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Professoressa Ordinaria





Sara Mondini graduated in Psychology at the University of Padua (Italy) where she also obtained a Ph.D. in Experimental Psychology. While studying for her PhD she spent many months abroad at different research places: the National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery in London; the Centre de recherche de l’Institut Universitaire de Gériatrie de Montréal (University of Montreal, Canada); and McGill University in Montreal. The PhD dissertation was prepared in collaboration with the Mental Lexicon group of Montreal. She was the recipient of a Bourse d’excellence from the Ministère de l’Éducation, Gouvernement du Québec (Canada). From 2000 to 2003 she taught Introduction to Neuropsychology at the University of Trieste. Since 2004 she has had a permanent position at the University of Padua where she is full professor. She teaches Brain disorders and behaviour across cultures, Assessment and diagnosis in clinical neuropsychology and Clinical Psychology at different degree courses and post-graduate master degrees at the University of Padua. Currently, she is the Director of the International Master's degree course in Clinical, Social and Intercultural psychology and she is the Director of the post-graduate Master's degree course in Psychological skills in intercultural settings

Her research topics focus on neuropsychological assessment and on clinical approaches to brain damage disorders, in particular in patients with neurodegenerative diseases. She is the author of a number of studies on neuropsychology, which have been published on peer-reviewed international journals.


Office hours

  • at via Venezia 14, IV floor, Dept of Philosophy, Sociology, Education and Applied Psychology, Psico 3 or with ZOOM platform:
    Office hours are flexible. Please send me an email with name, degree course attended and reason for the meeting. I will schedule the appointment in person or with ZOOM platform Meeting ID: 326 017 2864.



Selection of recent pubblications:
2024-Porricelli, D., Tecilla, M., Pucci, V., Di Rosa, E., Mondini, S., Cappelletti, M. (2024). Cognitive reserve modulates mental health in adulthood. Ageing Clinical and Experimental Research, 36:139.

2024- Pucci, V., La Face, A., Gasteiger-Klicpera, B., Mondini, S. Cognitive reserve proxies for individuals with intellectual developmental disability: A scoping review. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual disability, 37 2, e13204.

2024- Sneidere, K., Zdanovskis, N., Mondini, S., & Stepens, A. Relationship between Life-style Proxies of Cognitive Reserve and Cortical Regions in Older Adults. Frontiers in Psychology, 14, 1308434.

2023-Aiello, E.N., Pucci, V., Diana, L. et al. The Telephone Language Screener (TLS): standardization of a novel telephone-based screening test for language impairment. Neurol Sci (2023).

2023 - Bianchetti, A., Ikeda, M., Mateos, R., Mondini, S., Rabheru, K., Serrati, C., & De Leo, D. (2023). The NIA-AA revised clinical criteria for Alzheimer’s disease: Are they too advanced? Commentary on International Psychogeriatrics, 1-3. doi:10.1017/S1041610223000868

2023 - Carta, E., Riccardi, A., Marinetto, S., Mattivi, S., Selini, E., Pucci, V., and Mondini, S. Over ninety years old: Does high Cognitive Reserve still help brain efficiency? Psychological research, 10.1007/s00426-023-01881-1

2023- Mondini, S., Pucci, V., Pastore, M. et al. s-CRIq: the online short version of the Cognitive Reserve Index Questionnaire. Aging Clinical and Experimental Research (2023).

2023 - Maffezzini S, Pucci V, Riccardi A, Montemurro S, Puthenparampil M, Perini P, Rinaldi F, Gallo P, Arcara G, Mondini S. (2023). Clinical Profiles in Multiple Sclerosis: Cognitive Reserve and Motor Impairment along Disease Duration. Behavioral Sciences; 13(9):708.

2023- Montemurro, S., Mondini, S., Pucci, V. et al. Tele-Global Examination of Mental State (Tele-GEMS): an open tool for the remote neuropsychological screening. Neurological Science, 44, 3499–3508 (2023).

2023- Conte, F.; Rinaldi, L.; Gerosa, T.; Mondini, S.; Costantini, G.; Girelli, L. Cognitive Reserve Potential: Capturing cognitive resilience capability in adolescence. Assessment.

2023- Marinetto, S., Riccardi, A., Barbadoro, F., Pucci, V., Selini, E., Pavan, A., ... & Mondini, S. (2023). Sexual Dysfunction in Multiple Sclerosis: The Role of Executive Function. Behavioral Sciences, 13(5), 369.

2023- Pucci, V., Guerra, C., Barsi, A., Nucci, M., & Mondini, S. (2023). How long have you exercised in your life? The effect of motor reserve and current physical activity on cognitive performance. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 1-7. doi:10.1017/S135561772300022X. State (GEMS): An open tool for the brief evaluation of cognition. Brain and Behavior, 12,8, e2710.

Research Area

Topics of research are currently related to:
brain and cognitive reserve, emotional reserve and motor riserve
degenerative diseases and brain aging in healthy people
cognitive functions after brain damage
development of neuropsychological tests and normative data collection
cross-cultural neuropsychology

Thesis proposals

Topics for thesis supervision refer to different aspects of clinical neuropsychology such as clinical pathologies and diagnostic instruments and techniques and Ageing. A discussion with the professor will allow finding the project to work on. All students are invited to contact preliminary the professor but only when they have taken all exams of their course and they are ready to work on the thesis project.