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Professore Ordinario





Jacopo Bonetto was born in Padua and graduated from the Liceo Classico Tito Livio. He graduated in Classics (1992), attended the School of Specialisation in Archaeology (1994) and became a PhD at the 'Sapienza' University of Rome (1997). He was Researcher (1998), Associate Professor (2002) and then Full Professor (2014) of Classical Archaeology at the University of Padua.

He has been involved in institutional activities as President of the Bachelor and Master courses in Archaeology, Director of the School of Specialisation in Archaeology and Director of the Department of Cultural Heritage (2015-2023). He is a member of the Academic Senate and various committees of the Department of Cultural Heritage, of the School of Humanities and of the University of Padua.

In teaching, he has been involved since 1998 at all levels (Bachelor's Degree, Master's Degree, Doctorate, Master) with lectures on Greek and Roman town planning and architecture, spatial organisation and digital applications to cultural heritage. Since 2018 he is professor of 'Topography and Urbanism of the Classical World' at the Italian Archaeological School in Athens. Tutor of 250 Bachelor and Master thesis, 30 specializtion thesis and 25 PhD thesis.

He has directed numerous field research projects, including the excavation of the Domus of Titus Macro in Aquileia (2009-2015), the investigations at the Baths of Sarno in Pompeii (2016-2018), the excavation of the Roman Theatre in Padua (2017-2018), the excavation of San Basilio mansio (2022-) and, with particular intensity, the excavation of the ancient city of Nora in Sardinia (1994-) and of the sanctuary of Apollo in Gortina of Crete (2001-).
He has devoted efforts, supported by national and international funding, to the study of ancient architecture with regard to building materials and techniques and to the economic framework of constructions, using geoarchaeological and archaeometric methods. He has focused on digital equipment and technologies for the study and dissemination of cultural heritage with public archaeology projects (Archeoveneto; Padova vitual Tour; Nora virtual Tour; E-archeo; Hybrid world). He is PI of the World Class research Infrastructure Sycuri funded with € 4,130,000 by the University of Padua.

He collaborates with various Italian institutions (Archaeological Superintendencies of Padua, Verona, Trieste, Cagliari; Archaeological Parks of Pompeii and of the Colosseum; National Museum of Verona; National Museum Laguna Venezia; Aquileia Foundation; Sapienza University of Rome) and European institutions (Ecole normale de Paris; Italian Archaeological School of Athens; Bochum University). He is a member of the Istituto Veneto di Scienze Lettere ed Arti.

He is author of 6 monographs and over 250 articles in national and international journals, and is editor of 4 excavation editions and 8 miscellaneous volumes on ancient settlements in the Phoenician-Punic, Greek and Roman Mediterranean (including Architettura privata di Aquileia, 2012; Las canteras en el mundo antiguo, 2012; Alle origini del laterizio romano, 2016; Terra, legno e altri materiali nell'architettura antica, 2021). He is the author and editor of 6 volumes on the enhancement of archaeological and cultural heritage. He edits 3 series and 1 journal.
He is a member of the editorial board of national and international journals (Orizzonti, Atlante Tematico di Topografia; Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology; Aedificare; Analysis Archaeologica).


Office hours

  • Monday from 10:00 to 12:00
    at Complesso Liviano, terzo piano Istituto di Archeologia



Monografie e curatele (selection)
BONETTO J. 2009, Veneto. Archeologia delle Regioni d’Italia, Roma.

BONETTO J., Falezza G., Ghiotto A. R., Novello M. 2009 (edd.), Nora. Il foro romano. Storia di un’area urbana dall’età fenicia alla tarda Antichità. Scavi, Padova.

BONETTO J., Camporeale S., Pizzo A. (edd.) 2014, Arqueologia de la Construccion IV. Las canteras en el mundo antiguo, Atti Convegno internazionale (Padova, novembre 2012), Merida.

BONETTO J., Francisci D., Mazzocchin S. 2019, Gortina IX.1 e Gortina IX.2. Il Teatro del Pythion. Scavi e ricerche 2001-2013, 2 voll., Monografie della Scuola Archeologica di Atene e delle Missioni italiane in Oriente XXVIII, Atene.

BONETTO J., Bukowiecki E., Volpe R. (edd.) 2019, Alle origini del laterizio romano. Nascita e diffusione del mattone cotto nel Mediterraneo tra IV e I sec. a.C., Atti del II Convegno internazionale “Laterizio” (Padova, 26-28 aprile 2016), Roma.

BONETTO J., Furlan C. (edd.) 2021, I comportamenti e le preferenze del turista culturale a Padova. Risultati dell’indagine statistica, Padova.

BONETTO J., Mazzocchin S., Dobreva D. (edd.) 2021, Aquileia. Fondi Cossar. 3.3. Tomo I – I materiali ceramici; Tomo II – L’instrumentum, il materiale vitreo, metallico e gli elementi architettonico-decorativi, Scavi di Aquileia II, Roma.

Previato C., BONETTO J. (edd.) 2023, Terra, legno e materiali deperibili nell’architettura antica. 2 voll., Atti del Convegno internazionale di studi (Padova, 3-5 giugno 2021), Roma.

Articoli (selection)
Secco M., Dilaria S., BONETTO J., Addis A., Tamburini S., Preto N., Ricci G., Artioli G. 2020, Technological transfers in the Mediterranean on the verge of the Romanization: insights from the waterproofing renders of Nora (Sardinia, Italy), in JCH, 2020, 1-20 (

BONETTO J., Bridi E., Carraro F., Dilaria S., Mazzariol A. 2020, La necropoli fenicia e punica di Nora, in IX International Congress of Phoenician and Punic Studies, Merida, 933-950.

BONETTO J., Bertelli A., Brombin E. 2020, The transformation of the sanctuary of Apollo Pythios at Gortyna in the Hellenistic period, in Monetary and social aspects of Hellenistic Crete, ed. by R. Cantilena e F. Carbone, Annuario della Scuola di Atene, Atene, 77-85.

BONETTO J., Pettenò E., Previato C., Trivisonno F., Veronese F., Volpin M. 2021, Il teatro romano di Padova, in Orizzonti, XXII, pp. 37-63 (

Vignola C., BONETTO J., Furlan G., Mazza M., Nicosia C., Russo Ermolli E., Sadori L. 2021, At the origins of Pompeii: the plant landscape of the Sarno River floodplain, in Vegetation History. (

BONETTO J., Carraro F., Metelli M. C., Vacchi M., Venturoli A., Rossi V. 2022, Le variazioni del livello del mare e l’articolazione dell’abitato di Nora (Sardegna, Italia) tra età nuragica e tarda età romana, in Archeologia Maritima, 19, 27-62. (

BONETTO J. 2023, Entrando ad Aquileia: la porta settentrionale e l’architettura ellenistica nella Cisalpina repubblicana, in Atlante Tematico di Topografia antica. 33, Roma, 259-283. (

Gigante M., Mazzariol A., BONETTO J., Armaroli E., Cipriani A., Lugli F. 2023, Machine learning-based Sr isoscape of southern Sardinia: a tool for bio-geographic studies at the Phoenician-Punic site of Nora, in PLoS ONE 18(7) (

Research Area

Jacopo Bonetto addresses his interest to the history of the territories and settlements of the Europe and the Mediterranean in the period between the beginning of the first millennium BC. and the Roman age.
The main interests concern the infrastructural organization of the territory in Roman times and the development of settlements in the Phoenician-Punic, Greek and Roman world from the point of view of the relationship with the environment, urban layout and architecture.
The research approach is always oriented towards the direct analysis of contexts through the activity of survey, archaeological excavation and survey of monuments. Particular attention is paid to digital tools to support research, valorisation and dissemination.

Specific projects still active.
NORA PROJECT, in collaboration with the University of Cagliari, Genoa, Milan, the Superintendency of Archeology of Cagliari, since 1994. At the Phoenician, Punic and Roman city of Nora, for 30 years he has been directing geomorphological analyzes (terrestrial and marine), environmental studies, survey of monuments, stratigraphic excavations of some urban areas (forum, Roman temple, house of Favonia, urban sanctuaries, Phoenician-Punic necropolis), analysis of the finds. In this context he edited 2 excavation editions (Roman Forum and Roman Temple) and 3 miscellaneous volumes, is the author of about 100 papers and 1 tourist guide, directs 1 series (Scavi di Nora). He carried out dissemination activities with public archeology projects for the approximately 100,000 visitors to the site.

SANCTUARY OF APOLLO PROJECT IN GORTINA OF CRETE, in collaboration with the Italian Archaeological School of Athens and the Ephoria of Heraklion, since 2001. Directs the research at the Theater and Temple of the sanctuary of Apollo. The activity is divided into stratigraphic excavation, survey of monuments, study of the findings. On this context he has published 1 excavation edition and about 15 articles. He has carried out activities also contributing to the dissemination system of the site.

SAN BASILIO PROJECT, in collaboration with the University of Venice and the Superintendence of Verona, since 2022. Coordinates research on the Etruscan and Roman settlement site of an important emporium at the mouth of the Po. The excavation involves various sectors of the Roman post station crossed by the Via Annia and the Po river.

BUILDING ARCHEOLOGY PROJECT, since 2010. Within an international framework, he coordinates the research of the University of Padua on the archeology of building in the Greek and Roman age. Interdisciplinary and archaeometric studies are required on stone, marble and clay materials intended for construction, on ancient quarries, on binders, on construction systems, on the economy of building production, on the trade routes of materials. On this theme he directs a series of studies (Building in the ancient world), has edited 3 Proceedings of international conferences and is the author of about 25 articles.

DIGITAL ARCHAEOLOGY PROJECT, since 2005. It carries out experiments with the most advanced equipment and digital technologies to support archaeological investigations in the field and the dissemination of knowledge for the public who use the archaeological areas and museums. It is PI of the World Class research Infrastructure Sycuri, funded by the University of Padua, which has equipped itself with high-profile equipment as an international center of services for research and

Thesis proposals

The bachelor, master's and specialization theses, as well as the research theses proposals for the doctorate can be addressed to different themes of territorial organization, urban planning, architecture and materials of the ancient Mediterranean civilization (Phoenician-Punic, Greek and Roman world).

The theses of a compiling and bibliographic nature may concern the study of territories, urban centers and architectures of northern Italy, of the Greek world and of the Phoenician-Punic Mediterranean. Furthermore, the thesis works can address the analysis and experimentation of digital tools applied to the study and dissemination of the archaeological heritage.

Applicative theses can be directed to the study of territories, sites and materials subject to active research by the professor, with a privileged reference to the areas of ancient Venetia, Sardinia and Crete. The works may also concern issues of dissemination and tourist-cultural enhancement of the territories and sites.

Examples of thesis topics:

Greek archaeology: urban planning and architecture in Greece and the Greek world.
Roman cities and minor sites in northern Italy (Padua, Aquileia, Verona, San Basilio): urban planning and architecture.
Greek and Roman building archeology: construction techniques; ancient building materials; economics of building sites and construction.
Territories of northern Italy: road systems and infrastructures; agricultural organization.

Excavation methodology: stratigraphy and finds

Greek and Roman Crete: urban sites and architectures.
Gortyna of Crete: architecture; development of the polis; material culture and productions.

Phoenician and Punic Sardinia. Settlements; material culture and productions
Roman Sardinia: urban sites and architectures.
Nora: man and environment; architecture; settlement development; material culture and productions.

Digital archeology: 3d reconstructions; immersive reality; viewers for using the sites and museums.
Enhancement of archaeological heritage and cultural tourism: flow analysis; design of equipment and dissemination means.