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Current appointment
Associate Professor, English Linguistics, University of Padova, Italy (since 2001)
Previous appointments
• 2012-2020. Head, Communication Strategy Degree Course, University of Padova
• 2009-2011. Vice-head, Communication Studies degree Programs, U. of Padova
• 2002-present. Head, Erasmus Commission, Communication Studies Degree Prog., U. of Padova
• 1992-2001. Researcher, English Linguistics, Dept. Modern Languages & Literat., U. of Bologna
Research Areas
Experimental Phonetics; Foreign accent; Intercultural and interlinguistic communication; Interaction of speech and gesture in communication; Public speaking (theory, applications, teaching); body language; use and interpretation of gestures in L1 and L2 communication

1988-1992. Ph.D. in Linguistics, University of Padova, Italy, Department of Linguistics. Thesis Title: The Acquisition of English Vowels by Native Speakers of Italian.
1987-1988. Exchange graduate student at the University of California, Berkeley, Linguistics Dept.
1983-1984. Exchange student at the University of California, Los Angeles, Linguistics and English Depts.
1981-1986. Laurea Degree in Linguistics, University of Padova, Italy.

Participation in National and International Research Projects
• 2018-2022. Fondo Asilo, Migrazione e Integrazione, (FAMI) IMPACT VENETO, Ministero del Lavoro e delle Politiche Sociali (CuP: M79F18000300007) (PROG-2415). Project: La comunicazione non verbale nelle interazioni con i migranti
• 2019. POT 7 UNISCO (Progetti del Piano Nazionale Lauree Scientifiche e/o Piani di Orientamento e Tutorato (CUP: C94I19000960001). Supervision to video creation and production
• 2014-2017. Project Slandail: Empowering Emergency Response Using Social Media. European Community FP7 n. 607691
• 2011-2013: Intelligibility and communicative competence in multilingual and multicultural interactions. Effects of foreign accent in the production and perception of English spoken by non-native speakers. Cariparo Foundation Doctoral Research Project, Padova
• 2011-2012: Multilingual and multicultural interactions. Which factors hinder intelligibility and communication in non-native English?. Excellence Research program, University of Padova.
• 2011-2012: Automatic correction of English pronunciation and intonation, University of Padova.
Research Collaborations
Since 2017. Bryan Scotney, School of Computing, Ulster University, Coleraine, N. Ireland.
Since 2017. Hideo Saito, Department of Information and Computer Science, Keio University
Since 2014. Pilar Prieto, Dept. de Traducció i Ciències del Llenguatge – Univ. Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spaign.
1988-2016. J.J. Ohala, Phonology Laboratory, Linguistics Dept., U. of California at Berkeley, U.S.A.2010-2012. I. Mennen, School of Linguistics and English Language, Bangor University, U.K.
2004-2007 P. Speteer Beddor, Linguistics Dept., U. of Michigan, Ann Arbor, U.S.A. 1989-1990 B. Rochet, Linguistics Dept., U. of Alberta at Edmonton, Canada.

Editorial Board
Journal of Monolingual and Bilingual Speech
Bollettino del Laboratorio di Fonetica Sperimentale

Reviewer for
Canadian Journal of Applied Linguistics
Journal of Phonetics
Proceedings AISV (Associazione Italiana Scienze della Voce), Int. Conf. Bilingual and Multilingual Interaction; International Congress of Phonetic Sciences

Conference Organizations
2017. Experiments in Language, Gestures and Speech, Padova, 4-5 May.
2016. VideoComm: Integrating videos in the anal


Office hours

  • at studio docente
    La docente riceve gli studenti per appuntamento


Research Area

M.G. Busa's research focuses on second-language speech and communication, and is aimed at understanding how foreign accent, L2 prosody, and non-verbal language affect intelligibility in interactions with or between second-language speakers. She is particularly interested in investigating how speakers’ use of non-native speech and non-verbal language in the L2 leads to pragmatic failure. She is also interested in public speaking and in developing teaching methods for speaking in public based on research on human communication and non-verbal language. She has carried out extensive research investigating the acoustic, perceptual and aerodynamic characteristics of sound patterns in a variety of languages as part of a goal to explore variation in speech and its relation to linguistic sound change.