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Mohammed Khalid Brandalise Rhazzali (PhD in Sociology, EHESS Paris-UNIPD), deputy director of the Inter-University Centre for Culture, Law and Religion-FIDR ( and coordinator of the Centre for Studies, Research and Training on Italian Islam at the University of Padua (https://hermes-unipd. it/), he is the executive director of the International Master's Degree Course in Religion, Politics and Global Society, created in 2020 by the University of Padua, the University of Eastern Piedmont and the Université International de Rabat, in the context of the activities of the PriMEDNetwork (a network created thanks to the MUR-OCI Call for Proposals “Establishment of Italian university networks in implementation of cooperation agreements between Italian universities and those of States adhering to the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation”). Lecturer in “Institutions, Diversity, Intercultural Mediation” and “Sociology of Islam”, for almost 20 years she has participated in and coordinated various national and international research projects (including projects of the Italian national fund PRIN, Erasmus Plus, H2020), among which, “Arriver en Europe, partir de l’Europe : trajectoires marocaines et turques” Les trajectoires des diaspora turque et marocaine en Europe” (Eramus Plus, 2019-2021 24 month) and “Islam and Muslims in Italy: Actors, Social Space and Relations between Religious Communities and the State" (MUR-PNRR 2023-2025, 24 month), and has been an adjunct and visiting professor in several foreign universities (2012-2023).



Key Publications:

Rhazzali, M.K. (2023) “Religion and Prison in Contemporary Muslim Societies: Religious Intervention in the Carceral Space of Post-Revolutionary Tunisia.” Religions - Special Issue Religion and Prison: Practices, Actors, Spaces, and Challenges of Pluralism, 14(4):474

Rhazzali M.K., Schiavinato V. (2023). Adolescence as a “Radical” Age and Prevention of Violent Radicalisation: A Qualitative Study of Operators of a Juvenile Penal Circuit in Italy. In “Religions- Special Issue Religion, Radicalization and De-radicalization Processes: A Comparative Perspective” 8: 989/2023 (Classe A, 12/C2 Anvur)

Allievi S., Rhazzali M.K. (2023). "Les musulmans en Italie face au covid. L’alterité dans l’«autre vie»" ["Muslims in Italy faced with covid. Alterity in the 'other life']. In “Studi di Sociologia”, n. 3/2023, pp. 235-247

El Mestari D., Rhazzali M.K., Accoroni D., (2022) (eds), Socio-anthropology of Religion in the Mediterranean. Tome 2- Trans-Mediterranean contexts, Special issue (in English, French and Arabic), n. 96. In Insaniyat-Revue Algérienne d’Anthropologie et des Sciences Sociales (Open Edition Journals:

Rhazzali M.K. (2020), The Importance of Religious tTraining and Support for Imams and Religious Guides in Preventing Violent Radicalization, in Bringing Radicalized Individuals to Disengageg, “Gnosis-Italian Journal Intelligence”, 1, pp. 100-109.

Rhazzali M.K. (2019), Vicissitudini dell’halal e i musulmani d’Italia: tra istituzioni e mercato, in “Quaderni di diritto e politica ecclesiastica”, 2/2019, pp. 176-190.

Pace, E., Rhazzali, M.K. (2018) “Muslim Communities in a Catholic Country: the case of Italy.” In Islam in the West. Perceptions and Reactions, edit by Abe W. Ata and Jan A. Ali, 237-255 Oxford University Press: Oxford, pp. 237-255.

Allievi S., Guolo R., Rhazzali M.K. (eds) (2017), I musulmani nelle società europee. Appartenenze, interazioni, conflitti [Muslims in European societies. Belongings, interactions, conflicts], Guerini e Associati, Milano.

Becci, I., Rhazzali, M.K., Schiavinato V. (2016), “Appréhension et expérience de la pluralité religieuse dans les prisons de Suisse et d’Italie : une approche par l’ethnographie.” Revue Critique Internationale, 72 (3) : 73-90.

Rhazzali, M.K. (2015). “Religious care in the reinvented European Imamate. Muslims and their guides in Italian prisons.” In Religious Diversity in European Prisons. Challenges and Implications for Rehabilitation, edit by Irene Becci, and Olivier Roy, 117-140. Springer: New York.

Rhazzali, M.K. (2015). “Islam online. A Net-nography of Conversion.” Annual Review of the Sociology of Religion”, 6: 165-182.

Rhazzali, M.K. (2014). “The End of Life from an Intercultural Perspective Mediators and Religious Assistants in the Health Service.” Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 6(2): 224-255.

Rhazzali M.K. (2015). Comunicazione interculturale e sfera pubblica. Diversità e mediazione nelle istituzioni [Intercultural communication and the public sphere. Diversity and mediation in institutions], Carocci, Roma.

Rhazzali M.K. (2010). L’islam in Carcere. L’esperienza religiosa dei giovani musulmani nelle prigioni italiane [Islam in Prison. The religious experience of young Muslims in Italian prisons], FrancoAngeli, Milano.

Research Area

- Religious Plurality and Cultural Diversity in the Space of State institutions (schools, hospitals, prisons, public services, military barracks)
- Intercultural Communication and Mediation in the public sphere
- Migration and Identity Construction Processes
- Islam and Contemporary Society
- Culture, religion and spirituality in Muslim majority countries