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Università degli studi Padova


Simone Carati (1992) is Adjunct Professor of Comparative Literature at the University of Padua. PhD in Modern Languages, Literatures, and Cultures at the University of Bologna and the University of L'Aquila. His research focuses especially on the comparative and theoretical analysis of the storytelling, and its relation with human experience. During the PhD, he worked specifically on some novels published at the end of the 20th century, in particular in the U.S. His research interests encompass Theory of Literature, Literary Criticism and Comparative Literature, and he published papers on modern and contemporary authors and critics, such as Robert Louis Stevenson, Luigi Meneghello, Jorge Semprún, Don DeLillo, Philip Roth, David Foster Wallace, Emmanuel Carrère, Tom McCarthy, and Mario Lavagetto.


- November 13th 2014: Bachelor Degree in Modern Literatures, at the University of Bologna. Title of the thesis: La raffigurazione di alcuni personaggi femminili nell'Orlando furioso. Supervisor: Prof. Andrea Battistini. Final mark: 108/110

- November 7th 2016: Master Degree in Italian Studies, European Literary Cultures and Linguistic Sciences at the University of Bologna, with a dissertation based on the analysis of space in Robert Louis Stevenson's novels and short stories. Title: Robert Louis Stevenson: una geografia letteraria, supervisor Prof. Donata Meneghelli, co-supervisor Prof. Luigi Weber. Final mark: 110/110 cum laude.

-November 2017 - June 2021. PhD in Modern Languages, Literatures, and Cultures at the University of Bologna and L'Aquila, with a thesis based on the analysis of the relationship between narrative, writing, and experience in some U.S. Novels of the Nineties. Thesis title: Il mondo là fuori. Narrazione, esperienza e scrittura nell'America di fine millennio. Supervisor: Prof. Federico Bertoni. Final mark: Excellent.


Office hours

  • Monday from 15:00 to 16:00
    at Studio Docenti a contratto e Studiosi senior, n. 149
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