Address book
Ricercatrice a tempo det. art. 24 c.3 lett. A L. 240/2010
Barbara Morsello is a Assistant Professor (Rtd-A) at the Fisppa department of the University of Padova and a member of the Pastis research group.
Previously, she was a research fellow at the Department of Biomedical Sciences at the University of Padua as part of a Horizon 2020 project in which she worked on the social implications of emerging technologies in neuroscience with a focus on brain stimulation and AI. Between 2019 and 2021, she was a research fellow at the Fisppa department of the University of Padova in a PRIN/2017 project in which she focused on controversies concerning health with particular attention to the topic of vaccine hesitancy and refused knowledge in biomedical science.
She received a PhD in Social Theory and Research from the University of Roma Tre in 2019 and was later a Researcher at the Bruno Kessler Foundation’s Center for Information and Communication Technology in Trento.
In 2018 she was Visiting Research in SPS at the Department of Science Technology and Innovation Studies (STIS) at the University of Edinburgh, while since 2016 she has taught General Sociology as a full assistant professor at the Pontifical Lateran University.
She has collaborated in several research projects with the health directorate of the Regina Elena National Cancer Institute (IRE), where she worked on a project on cancer prevention as scientific coordinator, and with the DiTES – Digital Technology, Education and Society research center at Link Campus University as a member of the board of directors.
She is currently a member of the editorial board of the Tecnoscienza – Italian Journal of Science and technology Studies.
Her recent research interests mainly concern the relationship between individuals and biomedical technologies and knowledge through the use of different methods of investigation, from qualitative and ethnographic research to media analysis.
Recent publications:
Morsello B., (2023) You definitely need a mastectomy if you are mutated! Experiencing breast cancer among genetic responsibilities and risk-reducing practices, Salute e Società, 1, 153-167, doi: 10.3280/SES2023-001011
Morsello B., (2022) Gli eroi e gli untori del Covid-19. I quotidiani come specchio di una relazione ambivalente tra cittadini e sanità pubblica durante l’emergenza, in Polis, Ricerche e studi su società e politica, 3, pp. 421-452, doi: 10.1424/105489 .
Morsello B., Giardullo P. (2022) Free choice in the making: Vaccine-related activism as an alternative form of citizenship during the Covid-19 pandemic, in PACO – PArtecipazione e COnflitto, 15, 3, pp. 697-719
Morsello B. (2022) Pazienti in attesa di screening. La gestione del rischio oncologico durante la pandemia da SARS-CoV-2 in (a cura di) Maturo A., Gibin M., Malati sospesi. La gestione della cronicità ai tempi del Covid-19, Franco Angeli, Milano, pp.189-204.
Morsello B., Moretti V. (2022) Managing Uncertainty in Biomedical Innovation from Below. Exploring Tensions and Contradictions in Oncology and Pregnancy Cases, in TECNOSCIENZA – Italian journal of Science and Technology studies, 12, 2, pp. 49-60.
Morsello B. (2021) Ibride. L’esperienza del cancro al seno tra mutazione genetica e identitaria: un’analisi sociologica, Roma, Roma Tre Press.
Office hours
Monday from 17:00 to 18:00
at Palazzo de Claricini, Via Cesarotti 10-12, I piano
Il ricevimento va sempre concordato con la docente tramite mail e può essere svolto in presenza oppure online secondo le necessità.
Thesis proposals
Theses interested in the topics of health and biomedicine and particularly in their technological dimension are welcome.
These include topics related to the use of wearable devices - e-health and wearable devices for monitoring various aspects of health and well-being - or the embodiment of biomedical technologies (DBS, cochlear implants, cardiac implants, bio-haking, prothesis).
Topics related to new knowledge in the biomedical field (such as predictive and profiling technologies as in the case of genetic screening) but also the emergence of possible public controversies are welcome.
Preference is given to thesis proposals that involve empirical evidence, i.e. those that intend to explore the phenomenon under study through a small research project using sociological survey tools such as interviews, digital and non-digital ethnography and media analysis.