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Professoressa Associata





For Bachelor or Master thesis, I only accept students who have reached the required number of credits and can make a formal request.
For Master students, I will only supervise students who plan to dedicate at least 6 full months to the thesis research, without considering writing time, and who are available to start working in short time after making the request. Very early requests or those where the person is not available to start working on the thesis within a short time will no longer be accepted.

Office hours

  • Monday from 10:00 to 12:00
    at Zoom su appuntamento/Zoom by appointment: Meeting ID: 873 9077 6565
    Gli studenti possono scrivermi per la tesi triennale o magistrale solo DOPO aver raggiunto il numero di crediti formativi necessari. Per gli studenti magistrali, prendo solo persone pensano di dedicare almeno 6 mesi interi al lavoro di tesi, senza considerare la scrittura, e che sono disponibili a cominciare a lavorare a stretto giro dopo aver fatto richiesta. Richieste molto anticipate o dove la persona non è disposta a mettersi al lavoro in tempi brevi non verrano più accolte. For Bachelor or Master thesis, I only accept students who have reached the required number of credits and can make a formal request. For Master students, I will only supervise those who plan to dedicate at least 6 full months to the thesis research, without considering writing time, and who are available to start working in short time after making the request. Very early requests or those where the person is not available to start working on the thesis within a short time will no longer be accepted.

Research Area

Treatment and prevention of mental disorders in adults and children
Active components and mechanisms of psychotherapy
Meta-research and meta-epidemiological research
Psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy