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Professore Associato





Paolo Centomo (PC) obtains the degree in Chemistry in 2002 at the University of Padova. In 2006 PC obtains the PhD in Chemical Sciences (on April 6th) and a post doc position (renewed in 2008 and in 2009) at the Department of Chemical Sciences of the University of Padova. On December 15th 2010, PC obtained a permanent position as Researcher (Ricercatore Universitario) in the frame of the Deparment of Chemical Sciences of the University of Padova. In 2013, the position of Researcher of PC becomes permanent.
Since the academic year 2010-2011 to 2022-2023, PC is Aggregate Professor (Professore Aggregato) at the Department of Chemical Sciences of the University of Padova. In 2022 PC becomes Associate Professor at the Department of Chemical Sciences.

PC is involved in programs for the dissemination of Chemistry supported by the Department of Chemical Sciences, such as "Vivipadova - Un'aula grande come la mia città" (for the schools of the municipality of Padova) and "Non è Magia, è Chimica". In the frame of the latter, PC participates as member of the organizing committee and co-organizer of the small theater company, "I MagiChimici". PC is also active in European Science Olympiads (EOES) as Mentor for Chemistry.


Office hours

  • at Presso l'ufficio del docente: ex-Centro Interchimico (edificio 00210), via Marzolo 1, VIII piano (area dei laboratori di ricerca).
    Dal lunedì al venerdì dalle 9 alle 13 e dalle 14.30 alle 17.30 (previo appuntamento).


PC is co-author of more than 50 articles on international journals with peer-reviewing and reviewed in JCR, four patents, two articles in a national journal, three invited book chapters and tens of communications to national and international conferences.

Research Area

The research activity of PC is focused on the synthesis of size controlled metal nanoparticles using cross-linked functional polymers as templates and supports.These materials are mainly used as heterogeneous catalysts in technologically relevant reactions, such as the chemoselective hydrogenation of α,ß-unsaturated aldehydes and chetones to the corresponding alcohols, the chemoselective oxidation of primary aliphatic alcohols to the corresponding aldehydes, the direct synthesis of hydrogen peroxide, the conversion of glycerol to 1,2-propanol and the catalytic synthesis of chemicals from renewable feedstocks.
One of the topics of the research activity of PC is the investigation of the morphology of cross-linked polymers, remarkably affecting the growth, the stabilization of the metal nanoparticles and the molecular accessibility, therefore determining the the mass transfer phenomena. This investigation leaded to a novel research project focused on the development of advanced polymer materials for the solid state synthesis of peptides.
PC is also interested in the development of novel acid catalysts, based on functional resins, for reaction involving lipophilic reagents.
In the frame of his research activity, PC also evaluates the morphology of the metal nanoparticles inside the cross-linked functional polymers and their evolution under reaction conditions, with techniques based on synchrotron radiation (XAS).

PC is also actively cooperating with leader companies in the field of detergency for the development of advanced technologies.

Thesis proposals

Students in Chemistry and Industrial Chemistry can apply for internship with us aimed at the preparation of the Thesis for Bachelor and Master level degrees.

The possible topics concern the investigation and development of heterogeneous catalysts based on cross-linked functional polymers for applications to fine chemistry. This investigation can possibly include the development and the characterization of novel polymer materials suitable for the selected catalytic reaction.

We are also cooperating with leader companies in the field of detergency and, according to their needs, this could also be included to the topics for internship.

For further details, please contact me.