Address book
Professoressa Ordinaria

I am a legal historian with a passion for interdisciplinary studies. I have been appointed Full Professor of Medieval and Modern Legal History at the Department of Private Law and Critique of Law (DPCD) of the University of Padua after having obtained, in 2020, an ERC Consolidator Grant for my project MICOLL: "Migrating Commercial Law and Language. Rethinking Lex Mercatoria (11th-17th Century)" (2021-2026). In 2022 I won the FARE Grant of the Italian Ministry of University and Research for the Project "Iustitia Mercatoria. Places, Space, and Iconographies of Mercantile Justice in Europe (11th-17th Cent.)" - IUSTITIAM, 2022-2027.
I hold a PhD in legal history both from the University of Milano-Bicocca (Italy) and the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (Paris, France) and in 2011 my first book, based on my doctoral thesis, was published ("East India Company. Una storia giuridica (1600-1708)", Bologna: Il Mulino). After having spent several years to study for my PhD around Europe (MPIER Frankfut am Main, LSE London and EHESS Paris) within the framework of the European Doctorate in European Legal Cultures (Marie Curie, 6th framework program) I went back to Rome in 2009, where I started teaching at Arcadia University, the College of Global Studies (course: "Human Rights in Historical Perspective", from 2010 until 2016, and Summer Program: "A European Human Rights Crisis", 2016).
I have been part of digitalization projects of ancient legal manuscripts and books as a temporary research fellow of the Universities of RomaTre and Palermo (FIRB-MOSAICO Project and BOOKALIVE Project). In 2016-17, at the University of Helsinki, I took part, as a post-doc fellow, in the project "The Making of Commercial Law: Common Practices and National Legal Rules from the Early Modern to the Modern Period", funded by the Academy of Finland and the Finnish Cultural Foundation.
My main research interests lie in the history of commercial law and in the relationship between Law and the Humanities (with a focus on architecture and iconography). See also:
Office hours
Tuesday from 14:00 to 16:00
at Dipartimento di diritto privato e critica del diritto, Palazzo Bo, Via VIII febbraio 2, 4° piano (seguire le indicazioni per l'Aula Vigini) oppure online (piattaforma Zoom)
La prof.ssa Gialdroni riceve il martedì dalle 14:00 alle 16:00 nella sua stanza al quarto piano del Bo (accanto all'Aula Vigini). E' anche possibile concordare un appuntamento via Zoom o parlare con la docente dopo le lezioni. Si prega gentilmente di inviare una mail prima di venire al ricevimento.
Research Area
History of commercial law in the Middle Ages and in the Early Modern Period; Law and the Humanities (focus on Law and Visual Art); Legal protection of cultural heritage in historical perspective.