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Ricercatrice a tempo det. art. 24 c.3 lett. A L. 240/2010




M. Carmen Domínguez Gutiérrez is a tenure-track researcher (SPAN-01/C) at University of Padova Department of Political Science, Law and International Studies where she teaches Spanish Language and Advanced Spanish Language courses. She obtained her PhD at the international program of Ca' Foscari Venezia (Languages, cultures and society) and Sorbonne Université Paris (Civilizations, cultures, literatures and societies). She degree in Spanish and Hispanic American Language and Literatures from Ca' Foscari Venezia and in Modern and Contemporary History from Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, where she also obtained her DEA in Modern History. She has translated several scientific works and monographs in the historical-artistic and philosophical fields for publishers such as Alianza, Anaya, Biblioteca Nueva, and Viella. She is the author of two monographs and about twenty articles in journals and collective volumes. She has participated in various research projects at foreign universities, including UBA (Argentina), UNED (Spain), and CRIMIC (Sorbonne Université Paris), and in research programs of Spanish institutions such as the Real Academia de la Historia. She is a member of the editorial committees of the journals Les Ateliers du Sal (Sorbonne Université Paris) and Oltreoceano (University of Udine), and of the series Diaspore (Ca' Foscari Venezia), Lince-o and Languages, linguistics and politics (CLEUP, University of Padua).


Office hours

  • Wednesday from 10:00 to 12:00
    at Via del Santo, 77 /
    Si prega di concordare il ricevimento sia presenziale che telematico con la docente ( Please contact me at before joining my office hours as it helps organising the meeting and limit waiting times. Meetings via zoom may take place at the student’s request.


[Selection of the latest publications]

(2024), El Nobel de Literatura: seis trayectorias hispanoamericanas. Valladolid: Difácil.

(2024), «El viejo soldado de Héctor Tizón. La otredad como forma de encontrar la identidad», Oltreoceano, 23, pp. 217-227.

(2024), «Los estudios de Renzo de Felice y Emilio Gentile en la historiografía argentina: tres ejemplos», Cuadernos americanos, 188, pp.107-123.

(2023), «La querella de la lengua y la Generación argentina del 37», Orillas, 12, pp. 307-317.

(2023), «Variaciones de Antígona», El hilo de la fábula, 26, pp. 22-31.

(2023), «“Las palabras son nómadas”. Las afinidades lexicales de Ida Vitale», Ogigia. Revista electrónica de estudios hispánicos, 33, pp.149-165.

(2022), El exilio republicano de José Bergamín en América Latina (1939-1954). Madrid: Visor.

(2022), «La utopía vanguardista de los estridentistas: El Café de Nadie», Oltreoceano, L’utopia nelle scritture delle Americhe, 19, pp. 169-176.

(2022), «Habitar en esta esquina del mundo: entre el mito y la utopía. La narrativa de la escritora cubana Mylene Fernández Pintado», Gramma, 69, pp. 1-13.

(2022), «Un hombre muerto a puntapiés de Pablo Palacio», en Sabrina Costanzo, Domenico Antonio Cusato y Gemma Persico (eds.) (2022), La investigación y sus manifestaciones artísticas. Texto, método, elaboración electrónica, Madrid, Visor, pp. 119-130.

(2022), «El ballet Don Lindo de Almería: un Lohengrín andaluz surca los cielos mexicanos», in Marcela Croce, Silvia Lunardi e Susanna Regazzoni (a cura di), Dal Mediterraneo all’América Latina, Collana Diaspore, Edizioni Ca’ Foscari, 17, pp. 123-142.

Research Area

- Variants of Spanish and language policies in Spanish-speaking countries
- Intellectual networks between Spain and Latin America and their role in cultural policies
- Literary texts as a source for the study and teaching of history