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Professoressa Associata





Year 2018
Psychoanalyst Italian Psychoanalytic Society (SPI) and International Psychoanalytical Association (I.P.A.).
Year 2001
Psychoterapist: Specialization in Clinical Psychology at the School of Specialization in Clinical Psychology of the University of Padua.
Academic Year 1994-1995
Degree in Psychology with Major in Clinical Psychology and Community, at the University of Padua. Thesis title: "Indications and contraindications to short psychoanalytic psychotherapies". Psychologist.

Academic Appointments
• Since 2016
Associate Professor in Psichidinamic Psychology at the University of Padua.
• Since 2006
Lecturer in Psichidinamic Psychology at the University of Padua.

Teaching activities
- Design, teaching and coordination of "Psychoanalytic Diagnosis" course (9 CFU)in the Master's Degree in Dynamic Clinical Psychology Science at the Department of Philosophy, Sociology, Pedagogy and Applied Psychology (FISPPA), University of Padua.

- Design teaching and coordination of "Theories and techniques of the interview with a psychoanalytic orientation" (6 CFU), for the Master's Degree Course in Dynamic Clinical Psychology Sciences, at the Department of Philosophy, Sociology, Pedagogy and Applied Psychology (FISPPA), University of Padua.

Member of the academic board of the Postgraduate School in Social sciences: interactions, communication, cultural constructions at Padua University.
Postgraduate supervisions:
Primary supervisor of a PhD thesis titled: “Psychology of Apparence: the body image between acceptance of the self and the socio-cultural influence”.

Teaching activities abroad
A.A. 2017/2018
Participation as a teacher in the "TEACHING STAFF ERASMUS" project at the International University of Psychoanalysis in Berlin, in the masterful teaching of a psychoanalytic interview.
Participation as a teacher in the "TEACHING STAFF ERASMUS" project at the Lion 2 University of Lyon, in the masterful teaching of group dynamics.

Clinical and Research activity
Clinical manager pshychologist and psychoterapist of the APAD Service (Psychological Support for University Employees) at the University of Padua.

Training in the use of research tools in the psychodynamic area
Year 2013
- Photolangage: mediation and technique of group management. Teacher: C. Vacheret. University of Padua, 17-18 May 2013.
Year 2011
- Training course for the use of the Psychotherapy Process Q-set. Teachers: J. S. Ablon and R.A. Levy. Associated Study for Research in Clinical Psychology (A.R.P.), Milan, 21-23 October 2011.
Year 2009
- Trainig OPD II: "Operationalized psychodynamic interview". Teacher: M. Cierpka. Studio Zoe, Milan.
- DMRS Training: "Defense Mechanisms Rating Scales". Teachers: M.G. Di Giuseppe and V. Lingiardi. Faculty of Psychology I, "Sapienza" University, Rome. Loyalty achieved.
- IVAT-II training (16 hours): "Measurement index of therapeutic alliance". Teacher: A. Colli. University of Padua. Loyalty achieved.
- SWAP-200 Training: "Q-sort for diagnostic evaluation". Teachers: F. Gazzillo and V. Lingiardi. University of Padua.


Office hours

  • Wednesday from 9:00 to 11:00
    at Via Venezia, 14 - Quarto Piano- Studio 007
    Si consiglia di concordare un orario via mail al fine di evitare assembramenti nel corridoio.
