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Professore Ordinario





Simone Montangero is a Full Professor at Padova University since 2017. He got his degree at Pisa University, his Ph.D. in Theoretical Physics at Milan University and spent five years as post-doc at Scuola Normale Superiore before moving to Ulm University as Assistant Professor. He has been a Heisenberg Fellow of the German Science Foundation, a Humboldt Fellow and he is an IQOQI visiting fellow of the Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information of the Austrian Academy of Science, Honorary Professor at Ulm University and Visiting Professor at Saarland University. He has pioneered the development of tensor network methods for quantum technologies and the application of optimal control theory to many-body quantum systems, and he has been one of the principal actors in the development and application of tensor networks for lattice gauge theories.

He has more than 100 publications at the interface of quantum science, many-body physics, and condensed matter in international journals, including books and publications on journals with high impact factors (Science, Physical Review Letters, Physical Review X, etc.). S.M. participated in several national and international projects, in particular, he is the coordinator of the EU-QUANTERA QTFLAG and was Principal Investigator in the European projects RYSQ, SIQS and DIADEMS and in the German projects (DFG) SFB/TRR21, and he is PI in the Quantum Flagship project PASQUANS and in the QuantERA project QuantHEP and in the Marie Curie ETN QUSCO. He has been awarded an ITAMP Fellowship from Harvard University and a Google Faculty Award. He is a member of the Science and Engineering Board of the Quantum Flagship.

S.M. regularly delivers invited seminars at international conferences and workshops and has organized several national and international workshops, Ph.D. Schools and conferences and serves as a referee for international scientific journals and funding agencies (EU-FET, ERC, US DOE, DFG, FWF, etc.).

Additional information on his group activities can be found at