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- PhD in Pedagogical Educational and Instructional Sciences, University of Padua (Italy), and University of Paderborn (Paderborn, Germania). Title: “Correlates of physical activity in school-aged children: parents’ role in active living. A comparative study between Italy and Germany”.
- Teaching qualification for Physical Education in secondary schools. SSIS of Veneto.
- Master degree in Preventive and Adapted Physical Activity, University of Padua (Italy). Title: "Effetti di un programma di esercizio in persone con sclerosi multipla [Effects of exercise training in people with Multiple Sclerosis]".
- Bachelor degree in Sport Science.

Past positions
2022-2023: Associate Professor at University of Urbino.
2019-2022: Assistant Professor at University of Urbino.
2013-2019: Postdoctoral Fellow at University of Padua.

Erica Gobbi has over 15 years of teaching experience. In the Bachelor's degree course in Sport Sciences, she teaches courses such as 'Physical Activity in Childhood and Adolescence', 'Didactics of Physical Activity', and taught 'Individual Sports'. In the Master's degree course in Primary Education, she provided students with the course 'Primary School Physical Education'. Moreover, she contributes her knowledge to the Master's degree courses of Preventive and Adapted Physical Activity and Sport Sciences, teaching 'Sport and Disability' to further enhance students' understanding of inclusive practices in sports and physical activity.

She was involved in several national and international research projects, among these:
• PRIN 2022: “E-Hand. Empowering middle childhood Handwriting”, PI for the Unipd Unit,(2023-2025)
• Erasmus+ Sport project IMPACT (Identifying and Motivating youth who mostly need Physical ACTivity) (2017-2020) involving Universities and Educational Agencies in France, Greece, Italy, Spain, Turkey and UK;
• ERASMUS+ “LUDUS Just move have Fun - Development of Preschool Physical Activity Program for Strengthening of Grassroots Sports in EU” (2018-2019)
• Values-based education through sport International project founded by WADA, UNESCO, IOC, IPC, ICSSPE and IFPC, aimed at developing a cross-curricular resource-kit for teachers to sustain values-based education through sport and physical activity (2014-2017);
• Erasmus+ Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practice project named PETE-EU (Identifying best practices across physical education teacher education programmes: a European perspective) (2015-2018), aimed to promote improvement in the quality of physical education teacher education.