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Professore Ordinario






Full Professor of French Language, Translation, and Linguistics
Italian academic sector: FRAN-01/B

University of Padova
Department of Political Science, Law, and International Studies

1990 to present: Member of the international team collaborating with the Laboratoire d’automatique documentaire et linguistique (LADL) of Paris 7 University (founded by Prof. Maurice Gross), which merged in 2002 with the Computational Linguistics Group of the Gaspard-Monge computer science research laboratory (LIGM, Gustave Eiffel University).

2008 to 2014: Member of the supervisory panel for the PhD program in "French linguistics" at the University of Brescia.

2011 to 2013: Principal investigator of a research project funded by the University of Padua (CPDA101713/10, 2010 call) entitled "The Discourse of Mediation between Terminology and Translation."

2016 to 2018: Principal investigator of a research project funded by the University of Padua (BIRD161093/16, 2016 call) entitled " Ontoterminology of Mediation. A Contribution to Mediation and New Social Policies."

2024 to 2027: Principal investigator and representative of the University of Padua for the EU-funded project "ICARET – Interculturality Concepts Analysed & Renewed for Education Training," positively evaluated under the Erasmus+ program, Key Action 2, KA220-HED "Cooperation Partnerships in Higher Education."

2001 to 2004: Member of the Executive Board of SUSLLF (Società Universitaria per gli Studi di Lingua e Letteratura Francese – the Italian Academic Society for French Studies).

2006 to 2008: Director of the University of L'Aquila Language Center.

2007 to 2008: Organizer of the 27th International Conference on Lexis and Grammar (L'Aquila, 10-13 September 2008), jointly with Prof. Éric Laporte (Computational Linguistics Group, LIGM, Gustave Eiffel University).

2011 to 2018: Organizer and scientific coordinator of seven international conferences at the University of Padova, focusing on legal translation (2011) and mediation (2012-2018).

May 2015: Visiting Professor at Paris-Sud University (Faculté Jean Monnet – Droit, Économie, Gestion).

2007: Named Chevalier dans l’Ordre des Palmes Académiques by decree of the Prime Minister of the French Republic, for contributions to the promotion of French culture.

Serves on the editorial boards of several book series ("Cellule de Recherche en Linguistique", Paris; "Lingue d’Europa e del Mediterraneo", Rome) and journals ("Écho des études romanes. Revue semestrielle de linguistique et littératures romanes", Institute for Romance Studies, Faculty of Philosophy, University of South Bohemia (USB) in České Budějovice, Czech Republic; "Cross-Media Languages. Applied Research, Digital Tools and Methodologies", Department of Humanistic Research and Innovation of the Aldo Moro University of Bari).

A specialist in linguistics, his main research interests include grammatical theory, comparative syntax of Italian and French (notably the variants of Quebec French), lexicography, terminology, specialized discourse (especially in law and mediation), and interculturality. He is the author of four volumes (two co-authored) and over eighty scholarly articles, as well as the editor of several academic volumes.


Students are requested not to email the professor for information that is already available on the UNIWEB site (program, texts, exam dates, etc.) and on the SESP Moodle platform (, in the Professor’s section), providing detailed information on the teaching offer for the first and second semesters of the current academic year.
Students are kindly requested not to apply for exams out of exam sessions.

Office hours

  • at Studio del docente, via del Santo 77, secondo piano.
    Si rammenta che gli studenti possono accedere alla sede del ricevimento soltanto con il badge (e non citofonando o scampanellando reiteratamente). Poiché potrebbero verificarsi modifiche o rinvii per sopravvenuta concomitanza di impegni istituzionali, gli studenti sono invitati a controllare sempre questo sito (anche prima di recarsi al ricevimento).



Please find attached a pdf file containing the list of Professor Michele De Gioia’s publications.

Research Area

Grammatical theories, comparative syntax of Italian and French (including the variation of Quebec French), lexicography, terminology, specialized discourses (law, mediation), and interculturality.

Thesis proposals


- Legal languages

- Language rights

- Linguistic Minorities

- Terminologies

- Translations

- Specialized discourses

- Mediation (including linguistic and cultural mediation)

- Political languages

- Language policies

- French 17th century

Professor De Gioia in all cases prepared to consider topics proposed by students.