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Ricercatore a tempo det. art. 24 c. 3 lett. A L. 240/2010




Alberto Giacomelli is RTDA researcher in SSD M-FIL/04 Aesthetics and Philosophy of Languages at the department FISPPA (Philosophy, Sociology, Pedagogy and Applied Psychology) of the University of Padua, and he is responsible for the teaching of Aesthetics for the degree course in Disciplines of Arts, Music and Performing Arts within the DBC (Department of Cultural Heritage: Archaeology, History of Art, Film and Music). In 2020, he was awarded the Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale, sector 11 C/4, Estetica e Filosofia dei Linguaggi, II Fascia. He has carried out research activities at the Eberhard Karls Universität in Tübingen, the Humboldt and the Technische Universität in Berlin and was Visiting Lecturer at the Graduate School Faculty of Art and Letters, Tohoku University (東北大学) in Sendai. He is a member of the Colli-Montinari Interdepartmental Centre for the Study of Nietzsche and European Culture, of the Permanent Nietzsche Seminar, of the Italian Society of Aesthetics, of the HermAes Departmental Research Group (Hermeneutics, Aesthetics, Phenomenology and Intercultural Studies) and of the Mushin'en International Group (無心円). His main research interests concern 19th and 20th century German aesthetics and philosophy, with particular reference to Nietzsche's thought, the relationship between philosophy and artistic-literary languages and Sino-Japanese thought forms. He is the author of contributions to national and international journals and books, and of the monographs Simbolica per tutti e per nessuno. Stile e figurazione nello Zarathustra di Nietzsche (Mimesis, 2012); Bauhaus absconditum. Arte, corpo e mistica alle radici del modernismo (Mimesis, 2019); Tipi umani e figure dell'esistenza. Goethe, Nietzsche e Simmel per una filosofia delle forme di vita (Mimesis, 2021), as well as translator and editor of Ryōsuke Ōhashi's work Kire: il bello in Giappone (Mimesis, 2017).


Office hours

  • Thursday from 11:00 to 12:30
    at Studio del Docente, Piazza Capitaniato 3, secondo piano
    Il presente orario di ricevimento vale solo per il mese di marzo 2024, a partire da aprile tornerà l'orario consueto 12.00-14.00. Si prega in ogni caso di contattare il docente via mail per prendere un appuntamento.