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Present position
Associate Professor in Economic Statistics at the Department of Statistical Science - University of Padua.

Previous position and education
1991 Degree in Economics and Statistics - University of Padua
1995 PhD in Applied Statistics - University of Florence
1994-1996 statistics researcher at Centro Studi San Salvador - Telecom Italia
1996-1999 Post-doctoral fellowship - University of Padua
1999-2002 Research fellowship - University di Padua
2002-2017 Assistant professor in Economic Statistics - University of Padua.


Office hours

  • Tuesday from 9:00 to 10:30

  • Friday from 9:00 to 10:30



Meggiolaro S., Giraldo A., Clerici R. (2017), “A multilevel competing risks model for analysis of university students’ careers in Italy”, in Studies in higher education, 42(7), 1259-1274.

Clerici R., Giraldo A., Meggiolaro S. (2015), “The determinants of academic outcomes in a competing risks approach: evidence from Italy”, in Studies in higher education, 40(9), 1535-1549.

Giraldo A., Dalla Zuanna G., Rettore E. (2015), “Childcare and participation at work in North-East Italy: Why do Italian and foreign mothers behave differently?”, Statistical Methods & Applications, 24, 339–358.

Clerici R., Giraldo A. (2014), “Un’indagine tra gli studenti padovani”, in Successo e insuccesso negli studi universitari. Dati, interpretazioni e proposte dall’ateneo di Padova, a cura di G. Zago, A. Giraldo e R. Clerici, Il Mulino, Bologna, 57-69.

Giraldo A. (2014), “I fattori psicologici, individuali e familiari che influenzano gli esiti universitari” in Successo e insuccesso negli studi universitari. Dati, interpretazioni e proposte dall’ateneo di Padova, a cura di G. Zago, A. Giraldo e R. Clerici, Il Mulino, Bologna, 87-103.

Anastasia B., Giraldo A., Paggiaro A. (2013), “L’effetto degli incentivi alle assunzioni e alle trasformazioni. Prime evidenze per il Veneto”, Politica economica, XXIX, 2, 181-197.

Del Boca D., Giraldo A. (2013), “Why has the growth of female employment in Italy been so slow?”, Journal of Modern Italian Studies, 18(4), 485-499.

Giraldo A., Dalla Zuanna G. (2006), “Investigation of a unit non-response adjustment procedure: the case of the Urban Fertility Survey, Italy, 2001-2002”, Population, 61(3), 295-307.

Trivellato U., Giraldo A. (2006), “Assessing the ‘choosiness’ of job seekers. An exploratory approach and evidence for Italy”, Labour, 20(1), 1-36.

Research Area

Research interest: Data quality in sample surveys, missing data, measurement of employment and unemployment, impact evaluation of public policies, students' career in higher education.