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Professore Ordinario





Andrea Camperio Ciani (male)
born in Florence 9 feb. 1958, four children divorced.

1982 graduated magnum cum laude in physical Anthropology Faculty of Sciences, Florence discussing a thesis on the behavior and ecology of wild macaques in India.
1986 PhD in Physical Anthropology, Rome discussing a thesis on: the Genetics, Behavior and Evolution of the genus Macaca.
1989 Founder and Director of the Center for Primatology at the San Raffaele Scientific Institute and Hospital, Milan. Focussing on Nuclear Medicine, Pet scan, Psycho-physiology and Evolution of Behavior.
1992- 2017 Associate Professor of Ethology and Evolutionary Psychology at the Faculty of Psychology, University of Padova.

2017- to present full professor of Ethology and Evolutionary Psychology at the Faculty of Psychology, University of Padova.

2017- to present full professor of Ethology and Evolutionary Psychology at the Faculty of Psychology, University of Padova.

2004-2007 Professor of Eco-Ethology and Evolution of Behavior at the Faculty of Veterinary, Univ. of Padova.
2002-2009 Professor of Psychobiology, Faculty of Psychology Padova.

Research positions:
1982-to present principal investigator of long term primate ecology research project on Macaca sylvanus in the middle atlas of Morocco.
2002- to present Director of the PACE (Psychology applied to sustainable cooperation and environment) Padova
2008- to present Director of the Evolutionary Forensic Psychology laboratory (University of Padova). (
1998 to present President of GEA NGO International Association for the study and the conservations of ecosystems (

Scientific interest:
Evolution, genetics behavior of primates:
Gene flow and speciation, behavioral flexibility, primate ecology and biological indicators, environmental impact, reproductive strategies in primates and man, interaction overpopulation and desertification process sustainable development of small human populations, socio-ecology of nomadic people(North African Berbers, Thailand Sea Gypsy).

Behavioral Genetics:
evolution of personality, personality gene flow hypothesis, molecular genetics and personality traits
Evolution of sexual orientation, genetic influence on homosexuality, sexually antagonistic selection, homosexuality and fecundity.

Forensic Psychology:
Infanticide, neonaticide, filicide, sexual assaults, sexual violence, rape Demography of sexual violence.

Fundings: Montedison, CNR, Viaggi del Ventaglio, Airone, Schultz Foundation Zurich, Associazione Primatologica Italiana, Smithsonian Washington, WWF international MED, Rotary Club, FAI: Fond de Assistance Internationale, Regione Veneto, Cooperazione Internazionale, VI framework program European Project “Respire”.

Awards: first prize for scientific communication Associazione Primatologica Italiana 1984, First prize Associazione Primatologica Italiana 1986.
Scientific Societies affiliation :
API Associazione Primatologica Italiana (1984-1994 Member of directive board)
IPS International Primatological Society
HBES The Human Behavior and Evolution Society

Languages: Italian, English, French, Spanish and Bahasa Indonesia.


Office hours

  • Wednesday from 10:30 to 12:30
    at In the teacher office, palazzo PSICO III, via Venezia 14, piano quarto, prima porta a destra
    da Aprile 2022 fino a fine emergenza COVID prenotare per email andrea.camperio@ per appuntamento.

  • Thursday from 12:30 to 14:15
    at Psico tre, quarto piano, prima porta a sinistra ufficio del prof----- Psico three, fourth floor ,first door on the left ,Prof Office
    Si preferisce un appuntamento per mail, si e' disponibili sia on-line su zoom, o su whatsapp, oppure in presenza dopo appuntamento


Acquired Pedophilia: international Delphi-method-based consensus guidelines
C Scarpazza, C Costa, U Battaglia, C Berryessa, ML Bianchetti, I Caggiu, ...
Translational Psychiatry 13 (1), 11 2023
Attitudes towards urban howler monkeys (Alouatta caraya) in Paraguay
M Alesci, RL Smith, JD Ayala Santacruz, A Camperio Ciani
Primates 63 (2), 161-171 2 2022
evolutionary observations on coronavirus
G Camperio Ciani, Andrea S., Musumeci
Expartibus 21 (12), 1 - 24 2021
Idiopathic and acquired pedophilia as two distinct disorders: an insight from neuroimaging
C Scarpazza, L Finos, S Genon, L Masiero, E Bortolato, C Cavaliere, ...
Brain imaging and behavior, 1-12 13 2021
The genetic inactivation of the vomero-nasal organ in primates allows the evolution of same-sex sexual behavior but does not explain homosexual orientation in humans
AS Camperio Ciani
Archives of Sexual Behavior 50 (6), 2277-2281 5 2021
Response to the Letter to the Editor on “A Worldwide Internet Study Based on Implicit Association Test Revealed a Higher Prevalence of Adult Males’ Androphilia Than Ever …
A Camperio Ciani, D Colledani
The Journal of Sexual Medicine 18 (4), 840-841 2021
A worldwide internet study based on implicit association test revealed a higher prevalence of adult males’ androphilia than ever reported before
D Colledani, A Camperio Ciani
The Journal of Sexual Medicine 18 (1), 4-16 7 2021
The importance of the human factor during the evolution of SARS-CoV-2 pandemic: the successful case of the Italian strategy
C Scarpazza, G Musumeci, ASC Ciani
medRxiv, 2020.10. 22.20215277 2020
Idiopathic vs acquired pedophilic behavior: a critical analysis
C Scarpazza, ASC Ciani, S Ferracuti
Profiling acquired pedophilic behavior: Retrospective analysis of 66 Italian forensic cases of pedophilia
ASC Ciani, C Scarpazza, V Covelli, U Battaglia
International journal of law and psychiatry 67, 101508 17 2019
A Camperio Ciani, U Battaglia, L Cesare, GC Ciani, C Capiluppi 2018 Possible balancing selection in human female homosexuality
Human Nature 29 (1), 14-32 6
Sexual Orientation.
AS Camperio Ciani 2018 Primate Sexuality Vonk J., Shackelford T. (eds) Encyclopedia of Animal Cognition and Behavior_
A.S Camperio Ciani Sexual orientation 2017 Shackelford T., Weekes-Shackelford V. (eds) Encyclopedia of Evolutionary …
DP Schmitt, L Alcalay, J Allik, ICB Alves, CA Anderson, AL Angelini, A. Camperio Ciani.Narcissism and the strategic pursuit of short-term mating: Universal links across 11 world regions of the International Sexuality Description Project-2. Psihologijske Teme 20 2017
AS Camperio Ciani, U Battaglia, M LiottaResponse: Avuncularity and Kin Selection in Homosexuals: A Problematic Test or a Problematic Hypothesis? The Journal of Sex Research 53 (2), 153-156 3 2016
A Camperio Ciani, U Battaglia, M Liotta 2016 Societal norms rather than sexual orientation influence kin altruism and avuncularity in tribal Urak-Lawoi, Italian, and Spanish adult males.
The Journal of Sex Research 53 (2), 137-148
A Camperio Ciani, U Battaglia, 2015 Human Homosexuality: A Paradigmatic Arena for Sexually Antagonistic Selection? Cold Spring Harbor perspectives in biology,
2014 A Camperio Ciani, U Battaglia Implicit Measurements of Sexual Preference in Self‐Declared Heterosexual Men: A Pilot Study on the Rate of Androphilia in Italy The journal of sexual medicine 11 (9), 2207-2217

Research Area

Evolutionary Psychology:

Sexual strategies, sexual orientation. Infanticide, pedofilia, sexual abuse.

Sustainable development and ecology of nomadic tribal populations (sea gypsies in Southern Thailand, Malaysia and Burma).

Evolution of Personality, adaptive value of human psychopathologies.

Evolutionary forensic psychology, profiling, sexual crimes, risk factors etc.

Animal Behavior:

Environmental monitoring, conservation, and demography of wild Macaca sylvanus, desertification processes.

Nonhuman primate behavior, ecology and demography (Macaca sylvanus in the middle atlas of Morocco).

Human-Wildlife interaction and conflict: Wild Brown bear ecology in the Adamello Alps, fear and co-existence with the local population.

Wolves reintroduction and ecology in Northern and Central Italy, Wolf-Human conflict in recently repopulated areas.

Thesis proposals

I teach only to advanced courses (Magistrali) and these titles refer to these courses:
Evolution of personality (field research)
Conservation and demography of wild primates
Human-wildlife conflict and coexistence
forensic aspects of sexual crimes
Infanticide, neonaticide and reproductive disinvestment
Adaptive value of psychopathologies: dyslexia, schizophrenia, and bipolar disorders.
Attractiveness, beauty symmetry and averageness
why pedophilia is so common in catholic priests
Lesbian and gay co-occurrence in families: chance or co-ethiology
Animal wildlife interaction: the case of the brown bear in the Italian alps
Feminicide, incidence, distribution, and prevalence in Italy
Is family right promoting feminicide in Italy?
Profiling violent males at risk of IPV
Mating strategies, partner selection, and Media influence
Thesis are assigned on a competitive basis only. I accept occasional basic (Triennale) thesis provided that the candidate suggest a title and an argument of interest (different from those proposed above) and that they are willing to do a thesis (in other words they want to support or disprove a hypothesis on human or animal behavior), I do not accept candidates with no ideas or suggestions.