Address book


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Professoressa Associata






For information concerning the exam "Psicologia Culturale dello Sviluppo" in the summer session (A.Y. 2019-2020), please consult the moodle page of the course.

Research topics for doctoral students:

- Culture, parenting and children's socio-emotional development
- Socioecological correlates of psychological adaptation among children and youth with a migration background
- Effects of exposure to man-made or natural disasters on children and families' mental health
- Risk factors and resilience processes in refugees and asylum seekers

Office hours

  • Wednesday from 13:30 to 15:30
    at Studio e sede: terzo piano - DPSS, via Venezia 8
    IMPORTANT NOTE: There will be no office hours from July 26 to September 6 2023 due to the summer break. Dear students, my office hours take place remotely (via the zoom platform) until further notice. To make an appointment, please email me reporting your name, surname, and type of request (e.g., Erasmus, exams...) up to 1 day before the scheduled date (i.e., every Wednesday). Based on the order of arrival of the requests, I will send you an email with the time of the appointment and further instructions on how to connect with the 'Zoom' videoconference system. Thanks for your collaboration! ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ AVVISO: Il ricevimento studenti è sospeso dal 26 luglio al 6 settembre 2023 per la pausa estiva. Gentili studentesse e studenti, il ricevimento si svolgerà in forma telematica fino ad ulteriore comunicazione. Per fissare un appuntamento durante l'orario di ricevimento, vi chiedo di inviarmi una email ( entro il giorno prima specificando nome, cognome e motivo della richiesta (es. Erasmus, richiesta di tesi). A seconda dell'ordine di arrivo delle richieste provvederò a inviare a ciascuno di voi un orario per l'appuntamento e ulteriori istruzioni per connettersi al sistema di videoconferenza 'Zoom'. Grazie per la vostra collaborazione!


Research Area

- Culture, parenting and children's socio-emotional development
- Socioecological correlates of psychological adaptation among children and youth with a migration background
- Effects of exposure to man-made or natural disasters on children and families' mental health
- Risk factors and resilience processes in refugees and asylum seekers

Thesis proposals

- Temperament and socioemotional well-being in the first three years of life
- Culture, parenting, and child development
- Acculturation and adaptation among youth with an immigrant background
- Mental health in children and families exposed to disasters (natural or man-made)
- Application of the mixed-methods approach within (cross-)cultural research