “Framing Social Theory. Reassembling the Lexicon of Contemporary Social Sciences”, London & New York: Routledge, pp.123-138

Di Buccio E., Cammozzo A., Neresini F., Zanatta A. (2022), “TIPS: search and analytics for social science research,” in Proceedings of the 2nd Joint Conference of the Information Retrieval Communities in Europe (CIRCLE 2022), Samatan, Gers, France, July 4-7, 2022, vol. 3178 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings,, 2022

Brondi S., Neresini F., Sciandra A. (2021) «The social representation of nanotechnologies and its relationships with science and technology: Making familiar the unfamiliar between enthusiasm and caution», JOURNAL OF RISK RESEARCH, pp.
[DOI: 10.1080/13669877.2021.1936606]

Crabu S., Giardullo P., Sciandra A., Neresini F. (2021) «Politics overwhelms science in the Covid-19 pandemic: Evidence from the whole coverage of the Italian quality newspapers», PLOS ONE, 16, 5, pp.1-19, [DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0252034]

Cammozzo A., Di Buccio E., Neresini F. (2020) Monitoring Technoscientific Issues in the News, in Koprinska I. et al. (eds) ECML PKDD 2020 Workshops. ECML PKDD 2020. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol. 1323, Springer, Cham., pp.536-553

Neresini F. (2020) Io e il mio DNA, il Mulino, Bologna

Magaudda P., Neresini F. (a cura di) (2020) Gli studi sociali sulla scienza e la tecnologia, il Mulino, Bologna

Neresini F., Giardullo P., Di Buccio E., Cammozzo A. (2020) «Exploring socio-technical futures scenarios in the media: the energy transition case in Italian daily newspapers», QUALITY & QUANTITY, 54, pp.147–168

Neresini F., Crabu S., Di Buccio E. (2019) «Tracking biomedicalization in the media: Public discourses on health and medicine in the UK and Italy, 1984–2017», SOCIAL SCIENCE AND MEDICINE, 243, pp.1-11
on-line first 22 October 2019 [DOI: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2019.112621]

Neresini F. (2019) Nouvelles technologies, nouveaux laboratoires? L’émergence des instruments à haut-débit dans les laboratoires de biologie moléculaire, in Clarizio E., Guchet X. “Vie, Anthropologie, Politique - Perspectives Italiennes Contemporaines en Philosophie des Techniques”, Paris: Mimesis, pp.117-144

Brondi S., Neresini F. (2018) «Studying the emergence of a new social representation: Changes in thinking about nanotechnologies in early 21st‐century Italy», EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY, First published: 16 February 2018 [DOI: 10.1002/ejsp.2369]

Research Area

My research field is the Science and Technology Studies, and in particular I am focused on the role of science and technologies in the public sphere and on their social representations. I am also interested in the construction processes of scientific knowledge and in the evolution of the research activities in laboratories. I have worked on biotechnology issues (in vitro fertilisation, cloning and genomic), AI and media discourses on science and technology. During the last years my research activities are addressing the relationship between big-data and scientific research activities, as well as the implications for the social sciences of the availability of large amounts of textual data through the web.