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Research fellow, for the project “Observatory on violence and discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity” at the Department of Philosophy, Sociology, Education and Applied Psychology. Research Project Supervisor: Professor Luca Trappolin.

2022. National Scientific Abilitation (ASN) for the position of Associate Professor in Sociology of Communication and Cultural Processes (14/C2)

Member of editorial boards: "Asincronie e intersezioni”, Guerini Associati, Milano; “Scienze sociologiche”, Epoké Editore, Novi Ligure; “Ritratti. Collana di etnografie”, Rosenberg & Sellier, Torino.

Teaching experience:

2019–2020. Adjunct professor for the course "Imaginary of alterity” (6 credits, 42 hours), MA in Culture,
Education and Global Society, University of Padova.

2019 – now. Responsible for the workshops on “academic writing” at FiSPPA Department (5
editions), for the B.A. in Sociology.

2018 - 2020 (4 semesters) Adjunct professor for the course “One Nation, Many Identities: Italy and Multiculturalism” at Council on International Educational Exchange (CIEE) in Ferrara.

2018 (2 semesters). Adjunct professor for the course “Gender Studies” (Cultures of the World core) at VIU – Venice International University.

2017–2018. Adjunct professor for the course “Food, Wine and Society” (6 cfu), 4 cfu integrated with the course “Food and Wine History, Anthropology and Society” (8 cfu), MA in “Italian Food and Wine", University of Padova.

See publications on CV


Office hours

  • Friday from 10:00 to 11:00
    at Dipartimento di Psicologia dello Sviluppo e della Socializzazione Via Venezia 8 - 35131 Padova
    Si prega di contattare il docente via email per concordare l'orario di ricevimento e la sua modalità (possibilità di farlo anche via zoom)



(2022) Le vite che sono la mia. Storie di genitori LGB usciti dall’eterosessualità, (con Trappolin, L.) Meltemi, Milano, ISBN: 978-88-5519-566-9.

(2019) Raccontare l’omofobia in Italia. Genesi e sviluppi di una parola chiave, (con Trappolin, L.) Rosenberg & Sellier, Torino, ISBN: 978-88-7885-693-6.

(2016) Le eredi. Aziende vinicole di padre in figlia, Guerini, Milano, ISBN: 978-88-8107-396-2.

Edited Journal Issues:

(2021). “Cibo, migrazioni, passaggi. Cibo che si porta con sé, cibo che s’incontra” (con Bimbi, F.), Mondi Migranti 2/2021.

Articles in Refereed Journal:
(2023) “Is gender-critical feminism feeding the neo-conservative anti-gender rhetoric? Snapshots from the Italian public debate”, in Journal of Lesbian Studies. DOI: 10.1080/10894160.2023.2184908.

(2021) “Family Practices of Italian Lesbian and Gay Parents with Children from Heterosexual Relationships. Identity Transition and Pragmatic Bricolage” (con Trappolin, L.), in Rassegna Italiana di Sociologia, 4/2021: 879-904, DOI: 10.1423/103730.

(2021) “Commensality as citizenship. An Ethnographic Journey through Food and Migration” (con Bimbi, F.), Mondi Migranti 2/2021: 27-54. DOI: 10.3280/MM2021-002002

(2021) “Narratives of Catholic women against ‘Gender ideology’ in Italian schools: defending childhood, struggling with pluralism” (con Trappolin, L.), European Societies, 23(4): 513-532. DOI: 10.1080/14616696.2021.1943484

(2021) “Inversione dello stigma e aggiornamento delle retoriche anti-Lgbt: l’omofobia ‘contesa’ nel discorso mediatico italiano”, AG-AboutGender, 10(19): 268-294. DOI: 10.15167/2279-5057/AG2021.10.19.1240

(2021) “La protesta di madri e insegnati contro il gender a scuola. Meccanismi di attivazione tra convergenze e disomogeneità” (con Trappolin, L.), Polis. Ricerche e studi su società e politica, 1/2021: 105-129, DOI: 10.1424/10028

(2020) “Homophobia as a Keyword in the Italian Liberal Press (1979–2007). Debating New Boundaries of Sexual Citizenship” (con Trappolin, L.), Journal of Modern Italian Studies 25(5): 645-670, DOI: 10.1080/1354571X.2020.1825182

(2017) “Patrimonializzazione e distinzione del vino. Uno studio di caso in Veneto”, Archivio Antropologico Mediterraneo 19(1): 47-53, ISSN 2038-3215.

(2017) “‘Ragazze mie, bisogna andare avanti’. Legame sociale padre-figlia e trasmissione d’impresa”, The Lab’s Quarterly, 1/2017: 73-92, ISSN 1724-451X.

(2014) “Le eredi del vino. Genere, gestione delle emozioni e capitale erotico”, Rassegna Italiana di Sociologia 4/2014: 677-703, DOI 10.1423/78746.

Book Chapters:

(due in 2023) “Queering familialism? Lesbian and gay claims of parenthood and the transformation of intimate citizenship in Italy” (con Trappolin, L.) in M.P. Moreau, C. Lee and C. Okpokiri (eds) [pubblicazione prevista nel 2023]. Reinventing the family in uncertain times: Education, policy and social justice, London: Bloomsbury. ISBN:9781350287105.

(2015) “Donne ̔eredi del vino̕. Rappresentazioni dell’eredità aziendale in un’ottica di genere”, in A. De Feo e M. Pitzalis (a cura di) Produzione, riproduzione e distinzione. Studiare il mondo sociale con (e dopo) Bourdieu, Cuec (Double Blind Review), ISBN: 978-88-8467-952-9, pp. 193-208.

(2013) “Survey on Social Perception of VAW among Services' Professionals and Volunteers”, in F. Bimbi F. (a cura di) Agency of Migrant Women against Gender Violence, Edizioni alpha beta, Merano (BZ), ISBN 978-88-7223-213-2, pp. 25-39.

Research Area

Family practices and intimate life;
gender and generations in family lifes;
LGBT and queer families; men and masculinities;
violence and discrimination based on gender or sexual orientation;
changes and conflicts over sexual and intimate citizenship;
post-separation family transitions;
changes in gender and care arrangements;
mixed methods;
biographical and ethnographic methods.