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Professoressa Associata





Sara Caviola
ORCID ID [0000-0002-4556-3179]
Scopus Author ID [36195553500]

From 11/2020: Assistant Professor, Department of Developmental and Social Psychology,
University of Padova, Italy; Visiting Research Fellow, School of Psychology, University of Leeds, UK.
2018-2020: Lecturer in Developmental Psychology, School of Psychology, University of Leeds, UK.
2016-2018: Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellow, Centre for Neuroscience in Education, Department of Psychology, Cambridge University, UK.
2012-2016: Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Developmental and Social Psychology, University of Padova, Italy.

From 02/2022: Honorary Research Fellow at the School of Psychology, University of Leeds, UK.
2018: Centre for Neuroscience in Education, Department of Psychology, Cambridge University. Supervisor: Prof. Denés Szücs.
2011: Carleton University, Ottawa (ON, Canada). Research activity at the Math Lab, Institute of Cognitive Science. Supervisor: Prof Jo-Anne LeFevre.
2010: ICN-UCL, London (UK). Research activity at the Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience (ICN-UCL), University College of London (UK). Supervisor: Prof Brian Butterworth.

Major Collaborations: Prof. Denés Szücs [Cambridge University, Cambridge, UK]; Prof Colin Hamilton [Northumbria University, Newcastle, UK], Prof Jo-Anne LeFevre [Carleton University, Ottawa, ON, Canada], Prof Brian Butterworth [Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience, University College of London, London, UK], Dr Ann Dowker [University of Oxford, UK], Dr Wei Wei [Department of Psychology, Zhejiang University]; Dr Krzysztof Cipora and Iro Xenidou-Dervou [Mathematics Education Centre, Loughborough University].

From 2021: Member of the Scientific Committee of the Department of Developmental and Social Psychology, University of Padova, Italy [Rep. of researchers within the Dept.].
From 2021: Member of the Executive Committee of the PhD program in Psychological Science, University of Padova, Italy.
2018-2020: Deputy Director of Postgraduate Research Studies (PhD) with responsibility for Admissions - School of Psychology, University of Leeds, UK. Required attendance at School and Faculty meetings.

(2021) SID-BIRD "Impact of background noise on distance and school learning in typical and atypical development"[10.000,00€]
(2016) Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Horizon 2020 – Individual fellowships [195.454,80€ - 164.247,72£]
(2013) G. Di Stefano Award for “The best Ph.D. dissertation” in Developmental Cognitive
Psychology, from the Italian Psychological Association.
(2009-2012) PhD studentships awarded for the Psychological Science program, University of Padova, Italy (~55.000 €).
(2012-2015) Post-doctoral fellowships awarded by the Department of Developmental and Social Psychology, University of Padova, Italy (~95.000 €).

(2022) Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Current Research in Behavioural Sciences.

Ad-hod reviewer for many international: Learning and Instruction, Plos One, Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, Journal of Learning and Individual Differences, Metacognition & Learning, Child and Neuropsychology, Trends in Neuroscience and Education, Cognition and Emotion (among others).


Office hours

  • Il ricevimento verrà svolto in modalità online via Zoom previo appuntamento con il docente. Students' meetings will be conducted online [Zoom] following a previous contact with the lecturer.

Research Area


I use multiple methods of investigation to better understand how children learn and often fight mathematics, and to determine the most effective strategies to improve children’s well-being. I am also eager to collaborate with students in my research, as mentoring next-generation researchers is another important career goal of mine.

My research interests sit at the intersection of cognitive development, education, and neuroscience, by implementing complex designs on typical and atypically developing children.

I investigate the role of different emotional aspects (maths anxiety in particular) and strategic behaviour in academic achievement and developmental disorders, from a multidimensional perspective. In particular, I examine both emotional and cognitive processes (i.e., working memory, inhibition, etc…) in maths achievement and spatial abilities.