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Professoressa Associata




PhD in Education and Children's Literature.
Associate professor of Theory and History of Children’s literature at the Department of Philosophy, Sociology, Education and Applied Psychology FISPPA at the University of Padova. She has lectured as a visiting professor at several European universities and been an invited speaker at numerous international conferences (Brazil, Germany, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Sweden and Turkey).
Her main research fields include picturebooks, reader-response, fairy-tales, architecture and interior design, fashion, ecocriticism, object-oriented literary criticism, and Italian children’s writers.
She participated to several Italian and international research projects, and carried out applied research projects with schools, public libraries and children’s publishing houses. She coordinated qualitative studies on reader-response theory in kindergartens and nursery schools.
She is presently involved, as Task Leader, in the European Project “Green Dialogues – Teacher training in environmental children’s literatre through dialogic teaching practices”, a NOTED-funded 4-year project from 2022-2025”.
She is director of the postgraduate course in Children’s Literature at the University of Padova.
She has published more than 100 papers in various high-quality peer-reviewed journals and qualified international conferences.

She is member of the Advisory Board and the Steering Commitee of the
European Network for Picturebook Research and of the Child and the Book network.
She is active member of the International Research Society for Children’s Literature.
She is also been invited by the executive board to participate in
the Awards Committee of the IRSCL, to evaluate academic publications
on children’s literature in Italian as potential nominees for the IRSCL book award
and by another executive board to become a mentor in the IRSCL mentoring program,
which is to advise junior colleagues on matters such as academic publishing and grant applications.
She has translated the IRSCL’s Statement of Principles into Italian, and has supported its dissemination in the various languages of our society by reading it on video, on the IRSCL youtube channel (see


Office hours

  • Wednesday from 15:30 to 17:00
    at Padova - Via Beato Pellegrino 28, primo piano, studio n. 20
    La docente riceve su appuntamento: inviare una mail, con almeno quattro giorni di preavviso, specificando nome, cognome, numero di matricola e motivo del ricevimento a Si comunica che i prossimi ricevimenti si terranno: martedì 14 gennaio e giovedì 23 gennaio dalle 17.30 alle 18.30.



PUBLICATIONS (selected - limited to 2017)
Research monographs and Special issues
Campagnaro, M., Daly, N., & Short, K.G (Eds.) (2021). Building dialogic spaces: Teaching children’s literature at the university [Special issue]. Journal of Literary Education, 4,
Callegari, C., Campagnaro, M. (Eds.) (2019). Home, Lived-In Spaces and Childhood in European Picturebooks from 1945 to the Present Day [Special issue]. RPD Journal of Theories and Research in Education, 14 (2), DOI: 10.6092/issn.1970-2221/10029
Campagnaro, M. (2018). Questioni epistemologiche e ricerca pedagogica sui libri 0-3 anni, Dossier Nsricerca, Nuova Secondaria, vol. 7, XXXIV, p. 66-69, ISSN 1828-4582.
Campagnaro, M. (2017). Il cacciatore di pieghe. Figure e tendenze della letteratura per l’infanzia contemporanea. Lecce: Pensa MultiMedia.
Campagnaro, M. (Ed.) (2017). Frames for the Body. Spaces and Places in Children’s Literature [Special issue]. Encyclopaideia, XXI (49),

Articles and book chapters
Campagnaro M. & Goga N. (2022). Material Green Entanglements: Research on Student Teachers’ Aesthetic and Ecocritical Engagement with Picturebooks of Their Own Choice. International Research in Children's Literature, 15 (3): 308-322.
Campagnaro, M., & Goga, N. (2021). Green Dialogues and Digital Collaboration on Nonfiction Children’s Literature. Journal of Literary Education, 4, 96-114.
Campagnaro, M., Daly, N., & Short, K.G (2021). Editorial: Teaching Children’s Literature in the University: New Perspectives and Challenges for the Future. Journal of Literary Education, 4, 1-5.
Campagnaro M. (2021) Picturebooks and aesthetic literacy in early childhood education. In Å.M. Ommundsen, G. Haaland & B. Kümmerling-Meibauer (Eds.), Exploring Challenging Picturebooks in Education. International Perspectives on Language and Literature Learning (pp. 79-98). Oxon/New York: Routledge.
Campagnaro, M. (2021). Stepping into the World of Houses. Children's Picturebooks on Architecture. In N. Goga, S.I. Iversen & A.-S. Teigland (Eds.), Verbal and Visual Strategies in Nonfiction Picturebooks: Theoretical and Analytical Approaches (pp. 202-219). Oslo: Scandinavian University Press.
Campagnaro, M. (2021). Clothing the Child in Red: A Historical and Comparative Analysis of Italian Visual Retellings of the Grimms’ “Little Red Riding Hood”, Strenæ, (18).
Campagnaro, M. (2020). The materiality of silence. The curious cases of Munari, Charlip and their picturebooks with no pictures. FronteiraZ. Revista do Programa de Estudos Pós-Graduados em Literatura e Crítica Literária, 24, 4-23. DOI:
Campagnaro, M. (2020). “Pro e contro la fiaba” Fifty Years Later: Is Gianni Rodari's Apologia Still Relevant Today?. Marvels & Tales: Journal of Fairy-Tale Studies, 34 (1), 109–118.
Campagnaro, M. (2019). Materiality in Bruno Munari’s Book Objects: The case of Nella notte buia and I Prelibri. Libri & Liberi, 8 (2), 359-379. DOI:
Campagnaro, M. (2019). "Narrating" homes and objects: images of domestic life in Italian picturebooks since the mid-20th century. RPD Ricerche di Pedagogia e Didattica – Journal of Theories and Research in Education, 14 (2), 9-48.