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Ricercatore a tempo det. art. 24 c. 3 lett. B L. 240/2010





I received my Ph.D. in Social Sciences – Interaction, Communication, Cultural Construction, in 2013 from the University of Padova. Currently, I am tenure track Assistant Professor in Sociology at the Department of Philosophy, Sociology, Education and Applied Psychology (FISPPA – Section of Sociology), University of Padova. My current empirical field of inquiry focuses on the investigation of the cultural, epistemological and ethical dimensions of the scientific and technological innovation processes, with particular attention to the life sciences and ICT. I have strong expertise in conducting empirical research, with special attention to qualitative case studies methodology.

In the last years, I have published several book chapters and paper in Italian and international peer-reviewed journals such as “Social Theory and Health”, “Sociology Compass”, “Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW)”, “Tecnoscienza: Italian Journal of Science & Technology Studies”, “Studi Organizzativi” and “Salute e Società”. I am author of a research monograph entitled “From the molecule to the patient. Biomedicine in contemporary society” (Il Mulino, 2017), which investigates the current cultural, organizational and technoscientific changes in contemporary healthcare settings and biomedicine. I am editor of the international scientific journal “Tecnoscienza: Italian Journal of Science and Technology Studies”. I’m also member of the journal “Studi Culturali” (Il Mulino).

From 2019 to 2021 I have been Secretary of “STS Italia”, the Italian Society for the Social Study of Science & Technology. I am member of the Padova Science, Technology and Innovation Studies (Pa.S.T.I.S.) Research Unit at the Department of Philosophy, Sociology, Education and Applied Psychology of the University of Padova. I am also member of national and international scientific associations, such as the European Association for the Study of Science and Technology (EASST), and Italian Society for the Study of Science and Technology (STS Italia).


Office hours

  • Monday from 10:00 to 13:00
    at Via Cesarotti, 12 - 2° piano, studio
    - Per concordare un appuntamento (in presenza oppure in modalità online) scrivere una mail al docente: - To arrange an indivudual meeting, please send an email to



- 2017: Crabu S., Dalla Molecola al paziente. La Biomedicina nella società contemporanea, Bologna: Il Mulino.

- 2017: Crabu S. (a cura di, con Giardullo P., Miele F. e Turrini, M.), Sociotechnical Environments. Proceedings of the 6th STS Italia Conference, Milano: STS Italia Publishing.


- 2022: Crabu S. (con Mariani, I. e Schmittinger, F.), “Framing Real-Life Experimentations as Case Studies”, in A. Deserti, M. Real, F. Schmittinger (a cura di) Co-creation for Responsible Research and Innovation. Experimenting with Design Methods and Tools: Cham: Springer, pp. 25-35.

- 2020: Crabu S., “Salute, cura e biomedicina”, in P. Magaudda e F. Neresini (a cura di) Gli studi sociali sulla scienza e la tecnologia, Bologna: Il Mulino, pp. 159 – 173.

- 2017: Crabu S. (con Giardullo P., Miele F. e Turrini, M.), “Performing Sociotechnical Environments : intersections of bodies, knowledge, artefacts and politics”, in S. Crabu (a cura di, con Giardullo P., Miele F. e Turrini, M.) Sociotechnical Environments. Proceedings of the 6th STS Italia Conference, Milano: STS Italia Publishing, pp. 11 –15.

- 2015: Crabu S. (con Magaudda P.), “Le reti wireless comunitarie: infrastrutture distribuite, processi di innovazione, attivismo tecnoscientifico”, in R. Caso e F. Giovanella (a cura di), Reti di libertà. Wireless Community Networks: un'analisi interdisciplinare, Napoli: Editoriale Scientifica, pp. 57 –102.

- 2014: Crabu S., “Give us a protocol and we will rise a lab. The shaping of the infra-structuring objects”, in A. Mongili and G. Pellegrino (a cura di), Information Infrastructure(s): Boundaries, Ecologies, Multiplicity, Newcastle, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 120 – 165.


- 2021: Crabu S. (con Giardullo, P., Sciandra, A. e Neresini, F.), “Politics overwhelms science in the Covid-19 pandemic: Evidence from the whole coverage of the Italian quality newspapers”, in PLOS ONE, e0252034. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0252034

- 2021: Crabu S., “Exploring the constitution of biomedicine through the lens of science and technology studies: from local ethnographies to computational sociology and back. A dialogue with Alberto Cambrosio”, Rassegna Italiana di Sociologia, Vol. LXII, N. 1, pp. 197 – 217.

- 2021: Crabu S., “Organizing the precision clinic: arranging expertise, knowledge and technologies in cancer precision medicine clinical trials”, in New Genetics and Society, Vol. 40, N. 1, pp. 58 – 72. DOI: 10.1080/14636778.2021.1882839.

- 2020: Crabu S. (con Magaudda P.), “Cosa possiamo imparare dal science-related populism per rilanciare la sfida al populismo culturale”, in Studi Culturali, Vol. XVII, N. 3, pp. 391 – 398. DOI: 10.1405/99456.

- 2019: Crabu S., “Learning and Shaping Expert Knowledges: The Case of Precision Medicine”, in Sociologica, Vol. 13, N. 3, pp. 107 – 118. DOI: 10.6092/issn.1971-88

Research Area

- Socio-technical dimensions of biomedical innovation, and post-genomic sciences;
- Technoscientific innovation from below, with particular attention to the role of citizens and patients in biomedical innovation;
- Processes and practices of contesting the epistemic authority of science and scientific institutions;
- Reconfiguration of scientific expertise and lay epistemology;
- The public construction of technoscience and media representations;
- The governance of technoscience, and Responsible Research and Innovation: institutions and practices.

Thesis proposals

I'm available to supervise thesis projects focussed on my current research activities (see the section "Research areas).