Address book
Alessandro Carrer
Ricercatore a tempo det. art. 24 c. 3 lett. B L. 240/2010

2009 Ph.D. in Molecular Medicine: University of Trieste, Trieste, Italy
2004 MSc Biotechnology: University of Trieste, Trieste, Italy
2022-present Tenure-track Assistant Professor (RTDb), Department of Biology, University of Padova, Padua, Italy
2020-2022 MSCA Fellow, Department of Biology, University of Padova, Padua, Italy
2019-present Principal Investigator, Veneto Institute for Molecular Medicine (VIMM), Padua, Italy
2018-2019 Research Associate, Cancer Biology Department, University of Pennsylvania
2013-2017 Postdoctoral Fellow, Cancer Biology Department, UPenn. Mentor: K.E. Wellen
2009-2012 Postdoctoral Fellow, Molecular Medicine Laboratory at ICGEB, Trieste, Italy. Mentor: M. Giacca
2005-2009 Ph.D. student, Molecular Medicine laboratory at ICGEB, Trieste, Italy. Mentor: M. Giacca
2020 Marie Sklodowska-Curie Action (MSCA) Fellowship: Project OPEN P-CAN
2019 Seal of Excellence – MSCA Fellowships Program
2018 INROAd mobility award – University of Pavia
2018 AIRC iCARE-2 Fellowship (EU Cofund program)
2017 Travel Award – International Society Cancer Metabolism
2011 Scholar-In-Training Award at AACR Conference on Tumor Microenvironment Complexity, Orlando.
2010 Scholar-In-Training Award at MRS-AACR Conference on Metastasis and Tumor Microenvironment, Philadelphia.
2008 “AtaxiaUK” long-term fellowship.
2017 – present Member, Board of Directors, International Society of Cancer Metabolism (ISCaM)
2019 – present Member, Società Italiana di Biofisica e Biochimica Molecolare (SIBBM)
2020 - present Member, Società Italiana di Cancerologia (SIC)
2020 - present Member, European Association of Cancer Research (EACR)
2021 - present Founding Member, Italian Pancreatic Cancer Community (I-PCC)
2019-2020 iCARE AIRC
2020-2022 R21 NCI-NIH
2020-2024 MFAG-AIRC
2020-2023 WorldWide Cancer Research
2021-2022 TNA-EASI genomics
2022-2023 WCRF
Office hours
Thursday from 14:00 to 17:00
at Istituto Veneto di Medicina Molecolare (VIMM), via Orus 2, Padova
Carrer A, Lee JV, Shah S, Snyder NW, Wei S, Venneti S, Worth AJ, Yuan ZF, Lim HW, Liu S, Jackson E, Aiello NM, Haas NB, Rebbeck TR, Judkins A, Won KJ, Chodosh LA, Garcia BA, Stanger BZ, Feldman MD, Blair IA, Wellen KE, Akt-dependent metabolic reprogramming regulates tumor cell histone acetylation, Cell Metabolism, 2014
Carrer A, Wellen KE, Metabolism and epigenetics: a link cancer cells exploit, Curr Opin Biotechnol. 2014
Zhao S, Torres T, Henry R, Trefely S, Wallace M, Lee JV, Carrer A, Sengupta A, Campbell SL, Kuo Y-M, Frey AJ, Meurs N, Viola JM, Blair IA, Weljie AM, Metallo CM, Snyder NW, Andrews AJ, Wellen KE, ATP-citrate lyase controls a glucose-to-acetate metabolic switch, Cell Reports, 2016
Carrer A, Parris JLD, Trefely S, Henry RA, Montgomery D, Kuo Y-M, Blair IA, Meier JL, Andrews Aj, Snyder NW, and Wellen KE, Impact of high fat diet on tissue acyl-CoA and histone acetylation levels, Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2017
McDonald O, Saunders T, Tryggvadottir R, Mentch S, Warmoes M, Word A, Carrer A, Salz T, Natsume S, Stauffer K, Makohon-Moore A, Zhong Y, Wu H, Wellen KE, Locasale JD, Iacobuzio-Donahue C, Li X, Large-scale epigenomic reprogramming links anabolic glucose metabolism to distant metastasis during the evolution of pancreatic cancer progression, Nature Genetics, 2017
Sivanand S, Rhoades S, Jiang Q, Lee JV, Benci J, Zhang J, Yuan S, Zhao S, Carrer A, Bennett MJ, Minn AJ, Weljie AM, Greenberg RA, Wellen KE, Nuclear Acetyl-CoA Production by ACLY Promotes Homologous Recombination, Molecular Cell, 2017
JV Lee, K Kim, CT Berry, P Sen, T Kim, A Carrer, S Trefely, S Zhao, LE Barney, AD Schwartz, S Fernandez, SR Peyton, NW Snyder, SL Berger, BD Freedman, KE Wellen, Acetyl-CoA promotes glioblastoma cell adhesion and migration through Ca2+-NFAT signaling, Genes and Development, 2018
Carrer A, Parris JLD, Trefely S, Campbell SC, Norgard RJ, Egolf SS, Sidoli S, Trizzino M, Sivanand S, Sela Y, Blair IA, Garcia BA, Nathaniel W. Snyder, Stanger BZ and Kathryn E. Wellen, acetyl-CoA metabolism supports multi-step pancreatic carcinogenesis, Cancer Discovery, 2019
Sidoli S, Trefely S, Carrer A*, Integrated Analysis of Acetyl-CoA and Histone Modification via Mass Spectrometry to Investigate Metabolically Driven Acetylation, Methods Mol Biol, 2019
Zhao S, Jang C, Liu J, Uehara K, Gilbert M, Izzo L, Zeng X, Trefely S, Fernandez S, Carrer A, Miller KD, Schug ZT, Snyder NW, Gade TP, Titchenell PM, Rabinowitz JD, Wellen KE, Dietary Fructose feeds hepatic lipogenesis via microbiota-derived acetate, Nature, 2020
Paoli C & Carrer A*, Organotypic culture of acinar cells for the study of pancreatic carcinogenesis, Cancers, 2020
Grisan F, Spacci M, Paoli C, Costamagna A, Fantuz M, Martini M, Lefkimmiatis K, Carrer A*, Cholesterol activates Cyclic AMP signaling in metaplastic acinar cells, Metabolites, 2021
Calciolari B, Scapinello G, Quotti Tubi L, Piazza F, Carrer A*, Metabolic control of epigenetic rearrangements in B cell pathophysiology, Open Biology, 2022
Research Area
Our long-term goals are to identify how metabolic rewiring impacts the epigenome to guide cell fate decisions or facilitate cancer initiation. We intend to define the contribution of acetyl-CoA generation to metabolic and epigenetic remodeling in a number of different contexts:
1) Dissect the contribution of mitochondrial dynamics to epigenetic reprogramming in cancer
The role of mitochondria for the generation of acetyl-CoA, and the downstream effects on chromatin landscapes remain unknown. We study how changes in mitochondrial shape or localization impact acetyl-CoA flux and whether mitochondrial dynamics dictate epigenetic state in cancer.
2) Role of mitochondrial cristae remodeling in pancreatic cancer progression
Mitochondria are functioning in cancer cells, but their activity is profoundly rewired. The underlying mechanism is not clear. We found that mitochondrial ultrastructure is altered early in pancreatic carcinogenesis. We are studying the impact of mitochondrial remodeling for carcinogenesis using mouse models of impaired cristae biogenesis.
3) Determinants of citrate cataplerosis
Acetyl-CoA is generated by mitochondrial-derived citrate. The conversion is mediated by ACLY, which has been shown to be important for cell differentiation and stemness, both in physiological and pathological conditions. However, what determines efflux of citrate (cataplerosis) from mitochondria is not clear. Using histone acetylation and cell de-differentiation as read-outs, we are interrogating cellular metabolites that might regulate the fate of mitochondrial citrate.
4) Molecular memory of inflammation
Inflammation increases the risk of pancreatic cancer onset, even several years after complete recovery. Combining single nucleus RNA/ATAC sequencing, mouse modeling and epigenomic profiling we are interrogating the metabolic determinants of pancreatic cancer susceptibility after recovery from acute inflammation.
5) Dietary contribution to pancreatic carcinogenesis
Several unhealthy lifestyles are associated with increased pancreatic cancer risk, but the role of diet is still somehow debated. We are examining the role of dietary fructose to pancreatic cancer predisposition and interrogating possible mechanisms, with a focus on fructose-derived acetate and protein acetylation.
6) Cholesterol homeostasis and signaling in pancreatitis and pancreatic cancer progressions
De novo sterol synthesis is elevated in pancreatic cancer cells. Moreover, its cholesterol homeostasis is deregulated in tumor-initiating pancreatitis. We found that cholesterol supplementation promotes metaplasia of pancreatic acinar cells. We are currently investigating how dysregulation of cholesterol availability activates intracellular signaling and supports extracellular inflammation.
7) Metabolic-dependent histone acetylation in B cell pathophysiology
Histone acetylation is enhanced in B cell germinal centers and derived leukemias. This is amenable to therapeutic strategies, but the contribution of metabolism and its role in modifying therapy response is unclear. In collaboration with the groups of F. Piazza and G. Semenzato, and leveraging our orthogonal expertise, we are studying the role of ACLY in B cell differentiation and proliferation in health and disease.