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Education and training
2001 Degree in Chemistry, University of Padova with 110/110 and laude
2002 Italian Crystallography Asociation SCUOLA AIC 2002 "Il problema della fase in Cristallografia" (Bressanone,Italy)
2003 Attended European specialized course HERCULES 2003 "Higher European Research Course for Users of Large Experimental Systems" Session B: neutron and synchrotron radiation for biomolecu- lar structure and dynamics (Grenoble, France).
2004 37th Int.School of Crystallography 2005 "Evolving methods for Macromol Crystallography." (E. Majorana center, Erice, Italy)
2005 Ph.D. in Chemistry - Univ. Padova, Italy;
PhD thesis subject: “" Structural studies on Cag proteins from the Pathogenicity island of H. pylori."
2005 “European Workshop on Challenging proteins." (Paris, France)
2010 Practical Workshop: “Use of longer wavelengths in Structural Biology.” (Grenoble, France) 2017 Bridging the gap between cryo-EM and crystallography". Pavia, Italy
Research activities
2000-2001: Undergraduate student at the Dept. of Organic Chemistry - University of Padova, Italy 2002-2005: Ph.D. student - Department of Chemistry, University of Padova and VIMM Institute.
2005-2009: 4 years Post-graduate fellow at the Dept. of Chemical Sciences of the Univ. of Padova. Field of Study: “Structural Proteomic of Helicobacter pylori pathogenicity island cag-PAI.” 2009-2010: Post-graduate fellow at the Dept. of Biological Chemistry (Padova) Field of Study: “Structural characterization of virulence factors of the bacterium H. pylori.”
2010-2011: Post-graduate fellow at the Dept of Biological Chemistry (University of Padova); “Calcium signaling in health and disease.”
2011-2012: Young Researchers Post-graduate Fellow (“Bando Giovani Studiosi 2011”, University of Padova); “Mapping the maturation cycle of the [fefe]-hydrogenases."
05/2012: Assistant professor - Dept. of Biology (University of Padova, Biochemistry Unit)

54 Scientific publications on peer-reviewed international journals in PubMed
ChemMedChem.; ACS Med Chem Lett.; Phytomedicine; Sci. Rep.; J. Biol., Chem.; J. Mol. Biol.; Appl Microbiol Biotechnol.; Plant Cell; Nature Chem. Biol.; J Struct Biol.; Structure; Mol. Micro- biol.; ACS Chem. Biol.; FEBS Lett and FEBS J.; Proteins; Biochemistry; World J Gastroenterol.; Plos One; Biochim Biophys Acta; J. Virol.; Acta Crystallogr. Sect. F; Acta Crystallogr. Sect. D; Int. J. Biochem. Cell. Biol.; IUBMB Life; Mol Pharmacol.; Chembiochem.
4 book chapters contributions (Springer, Pan Stanford Publishing)
The H-INDEX of Laura Cendron is 23 (Google Scholar), 20 (Scopus). Total citations of his manu- scripts are >1270 (Google Scholar)and >910 (Scopus).
Research activities in her Lab have been supported by:
Italian Ministry of Education; Padova University; Micheal J.Fox Foundation; IIT ( Istituto Italiano di Technologia)
2011 Selected as Young Investigator (“Bando Giovani Studiosi 2011”, University of Padova)
2013 Premio Nardelli for Young Italian Crystallographers who achieved or developed (AIC associa- tion)
2013- Member of the school board of PhD program in Bioscience of the University of Padova.
2016- member of “Commissione didattica” for Bachelor and Master degree in Molecular Biology. Member of the AIC society, Italian partner of IUCr, and SIB society, Italian partner of FEBS.


Office hours

  • Tuesday from 14:00 to 15:00
    at area di ricerca, sesto piano sud (stanza 60)
    Riceve su appuntamento in altre fasce orarie (contattare via mail).


Most recent publications.

1: Celenza G, Vicario M, Bellio P, Linciano P, Perilli M, Oliver A, Blazquez J,Cendron L, Tondi D. Phenylboronic Acid Derivatives as Validated Leads Active in Clinical Strains Overexpressing KPC-2: A Step against Bacterial Resistance. ChemMedChem. 2018 Apr 6;13(7):713-724.
2: Spyrakis F, Celenza G, Marcoccia F, Santucci M, Cross S, Bellio P, Cendron L, Perilli M, Tondi D. Structure-Based Virtual Screening for the Discovery of Novel Inhibitors of New Delhi Metallo-β-lactamase-1. ACS Med Chem Lett. 2017 Nov26;9(1):45-50.
3: Bellio P, Di Pietro L, Mancini A, Piovano M, Nicoletti M, Brisdelli F, Tondi D, Cendron L, Franceschini N, Amicosante G, Perilli M, Celenza G. SOS response in bacteria: Inhibitory activity of lichen secondary metabolites against Escherichia coli RecA protein. Phytomedicine. 2017 Jun 15;29:11-18.
4: Marchetti M, Liuzzi A, Fermi B, Corsini R, Folli C, Speranzini V, Gandolfi F, Bettati S, Ronda L, Cendron L, Berni R, Zanotti G, Percudani R. Catalysis and Structure of Zebrafish Urate Oxidase Provide Insights into the Origin of Hyperuricemia in Hominoids. Sci Rep. 2016 Dec 6;6:38302.
5: Cendron L, Ramazzina I, Puggioni V, Maccacaro E, Liuzzi A, Secchi A, Zanetti G, Percudani R. The Structure and Function of a Microbial Allantoin Racemase Reveal the Origin and Conservation of a Catalytic Mechanism. Biochemistry. 2016 Nov 22;55(46):6421-6432.
6: Pulić I, Cendron L, Salamina M, Polverino de Laureto P, Matković-Čalogović D, Zanotti G. Crystal structure of truncated FlgD from the human pathogen Helicobacter pylori. J Struct Biol. 2016 May;194(2):147-55.
7: da Palma JR, Cendron L, Seidah NG, Pasquato A, Kunz S. Mechanism of Folding and Activation of Subtilisin Kexin Isozyme-1 (SKI-1)/Site-1 Protease (S1P). J Biol Chem. 2016 Jan 29;291(5):2055-66.
8: Fogal S, Beneventi E, Cendron L, Bergantino E. Structural basis for double cofactor specificity in a new formate dehydrogenase from the acidobacterium Granulicella mallensis MP5ACTX8. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol. 2015 Nov;99(22):9541-54.
9: da Palma JR, Burri DJ, Oppliger J, Salamina M, Cendron L, de Laureto PP, Seidah NG, Kunz S, Pasquato A. Zymogen activation and subcellular activity of subtilisin kexin isozyme 1/site 1 protease. J Biol Chem. 2014 Dec 26;289(52):35743-56.
10: Quarantini S, Cendron L, Zanotti G. Crystal structure of the secreted protein HP1454 from the human pathogen Helicobacter pylori. Proteins. 2014 Oct;82(10):2868-73.
11: Zanotti G, Cendron L. Structural and functional aspects of the Helicobacter pylori secretome. World J Gastroenterol. 2014 Feb 14;20(6):1402-23.
12: Girotto S, Cendron L, Bisaglia M, Tessari I, Mammi S, Zanotti G, Bubacco L. DJ-1 is a copper chaperone acting on SOD1 activation. J Biol Chem. 2014 Apr;11;289(15):10887-99.
13: Shaik MM, Cendron L, Salamina M, Ruzzene M, Zanotti G. Helicobacter pylori periplasmic receptor CeuE (HP1561) modulates its nickel affinity via organic metallophores. Mol Microbiol. 2014 Feb;91(4):724-35.
14: Burri DJ, da Palma JR, Seidah NG, Zanotti G, Cendron L, Pasquato A, Kunz S. Differential recognition of Old World and New World arena virus envelope glycoproteins by subtilisin kexin isozyme 1 (SKI-1)/site 1 protease (S1P). J Virol. 2013 Jun;87(11):6406-14.

Thesis proposals

The Structural Biology Laboratory offers the chance to undergraduate students to be involved in one of the following research themes:

1. Production and characterization of beta-lactamases enzymes for testing new potential classes of inhibitors, in the contest of a project aimed to contrasting Antimicrobials Resistance (AMR).
2. Characterization of the molecular and structural determinants of SOS-response in bacteria: a state-of-the-art approach based on key states trapping and description by high-affinity nanobodies
3. Characterization of the structure, stability and specificity of Enzymes for Biotechnological applications (in collaboration with E. bergantino)
4. Characterization and improvement of drug-carrier complexes and development of new tools for drugs delivery (in collaboration with A. Angelini in Venice and C. Heinis in Lausanne).

Students from Molecular Biology, Biotechnology, Biology and Chemistry fields are eligible for an internship in the Structural Biology laboratory.