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Professoressa Ordinaria





1993 laurea in Mathematics (Universita' La Sapienza, Rome)
1994 Master Class in Algebraic Lie Theory and hypergeometric functions, MRI, the Netherlands
1999 PhD (Universiteit Utrecht, the Netherlands)
1999 post-doc (Universite' Cergy-Pontoise, France)
2000 post-doc TMR (Universite' Paris VI and Universiteit Antwerpen, Belgium)
2000 Indam post-doc Senior (Universita' di Tor Vergata, Romae)
2001- Ricercatore Universitario (Universita' di Padova)
2013- Abilitazione Nazionale II Fascia (for Associate professorship) Geometry and Algebra
2014- Abilitazione Nazionale I Fascia(for Full Professorship) Geometry and Algebra
2015- Associate Professor


Office hours

  • at Ufficio del docente (studio 635, Torre Archimede)
    Un'ora di ricevimento alla settimana per ciascun insegnamento per tutta la durata dell'insegnamento. L'orario di ricevimento di norma viene scelto in base all'orario delle lezioni del docente e degli studenti appena questo e' reso pubblico, e viene pubblicato sul sito e/o sulla pagina Moodle dell'insegnamento.



G. Carnovale, Lusztig's strata are locally closed, arXiv:1909.11539, published online in Archiv der Mathematik, 2020, DOI :10.1007/s00013-020-01448-1.

G. Carnovale; F. Esposito, Quotients for sheets of conjugacy classes, ``Representations and Nilpotent Orbits of Lie Algebraic Systems: In Honour of the 75th Birthday of Tony Joseph'', Progress in Mathematics, 2019.

N. Andruskiewitsch; G. Carnovale; G. A. García, Finite-dimensional pointed Hopf algebras over finite simple groups of Lie type IV. Unipotent classes in Chevalley and Steinberg groups, Algebras and Representation Theory,

G. Carnovale; I. I. Simion, On small modules for quantum groups at roots of unity, Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana 10(1), 99-112, (2017).

N. Andruskiewitsch; G. Carnovale; G. A. García, Finite-dimensional pointed Hopf algebras over finite simple groups of Lie type III. Semisimple classes in PSL(n,q), Revista Matemática Iberoamericana, 33(3), 995-1024 (2017).

G. Carnovale; A. García Iglesias, θ-semisimple twisted conjugacy classes of type D in PSL(n,q), Journal of Lie Theory 26(1), 193-218 (2016).

G. Carnovale; F. Esposito, A Katsylo theorem for sheets of spherical conjugacy classes, arXiv:1501.04534, Representation Theory, 19, 263-280 (2015).

N. Andruskiewitsch; G. Carnovale; G. A. García, Finite-dimensional pointed Hopf algebras over finite simple groups of Lie type II. Unipotent classes in the symplectic groups, Communications in Contemporary Mathematics 18(4), 35pp, (2016).

N. Andruskiewitsch; G. Carnovale; G. A. García, Finite-dimensional pointed Hopf algebras over finite simple groups of Lie type I. Non-semisimple classes in PSL(n,q), Journal of Algebra 442, 36--65 (2015).

Research Area

Algebraic groups, Lie algebras, Hopf algebras.

Thesis proposals

Contact the teacher informing her about your interests and the courses you have taken.