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Ricercatore Universitario a tempo indeterminato





Sociologist and STS scholar, Alessandro Mongili is a professor of Science, Technology and Society at the School of Human Sciences at the University of Padua. He worked at the University of Cagliari, where he taught Sociology and Sociology of technology at the School of Political sciences. He was a Visiting scholar at the USSR Academy of Sciences in Moscow (1987-1988), at the University of California in San Diego (2004) and in Berkeley (2011), at the Santa Clara University (2007), at Stanford University (2008) and at the Imperial university of Tōkyō (2016). He obtained his doctorate(PhD) in sociology at the Parisian Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales. At the very beginning of his research work he worked on the Soviet science (La chute de l’U.R.S.S. et la recherche scientifique,1998), but later he dealt with technology and computing (Donne al computer, with C. Casula, 2006, Tecnologia e società, 2007, Information Infrastructure(s), with G. Pellegrino, 2014), and with issues related to socio-technical processes in peripheral regions (Topologie postcoloniali, 2015). In 1995 he published in French "Staline et le stalinisme", translated also into Italian and Czech. This biography has had a new edition in Italian in 2019. He was among the founders and the First president of the Italian Society of Science and Technology Studies (STS ITalia). Among his research interests: design and development in computing, innovation in peripheral regions, and standardization of endangered languages.