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Education and training
- National Academic Qualification as Full Professor - 2022
- National Academic Qualification as Associate Professor - 2017
- Qualification as a veterinary doctor - 2001
- DVD-MD – 2000 at University of Padova
Work Experience
- Associate professor (Department of Animal Medicine, Productions and Health). University
of Padova (2019-present)
- Assistant professor (Department of Animal Medicine, Productions and Health). at
University of Padova (2007-2019)
- Research fellow (University of Udine) (2004-2006)
- Freelance veterinarian (2002-2004)
Teaching activities
- 2007- 2023: Title “Farm animal production techniques” at the three-year course in Food
Safety and Hygiene (6 ECTS)
- 2015 - to date: Title “ Practical training on wildlife management” at the five-year course in
Veterinary medicine (40 h).
- 2019 - to date. Title “Wild animal husbandry, management and welfare” at the three-year
course in Animal Care, at Padova University (4 ECTS)
- 2019 - to date. teaching of a Module (1 ECTS), part of the course "Public Health 2" in the
5th year of the five-year course in Veterinary medicine,
- 2022 - to date. Title “Clinical settings” at the three-year course in Animal Care, at Padova
University (2 ECTS)
- 2022 - to date. iPLEX VET MED. Erasmus Blended Intensive Program. (1 ECTS) in
veterinary medicine.
- 2023 - to date. Title “Principles of clinical metabolism of domestic animals” at the three-year course in Veterinary technical-assistance sciences, atPadova
University (4 ECTS)

Main research topics
1. Dairy cattle
The research activity on dairy cow farming concerns different aspects, such as feeding
efficiency, productive performance, milk quality, and animal health. With regard to nutrition,
my research focuses on the use of additives and of control techniques to check Total Mixed
Ration to improve rumen health, feed efficiency and animal performance.
2. Precision livestock farming
My research also focuses on precision livestock farming and precision feeding on both dairy
cow and beef cattle, through the application of new technologies and the study of animal
behavior. With regard to precision feeding, the main focus is on the study of silage quality.
3. Wildlife-domestic animals’ interface
My research activity focuses on monitoring and management of wild-domestic animals’ interface, with a focus on health management. I was involved inInterreg projects dealing with monitoring of wild carnivors and wild ungulates while I was working at Udine University (see the project-book chaptersin the pubblications). Recently I have carried out some studies on the interaction between grazing cattle at pasture and alpine marmot foraging ecologyand health status (To be published).
4. Other
I had collaborations in studies on dog feeding and behavior (See pubblications)
Summary of publication activity:
H-Index (in Scopus): 16
Total number of publications in peer-reviewed journals: 51
Total number of citations (in Scopus): 630
Other publications (Patents):
- N of patents: 4 (on methods for improving livestock production)
- N of other publications (conference papers, book chapters, non-peer reviewed journals): 84


Office hours

  • at Polo Universitario, in Viale Margherita, 87, Vicenza
    Ricevimento previo appuntamento per e-mail



Recent scientific publications


1. Serva L, Currò S *, Andrighetto I, Marchesini G, Magrin L. 2023. Effect of Inoculants and Sealing Delay on the Fermentation Quality of Early Harvested Wheat Forage. Agronomy -, 131. 1. Lanza I., Conficoni D., Balzan S., Cullere M., Fasolato L., Serva L., Contiero B., Trocino A., Marchesini G., Xiccato G., Novelli E., Segato S. 2020. Assessment of chicken breast shelf life based on bench-top and portable NIR spectroscopy tools coupled with chemometrics. Food Quality and Safety. Accepted
2. Cortese, M., * Brščić, M., Ughelini, N., Andrighetto, I., Contiero, B., Marchesini, G. 2020. Effectiveness of Stocking Density Reduction on Mitigating Lameness in a Charolais Finishing Beef Cattle Farm. Animals. 10 (7), 1147; doi:10.3390/ani10071147
3. Marchesini G*., Cortese M., Ughelini N., Ricci R., Chinello M., Contiero B, Andrighetto I. 2020. Effect of total mixed ration processing time on ration consistency and beef cattle performance during the early fattening period. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 262.
4. Dalle Zotte A., Ricci R., Cullere M., Serva L., Tenti S., Marchesini G. (2020). Effect of chicken genotype and white striping-wooden breast condition on breast meat proximate composition and amino acid profile. Research Note. Poultry Science. 99(3), 1797-1803.
5. Cortese, M., Segato, S., Andrighetto, I., Ughelini, N., Chinello, M., Schiavon, E., Marchesini, G. 2019. Effect of decreasing dietary crude protein on growth performance, feed efficiency and meat quality of finishing Charolais bulls. Animals, 9, 906. doi:10.3390/ani9110906
6. Segato S., Merlanti R., Bisutti V., Montanucci L., Serva L., Lucatello L., Mirisola M., Contiero B., Conficoni D., Balzan S., Marchesini G., Capolongo F. 2019. Multivariate and machine learning models to assess the heat effects on honey physicochemical, colour and NIR data. European Food Research and Technology.
7. Marchesini, G., Serva L., Chinello M., Gazziero M., Tenti S., Mirisola M., Garbin E., Contiero B., Grandis D., Andrighetto I. 2019. Effect of maturity stage at harvest on the ensilability of maize hybrids in the early and late FAO classes, grown in areas differing in yield potential. Grass and Forage Science, 74 (3), 415-426.
8. Serva L., Balzan S., Bisutti V., Montemurro F., Marchesini G., Bastianello E., Segato S., Novelli E., Fasolato L. 2019. Use of near infrared spectroscopy and chemometrics to evaluate the shelf-life of cloudy sonicated apple juice. Journal of Near Infrared Spectroscopy 0(0) 1–11.
9. Fiore E., Perillo L., Marchesini G., Piccione G., Giudice E., Zumbo A., Armato L., Fabbri G., Gianesella M. 2018. Effect of parity on claw horn lesions in Holstein dairy cows: clinical and radiological study, Annals of Animal Science. 10.2478/aoas– 2018-0050.
10. Morelli G., Marchesini G., Contiero B., Fusi E., Diez M., Ricci R. 2019. A Survey of Dog Owners’ Attitudes toward Treats. Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science.
11. Marchesini G., Cortese M., Mottaran D., Ricci R., Serva L., Contiero B., Segato S., Andrighetto I. 2018. Effects of axial and ceiling fans on environmental conditions, performance and rumination in beef cattle during the early fattening period. Livestock Science, 214, 225-230.