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Ricercatore a tempo det. art. 24 c. 3 lett. B L. 240/2010




Enrico Moro was born in Padua in 1986. He is Research Fellow in History of Medieval Philosophy since 2020. He completed his studies in Philosophy at the University of Padua, where he earned his degree in 2008 and 2011, and his Ph.D. in 2015. At the same university, he was awarded a post-doctoral fellowship from 1999 to 2001 and two research grants from 2016 to 2019. He is professor of the History of Medieval Philosophy at the "Facoltà Teologica del Triveneto" since 2017.
He is member of the editorial board of the journal «Medioevo. Rivista di storia della filosofia medievale». His research focuses on the late ancient roots of medieval thought, and in particular on: 1) the philosophy of Augustine of Hippo and its historical reception; 2) the ontology of the corporeal world of Plotinus; 3) the history of the doctrines of matter, creation and "cosmogenesis" from Antiquity to the Middle Ages; 4) the history and evolution of the doctrine of hylomorphism.


Office hours

  • Monday from 13:30 to 15:00
    at Studio del docente, Palazzo del Capitanio, Secondo piano, stanza 02-054
    Il docente riceve il lunedì, dalle ore 13.30 alle ore 15.00; è opportuno contattare il docente via email per prendere appuntamento almeno un paio di giorni prima, specificando cortesemente nel messaggio il motivo della richiesta di colloquio.

Research Area

His research focuses on the late ancient roots of medieval thought, and in particular on: 1) the philosophy of Augustine of Hippo and its historical reception; 2) the ontology of the corporeal world of Plotinus; 3) the history of the doctrines of matter, creation and "cosmogenesis" from Antiquity to the Middle Ages; 4) the history and evolution of the doctrine of hylomorphism; 4) Medieval reflections on passions; 5) the proofs of God's existence and their historical development; 6) the legacy of Medieval thought in contemporary philosopihical reflection.