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Professoressa Associata





Monica Lazzarin, 01-07-1963, married with two children.
-Laurea degreee in Physics (110/110), Padova Univ.;
-PhD in Astronomy, Padova Univ.;
-Fellowship for one year at the Observatoire de Paris-Meudon, 1992/93;
-Post-Doc Fellowship in Astronomy-Padova Univ.(1996);
-Assegno di studio - Padova Univ. (1999);
-1999- Researcher at the Physics and Astronomy Dept. of Padova Univ.
-Qualified since 2012 at the national evaluation as associate professor in the sector Astronomy, Astrophysics, Earth and planetary physics.
Teaching activity:
-Professor at the Universite' Paris7-Denis Diderot of Paris in the academic year 1996-97;
-Since 2005/2006 Professor of Astrophysics of the Solar System;
-Since 2001/2002 Professor of the English course for Astronomers;
-Tutor of several PhD Thesis, Laurea Triennale and Magistrale, and Supervisor of several Post-Doc
-Responsible for the stage and Erasmus+ exchange of Astronomy students.
Institutional and International duties:
-In 2008 member of the Time Allocation Committee of the European Southern Observatory.
-2009-2013 member of the Minor Planet Working Group of IAU Com.15.
-2016- Member of the NASA POSTDoctoral Program committee for the selection of PostDoc fellows.
-Referee for the ANVUR (National Agency for the evaluation of the University and of the research) Physical Sciences Panel of Experts for Italian VQR (Research Quality Evaluation) 2004-2010 and
-Member of the Astronomy PhD board at Padova Univ.
-Member of the Department Council.
Research Activity:
The main research activity is connected with the physical and mineralogical study of the minor bodies of the Solar System from ground and from space, with spectrophotometric data obtained at the ESO telescopes (Chile), at the TNG (Canarias), at the Asiago telescopes and from the Rosetta space mission to which I partecipate as Co-I of the imaging system OSIRIS.
Since 2000 I am PI of a long term spectroscopic investigation of Near Earth Objects (SINEO) which is included in the ESA Space Situational Awareness program for the study of potential hazardous objects for the Earth.
I am Co-I of an EU project of the Horizon 2020 program, NEOSHIELD2 (2015-17, H2020-PROTEC-2014 Proposal number: SEP-210130790) for the investigation of small NEOs (Task 10.2.1 ‘Colours and Phase
I am local PI of the national project PRISMA with a camera installed at the Asiago Obs. for the study of fireball and meteorites.
I am responsible of several observational programs of comets and asteroids.
I am author or co-author of more than 260 papers and serve as referee of several international astronomical journals.
I have organized and/or have been member of the SOC of six international meetings and two
Since several years I have been coordinating a research group presently composed by two Post-Doc fellows and a TDA researcher.
I collaborate with researchers of several italian institutes and international (Obs. de Paris, Max Planck Inst. Gottingen, DLR Berlin, Univ. of Maryland, Univ. of Boston, NASA Ames Research Center).
I am PI or Co-I of several funded projects: PRIN-MIUR, ASI,PRIN-INAF.
Scientific Responsible of ASI funds for Rosetta Mission-OSIRIS since 2005.
Collaborator of the Telespazio project for the Invitation To Tender of ESA for P3-NEO-XI Telescope Tasking Software Ref. AO/1-90/17/DE/MRP.
2018 Individual MIUR funding for the basic research, FFABR, (LEGGE 11 dicembre 2016, n. 232, art.1, commi 295-302)


Office hours

  • Tuesday from 10:00 to 12:00
    at ufficio secondo piano ex Rizzato, Vicolo dell'Osservatorio 3


The full list of refereed papers is available through the SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS) at the following link: