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Leonardo Giudicotti (1953) is an associate professor in the Department of Physics and Astronomy of Padova University. He is also a member of the Centre for Fusion Researches and a senior researcher at the Consorzio RFX. Leonardo Giudicotti graduated in physics at Padova University in 1978 (110/110). In the same year he joined the research group in experimental plasma physics at the Istituto Gas Ionizzati del CNR (the National Research Council of Italy), now Consorzio RFX. From 1978 to 1981, as a junior researcher he participated to the development and the operation of Thomson scattering diagnostics of the ETA BETA II RFP experiment. In 1981 he became research assistant at the Electrical Engineering Department of Padova University and started his teaching activity in various courses (general physics, plasma physics, solid state physics) of the School of Engineering. From 1988 to 1997 he was head of the Thomson scattering group of the Consorzio RFX, coordinating the activities for the development and operation of Thomson scattering and FIR polarimetry diagnostics and for plasma studies in the RFX experiment. From 1991 to 1993 he was also head of the Computer and Data Acquisition service of the Consorzio RFX. From 1997, as a senior researcher, he continued his activity in the field of plasma diagnostics in the RFX experiment and through several international collaborations. In 2006 he became associate professor at the Engineering Department of Padova University and member of the Academic Council of the International Doctorate in Fusion Science and Enginering. Since 2006 he has collaborated with researchers of various EU fusion laboratories for the design of FIR polarimetry (2006-2007) and of Thomson scattering diagnostics (2006 - 2017) for ITER. Since 2009 he is a member of the International Scientific Committee of the LAPD (Laser-Aided Plasma Diagnostics) Conference. He has published about 100 papers in peer-reviewed journals and conference proceedings.


Office hours

  • Tuesday from 13:00 to 14:00
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L. Giudicotti, M. Kempenaars, O. McCormack, J. Flanagan, R. Pasqualotto and JET contributors, First observation of the depolarization of Thomson scattering radiation by a fusion plasma, Nucl. Fusion 58 044003 (2018).

L. Giudicotti, Polarimetric Thomson scattering for high Te fusion plasmas, JINST 12 C11002 (2017).

R. Scannell, M. Maslov, G. Naylor, T. O’Gorman, M. Kempenaars, M. Carr, P. Bilkova, P. Bohm, L. Giudicotti, R. Pasqualotto, M. Bassan, G. Vayakis, M. Walsh and R. Huxford, "Design advances of the Core Plasma Thomson Scattering diagnostic for ITER" JINST 12 C11010 (2017).

M. Zuin, S. Dal Bello, L. Marrelli, M.E. Puiatti, P. Agostinetti, M. Agostini, V. Antoni, F. Auriemma, M. Barbisan, T. Barbui, M. Baruzzo, F. Belli, P. Bettini, M. Bigi, R. Bilel, M. Boldrin, T. Bolzonella, D. Bonfiglio, M. Brombin, A. Buffa, C. Bustreo, A. Canton, S. Cappello, L. Carraro, R. Cavazzana, D. Cester, L. Chacon, G. Chitarin, W.A. Cooper, L. Cordaro, M. Dalla Palma, S. Deambrosis, R. Delogu, A. De Lorenzi, G. De Masi, J.Q. Dong, D.F. Escande, A. Fassina, F. Felici, A. Ferro, C. Finotti, P. Franz, L. Frassinetti, E. Gaio, F. Ghezzi, L. Giudicotti, F. Gnesotto, M. Gobbin, W.A. Gonzalez, L. Grando, S.C. Guo, J.D. Hanson, S.P. Hirshman, P. Innocente, J.L. Jackson, S. Kiyama, M. Komm, O. Kudlacek, L. Laguardia, C. Li, B. Liu, S.F. Liu, Y.Q. Liu, D. López-Bruna, R. Lorenzini, T.C. Luce, A. Luchetta, A. Maistrello, G. Manduchi, D.K. Mansfield, G. Marchiori, N. Marconato, D. Marcuzzi, P. Martin, E. Martines, S. Martini, G. Mazzitelli, O. McCormack, E. Miorin, B. Momo, M. Moresco, Y. Narushima, M. Okabayashi, R. Paccagnella, N. Patel, M. Pavei, S. Peruzzo, N. Pilan, L. Pigatto, R. Piovan, P. Piovesan, C. Piron, L. Piron, I. Predebon, G. Pucella, C. Rea, M. Recchia, A. Rizzolo, G. Rostagni, C. Ruset, L. Sajò-Bohus, H. Sakakita, R. Sanchez, J.S. Sarff, F. Sattin, P. Scarin, O. Schmitz, W. Schneider, M. Siragusa, P. Sonato, E. Spada, S. Spagnolo, M. Spolaore, D.A. Spong, G. Spizzo, L. Stevanato, Y. Suzuki, C. Taliercio, D. Terranova, O. Tudisco, G. Urso, M. Valente, M. Valisa, M. Vallar, M. Veranda, N. Vianello, F. Villone, P. Vincenzi, N. Visonà, R.B. White, P. Xanthopoulos, X.Y. Xu, V. Yanovskiy, A. Zamengo, P. Zanca, B. Zaniol, L. Zanotto, Y. Zhang and E. Zilli, "Overview of the RFX-mod fusion science activity", Nucl. Fusion 57 102012 (2017).

O. McCormack, L. Giudicotti, A. Fassina, and R. Pasqualotto, “Dual-laser, self-calibrating Thomson scattering measurements in RFX-mod”, Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 59, 055021 (2017).

A. Fassina, F. Pretato, M. Barbisan, L. Giudicotti and R. Pasqualotto, "Feasibility Study of a NBI Photoneutralizer Based on Nonlinear Gating Laser Recirculation", Rev. Sci. Instrum. 87, 02B318 (2016).

L. Giudicotti, M. Bassan, F.P. Orsitto, R. Pasqualotto, K. Kempenaars and J. Flanagan, "Conceptual design of a polarimetric Thomson scattering diagnostic in ITER" JINST 11 C01071 (2016).

L. Giudicotti and R. Pasqualotto, "On the calibration of polarimetric Thomson scattering by Raman polarimetry", Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 57 125015 (2015).