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Professoressa Ordinaria





Elena Calandri, Ph.D, is Full Professor at the Department of Political Science, Law and International Studies at the University of Padua, Director of the MA International Relations and Diplomacy and member of the Italian Ministry for Foreign Affairs Committee for the publication of Italian Diplomatic Documents.
She earned her PhD in History of International Relations in 1992 at the University of Florence. In 1993-95 she was SSRC-MacArthur Foundation Post-doctoral Fellow in International Peace and Security, and in 1996-98 was Post-doctoral Fellow at University of Florence. She was Lecturer at the University of Florence from 2000 to 2005, where in 2005 she became Professore associato. Since 2009 she thas taught at University of Padua History of International relations, History of European Integration, History of Africa and Mediterranean. She was guest lecturer at the Urals University of Ekaterinburg (1996-1997), lecturer at the University LUISS Guido Carli in Rome (2003-2005), and Visiting Professor at the Jagellonian University in Cracow teaches 1.Cold War History: Crises, Institutions, Cultures; 2. European Union and the Mediterranean: a political, economic and human history (2017-2018)
She has been member of scientific boards in PhD programmes at the University of Pavia, Florence and Salento. Since2011 she has been an expert in European Commission evaluation of FP 7 Socio-economic and Humanities Programme; expert and chair of evaluation commissions for Narodowe Centrum Badań i Rozwoju, member in jury de thèse de doctorat and concourse pour professeur in Cérgy-Pontoise (France), Cluj-Napoca (Rumania), IEP Strasbourg (France), Paris1 (France); and in similar bodies in Italy (Anvur).
She is a member of the European Union Liaison Committee of Historians, a network of European historians specialising in the History of European Integration (, and of the editorial board of the Journal of European Integration History. She is a member of the editorial board of Ventunesino secolo
Relevant partecipation in research projects: 2000-06 Éspaces et Temps de l’Europe, 2004-6 COFIN Nazione, interdipendenza, integrazione: la politica internazionale dell’Italia nel XX secolo, 2006-8 COFIN Alla ricerca di un ruolo globale: l’Europa 1969-8; 2011-13 PRIN L'Italia nel contesto internazionale (1968-1981): crisi, trasformazioni, stabilizzazione; in 2013-15 as Coordinator, University of Padua project Changing Patterns in Migration Policies and Flows in the Euro-Mediterranean Area from the Oil Crisis to the 1995 Barcelona Declaration; 2015-2018 HISTCOM3 History and Memory of an Institution: the European Commission 1985-2000, funded by the European Commission.
She has organized number of international conferences and presented papers at more than 60 national and international conferences in Italy and abroad. She has a broad experience of research in Italy, Europe and the United states, where she has researched in major diplomatic and political archives of states, international organisations, political institutions and private collections and participated in oral history research. She has extensively published/edited books, special issues of international journals, articles and books chapters in Italy and abroad on Italian and European history in the second half of the 20th century and beyond, and is specialist in European integration and political relations in postwar Europe and in EC/EU relations with the rest of the world.


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Il Mediterraneo e la difesa dell'Occidente 1947-1956. Eredità coloniali e logiche di guerra fredda, Firenze 1997
Prima della globalizzazione. L’Italia la cooperazione allo sviluppo e la Guerra fredda 1955-1995, Padova 2013.
Storia politica e economica dell'integrazione europea, Napoli, 2015, with E. Guasconi e R. Ranieri.
The Failure of Peace in Europe 1943-1947, Basingstoke, 2002 ed.
Il primato sfuggente. L’Europa e l’intervento per lo sviluppo 1957-2007, Milano, 2009 cura
Détente in Cold War Europe. Politics and Diplomacy in the Mediterranean and the Middle East, ed London, 2016.
Europe and the Mediterranean in the Long 1980s, (with S. Paoli), Journal of European Integration History, 1/2015,
Détente in Cold War Europe. Politics and Diplomacy in the Mediterranean and the Middle East, (con Daniele Caviglia e Antonio Varsori), London, 2016.
Peoples and Borders. Seventy Years of Migrations in Europe, to Europe, from Europe, (with S. Paoli, A. Varsori), Journal of European Integration History.
L’Europa adulta. Attori, ragioni e sfide all’Atto Unico alla Brexit, (with G.Laschi, S.Paoli), Bologna, 2020.
"The Western European Union Armaments Pool: France's Quest for Security and European Integration in Transition, 1954-55", JEIH, 1/1995.
"Islam, etnicità, nation-building e politica estera nella Repubblica turca 1923-1991", Storia delle Relazioni Internazionali, 1994-1995/2.
“Italy’s foreign assistance policy 1959-1969”, Contemporary European History, 12/4 Dec. 2003.
“Il Mediterraneo nella politica estera italiana”, in A.Giovagnoli, S.Pons, Tra guerra fredda e distensione, Soveria Mannelli 2003.
“L'Italia e la questione dello sviluppo: una sfida fra anni sessanta e anni settanta”, in P. Craveri, A.Varsori (a cura di), L’Italia nella costruzione europea: un bilancio storico 1957-2007, Milano, .
“A special relationship under strain: Turkey and the EEC 1963-1976”, JEIH, 1-2009,
“Eppur si muove! UE e America Latina alle soglie del nuovo millennio”, in G. Chiaramonti, Tra innovazione e continuità. L'America latina nel nuovo millennio, Padova, 2009,
“The United States and Europe: Rivalry or Complementarity?”, in Détente in Cold War Europe, London, 2016.
“Development cooperation, 1958-1992: party politics and a foreign policy débâcle”, in Antonio Varsori, Benedetto Zaccaria, Italy in the International System from Détente to the End of the Cold War. The Underrated Ally, Basingstoke, Palgrave/Macmillan, 2017,
“Italy, the Developing World and Aid Policy, 1969-1979: the “Historic Compromise” and Italian foreign policy”, Cold War History, 2-2019.
“Italia e “Terzo Mondo”: un rapporto irrisolto, un campo di studi in costruzione”, Rivista italiana di Storia internazionali, 2/2018.
49. “EEC and the Mediterranean: Hitting the Glass Ceiling” in U. Krotz, K.K.Patel, F.Romero, Europe’s Cold War Relations: The EC toward a Global Role, London, 2019.
“Unione Europea, ONU e diritti umani: una via al “ruolo globale””, in E. Calandri et al., L’Europa adulta. Attori, ragioni e sfide all’Atto Unico alla Brexit, Bologna, 2020.