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Professore Associato





Born in Padua in 1966, there he graduated with honors in law in 1991. He then obtained a research doctorate in administrative law in Milan in 1999.
At the University of Padua he was, firstly, a contract professor of food law, public law and urban planning law (in the Faculty of Agriculture and Law), then a research fellow in public law (in the Faculty of Political Sciences), then a researcher in administrative law from 2002 to 2014 and professor in charge of administrative law, urban planning law and the law of cultural and environmental heritage (in the Faculties of Engineering and Law). He also taught at the University of Brescia (urban law).
As an associate professor of administrative law, he has been teaching administrative law since 2014 and has been teaching agri-food law since 2020 in the degree course in Law at the Treviso branch of the University of Padua.
Since 2020 he has also been a professor of Italian administrative procedural law at the University of Innsbrück.
Since 2003 he has been a lecturer in administrative law and urban planning law at the School of Specialization for the Legal Professions of the Universities of Padua, Ferrara, Trieste and Venice.
He is a member of the teaching staff of the Doctoral School of Law of the University of Padua; he was a member (from 2013 to 2020) of the Scientific Commission for the legal area of the University of Padua; he was a member of the Board of the Department of Public, International and Community Law for several years, of which he was Deputy Director from 2019 to 2020.
He has taught at the Forensic School of the Padua Bar Association (from 2002 to 2016), as well as in several Masters and Specialization Courses organized by the Universities of Padua, Venice, Verona and Trento.
He was the editorial secretary of the "Diritto e Società" magazine from 2007 to 2012, while from 2016 he was a member of the scientific committee of the "Rivista Giuridica di Urbanistica".
Author of a monograph on the derived invalidity of administrative acts and of over 80 minor publications, concerning the administrative process, urban planning, construction, public works, the environment, cultural heritage and public services, he participated as a speaker to more than 150 regional, national and international conferences (Germany and Spain).
As cassation lawyer, he deals with administrative, civil and tax disputes in the fields of urban planning, construction, trade, cultural heritage, the environment, health, works and public services. He is a defender and consultant for various public administrations.
He is a member of the Venetian Association of Administrative Lawyers, of which he is currently president. He chairs the Padua section of the Italian Catholic Jurists Union.
He was a member of regional and provincial Study Commissions; in particular, he was the coordinator of the Study Commission commissioned by the Veneto Region to draft a regional law project for the implementation of the Consolidated Building Act (2007).
Since 2004 he has been a member of the Italian Association of Urban Law; since 2015 he is a corresponding member of the Galilean Academy of Sciences, Letters and Arts; since 2020 he is a member of the Italian Association of Environmental Law; since 2022 he has been a member of the International Association of Urban Planning Law.
Padua, September 28, 2022


Office hours

  • Monday from 12:30 to 13:30
    at Dipartimento Diritto Pubblico Internazionale e Comunitario, Palazzo del Bo, I piano
    Presso la sede di Padova, Lunedì 12:30 - 13:30, in Dipartimento Diritto Pubblico Internazionale e Comunitario, Palazzo del Bo, I piano Presso la sede di Treviso, nei giorni di lezione (lun-mar-mer), al termine della stessa, nei locali destinati ai docenti

Research Area

Administrative law:
Administrative procedure
Nullity and annulment of administrative acts
Derivative invalidity of administrative acts
Responsibility of the P.A.
Protection of custody
Administrative process
Administrative appeals

Town planning law:
Urban planning
Smart cities
Planning agreements and town planning agreements
Urban planning constraints
Equalization and building credits
Building permits
Illegal building

Law of cultural and environmental heritage:
Constraints of cultural interest
Alienation of tied assets
Landscape constraints
Landscape planning