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Professoressa Ordinaria





Full Professor in Mathematical Logica at the University of Padova from 1/8/2023.
Associate Professor in Mathematical Logic 1/9/2015-31/7/2023
Tenure Researcher in Mathematical Logic 1/10/2007-31/8/2015
Member of the Editorial Board of the journal ``Mathematical Logic Quarterly'' since 1/1/2-16.

Guest editor of special issues of Annals of Pure and Applied Logic
and one of ``Journal of Logic and Analysis".

Author of about fourthy papers on topics including Type Theory, Categorical Logic and Constructive Topology.

Author of the ``Minimalist Foundation'' in 2005 with Giovanni Sambin
Author of a complete two-level formal system for the Minimalist Foundation in 2009.

Author of the notion ``elementary quotient completion of an elementary doctrine'' in 2013 with Giuseppe Rosolini.

Project supervision:

1. Supervisor of Padova site for the EU project RISE-Marie Curie Actions CID H2020 731143 (2017-2021)
Local Budget: 60093,92 euro

2. Scientific supervisor of the project ``Homotopy type theoretic aspects within the Minimalist Foundation'' for a one year-fellowship (1 /2/2018-31/1/2019) funded by Universita' di Padova
Budget: 21721 euro (holder: F. Pasquali)

3.Scientific supervisor of the two-year project ``A minimalist approach to Algebraic Set Theory'' funded by Universita' di Padova, 31/1/2016-30/6/2018. It included a one year fellowship assigned to F. Pasquali

4. Scientific supervisor of the project ``Pointfree constructive analysis in the Minimalist Foundation'' funded by Universita' di Padova for a two-year fellowship (2014-2016) (holder S. Maschio)
Budget: 46152 euro

5. Supervisor of Padova site for the EU project International Research Staff Exchange Scheme (IRSES)-Marie Curie Actions CORCON, FP7-PEOPLE-2013-IRSES 612638, (2014-2017).
Local Budget: 37800 euro.

Member of the editorial board of "Journal of Logic and Analysis" and "Mathematical Logic Quarterly".

Senior partecipant at a trimester at Hausdforf Institute, Bonn 2018.
Invited speakers and organizers at various conferences.