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Associate Professor in Education (Scientific sector: M/PED04). University of Padua. Department of FISPPA.
Reasearch Interests: Pre- and in-service teacher education, quality, assessment and evaluation in educational contexts, on line learning, research methods.

• Undergraduate courses: “Pedagogia Sperimentale” and “Metodi d’indagine in contesti educativi”;
• Master courses: “Valutazione di sistema e formazione continua degli inseganti” and “Ricerca educativa e valutazione”, “Metodologia della ricerca educativa”.
• PhD courses: Methodology of research

Professional Association
- SIPED – Società Italiana di Pedagogia
- SIRD - Società Italiana di Ricerca Didattica
- EARLI - European Association of Research on Learning and Instruction
- SIG1 Assessment and evaluation: EARLI Special Interest Group
- CKBG - Collaborative Knowledge Building Group

Visiting Scholar
- Department of Teaching and Learning at Bowling Green State University (USA). Host Professor: Lan Li
- Department of Learning and Teaching Enhancement at Edinburgh Napier University (UK). Host professor: Kay Sambell. May 2018.
- Centre of Education and Research, School of Education, University of Northampton, (UK). Host professor: Cristina Devecchi. November 2013 - February 2014.
- Universidade do Estado do Rio De Janeiro - UERJ (BR). Host professor: professor Carmen Lucia de Mattos. October 2013 and June-July 2015.
- Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge (UK). Host professor: John Gray. April – July 2012.
- Université de Cergy-Pontoise (FR). Host professor: Séverine Colinet. September 2011.

Editorial activities
- Associate Editor of Qwerty, Journal of Technology, Culture and Education, (ISSN 1828-7344) (A level – ANVUR classification, Scopus indexed).
- Associate Editor of the International Journal of Student Voice, Pennsylvania State University.
- Member of Scientific Committee of the book collection “Giovani e desiderio di formazione”, Ed. Cafagna, Barletta.
- Guest Editor of the Special Issue "Student Voice and Technologies" in BJET - British Journal of Educational Technologies (2017)
- Guest editor of the Special Issue on “Assessment and Technologies” in IJET – Italian Journal of Educational Technology (2018)
- Guest Editor of the Special Issue on "Assessment and Feedback in the 21st Century: Lessons Learnt from the Past and Future Directions", in AISHE (2019).
- Guest Editor of the Special Issue on "Peer feedback and technology-enhanced assessment as critical issues to foster student learning" in Italian Journal of Educational Research (2019).

Referee for Academic Journals
- IJET Italian Journal of Educational Technology, edited by the National Research Council -Institution for the Educational Technologies (ITD-CNR, Genova);
- Italiana Journal of Educational Research;
- QWERTY - Interdisciplinary Journal of Technology, Culture and Education (Prodid).
- Encyclopaideia - Journal of Phenomenology and Education (Alma Mater Studiorum, University of Bologna)
- Form@re - Open Journal per la formazione in rete (University of Firenze)
- Excellence and Innovation in Learning and Teaching (Franco Angeli);
- Global Studies of Childhood (SAGE Publishing);
- Computer & Education (Elsevier Publishing)
- British Journal of Educational Technologies (Wiley Online Library).


Office hours

  • ATTENZIONE: Tempi e modalità di ricevimento sono flessibili e vanno SEMPRE concordati via mail: l'appuntamento concordato permette allo/a studente/studentessa di evitare lunghe attese per essere ricevuto/a, e alla docente di dedicare un tempo adeguato a ciascuno/a studente/essa. Quando si richiede un appuntamento, è consigliabile indicare il motivo della richiesta, oltre che precisare il proprio corso di laurea e l'insegnamento a cui eventualmente ci si riferisce.

  • Il ricevimento studenti si tiene in modalità telematica nella stanza Zoom (ID riunione: 924 1567 6066) previo appuntamento da prendere con la docente via posta elettronica indicando in modo chiaro il corso di laurea a cui si è iscritti e il motivo della richiesta di ricevimento.
