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Prof. Cassini got his his Master of Science in Veterinary Medicine (DVM) at the University of Padova (IT) in 1998, working on Study of coccidian parasite community and host-parasite relationships in Alpine chamois (Rupicapra rupicapra). In 2008, he then took his PhD at the University of Padova (IT) in Veterinary Sciences on the Epidemiological aspects and zoonotic risks of vector-borne diseases: babesiosis and leishmaniosis in north-eastern Italy.

Current employment. Since October 2019 he is Associate professor at the University of Padova, Italy, in the Parasitology group at the Department of Animal Medicine, Production and Health.
Previous employments.
From November 2000 to March 2003, he worked in Ethiopia for an Italian NGO, in European-funded development projects with the role of agriculture and veterinary sector responsible and then as project coordinator.
After some research scholarships (December 1999-June 2000 and November 2003-October 2004) and after joining the PhD program, he served as Assistant professor at the University of Padova from April 2006 to September 2019.

Visiting fellowships.
From November 2005 to February 2006, during his PhD program, he was a Visiting Fellow at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Universidade de São Paulo (Brazil).

His research interests are focused on the epidemiology and control of parasitic diseases with a particular focus on the study of some specific topics: i) study of vector-borne parasitic diseases (particularly Leishmaniosis and Babesiosis) and that of the ecology of the arthropods involved in the transmission (particularly sandflies and ticks); ii) epidemiology of food-borne parasitic diseases (particularly Echinococcosis); iii) economic evaluation of health intervention for the control of zoonotic parasitic diseases, through a One Health perspective; iv) epidemiology and control approach for endoparasites of ruminants to prevent anthelmintic-resistance; v) ecology of the host-parasite interactions in domestic and wild animal populations.

Since 2006 he was responsible of different Courses of basic Parasitology in the 3-years Course in “Food Safety” and for the 5-years Course in “Veterinary Medicine”. In 2011 and 2014 he was Director of the Master Course in “International Veterinary Cooperation” at the University of Padova.
At present he’s teaching Parasitology and Parasitic Diseases in the Veterinary Medicine degree.
He acted as supervisor for 30 DVM, MSc and PhD students.

At present he has authored and co-authored more than 56 indexed peer-reviewed publications and 6 book chapters, plus more than 100 contributions to congresses/workshops.
He has participated and contributed with oral communications to numerous national and international conferences and workshops across the world and took part in meetings of 3 different COST Actions: Euro-FBP, NEOH, COMBAR.
He has provided extensive reviewing support to numerous relevant international indexed journals such as Parasites & Vectors, Public Library of Science ONE (PLoSNTD), Geospatial Health, Veterinary Parasitology, and many others.
He currently is part of the EDITORIAL BOARD for the Journal Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease.

Publication metrics (at March 22 2022):
SCOPUS: 56 indexed contributions, 685 citations, 16 as H-index
Web of Science: 57 indexed contributions, 635 citations, 16 as H-index