Address book
Professoressa Associata

Office hours
Monday from 12:00 to 13:00
at Dipartimento di Scienze politiche, giuridiche e studi internazionali. c/o lo Studio del docente, via S. Francesco, 17 (campanello, Università)
Si consiglia di scrivere preventivamente una mail al docente a questo indirizzo bianca.checchini@unipd.itA seguito dell'emergenza sanitaria ancora in corso, è sempre possibile contattare il docente all'indirizzo di posta elettronica, Sarà poi possibile concordare un incontro col docente in modalità telematica.
- PRIVATE LAW, AA 2024 (SP09104044)
- PRIVATE LAW, AA 2024 (EPP4063685)
- PRIVATE LAW, AA 2023 (SP09104044)
- PRIVATE LAW, AA 2023 (EPP4063685)
- PRIVATE LAW, AA 2022 (SP09104044)
- PRIVATE LAW, AA 2022 (EPP4063685)
- PRIVATE LAW, AA 2021 (SP09104044)
- PRIVATE LAW, AA 2021 (EPP4063685)
- PRIVATE LAW, AA 2020 (SP09104044)
- PRIVATE LAW, AA 2020 (EPP4063685)
- PRIVATE LAW, AA 2019 (SUP6074738)
- PRIVATE LAW, AA 2019 (SP09104044)
- PRIVATE LAW, AA 2018 (SP09104044)
- PRIVATE LAW, AA 2017 (SP09104044)
Thesis proposals
I suggest some of the indicated titles:
- The custody of children in marriage, when in a time of crisis, or when the parents are not married.
- The rights of the unborn child.
- Antidiscrimination law in the European and Italian legal systems.
- The principle of the Best Interest of the Child and its relationship to the assignment of status filiationis.
- The M.A.P. Law and its evaluation in relation to national and European Courts.
- The filiation into same sex couples in respect to Italian legislation and Court rulings.
- Privacy Law in the digital age.
- The new Law regarding medical care.
- The right to identity: the right to know your origin within the adoption law.
- Gender diversity within marriage (the law regarding gender reassignment; the "inforced divorce" and the law of civil partnership).
- Surrogacy and Internation Public Order.
- Filiation: a new foundation.
- The protection of the vulnerable: the administration of support in accordance with the law and practise.
- The Law regarding Civil Union: criticisme and application.
- The Caregiver and Disability.
- The Law of Termination of Pregnancy.
- Evolution of Liability in Tort.
- The right of withdrawal and Consumer Rights.
- Leasing Contract.
- Privacy and Covid-19.