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Michele Biasutti PhD is Full Professor at Padova University.
He was scientific director of research projects funded by the Inter-University Center of Excellence for Educational Research and Advanced Training, of a two-year university research project and has participated in several national research projects including the Prin (2002) on the evaluation of university teaching.
At an international level he was scientific director and coordinator of research units of about ten projects including "ISSEMT", Curriculum planning in higher education for sustainable development in the framework of the Bologna process funded by UNESCO BRESCE and by REIC (Bosnia Herzegovina), and three-year European Tempus projects (EACEA) such as LMPSM (coordinated by the University of Iasi, Romania), RUCAS (coordinated by the University of Crete, Greece).
He is Coordinator of the National Unit of the European project Education for sustainable development in Protected Areas, coordinated by the University of Athens (Greece) and of the ERASMUS + CCSAFS projects (coordinated by the University of Crete, Greece), EducaMigrant, coordinated by Uşak İl Milli Eğitim Müdürlüğü (Turkey), Out of the Net coordinated by Zespol Szkol i Placowek Specjalnych ZSiPS, (Poland), Beyond The Limits: Developing Entrepreneurship via Creativity in Schools, (Sakarya Üniversity).

Associate Editor of International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, Frontiers in Psychology, Sustainability and editorial board member of Musicae Scientiae (Sage); JOURNAL OF ARTS AND SOCIAL SCIENCES (JASS); Psych, Journal of Teacher Education for Sustainability.
He is the author of over 200 publications including volumes and essays mainly with a single name or as first author in international journals with IMPACT FACTOR such as British Journal of Music Education (Cambridge University Press), Computers & Education (Elseiver), Creativity research journal (Taylor & Francis), Educational Technology & Society, Educational Technology Research and Development (Springer), Environmental Education Research (Taylor & Francis), Frontiers in Psychology, Giornale di Gerontologia, Giornale italiano di Psicologia (Il Mulino), Hearing Research (Elseiver), International Journal of Music Education (Sage), International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education (Emerald), International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry (Wiley), Journal of Education for Teaching (Taylor & Francis), Journal of Research in Music Education (Sage), Journal of Teacher Education for Sustainability (De Gruyter), Musicae Scientiae (Sage), Music Education Research (Taylor & Francis), Pedagogy, Culture & Society (Taylor & Francis), Psychology of Music (Sage), Research in Dance Education (Taylor & Francis); Rivista di Musicoterapia (Edizioni Minerva Medica); Rivista di Psicologia, Small Group Research (Sage), Technology, Pedagogy and Education (Taylor & Francis), Tecnologie Didattiche, The Arts in Psychotherapy (Elsevier), The International Journal of Aging and Human Development (Taylor & Francis), Thinking Skills and Creativity (Elseiver).
Michele Biasutti is at the top nationally among the Professors of the scientific disciplinary sector (M-PED / 04 Experimental Pedagogy) for citations, H-index (Perish) and for number of publications in international journals with IMPACT FACTOR.


Office hours

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Selected papers in IMPACT FACTOR journals

see also:

Schiavio, A., Biasutti M., & Antonini Philippe, R. (2021). Creative pedagogies in the time of pandemic: A case study with conservatory students, Journal: Music Education Research.

Biasutti, M., & Mangiacotti, A., (2021). Music training improves depressed mood symptoms in elderly people, a randomized controlled trial, The International Journal of Aging and Human Development, 92(1), 115-133.

Biasutti M., Antonini Philippe, R. Schiavio, A. (2020). Assessing teachers’ perspectives on giving music lessons remotely during the COVID-19 lockdown period, under review

Antonini Philippe, R. Schiavio, A. Biasutti M. (2020). Adaptation and destabilization of interpersonal relationships in sport and music during the Covid-19 lockdown, Heliyon, 4 (2020) e05212.

Biasutti, M., & Habe, K. (2020). Dance improvisation and motor creativity in children: teachers’ conceptions. Creativity Research Journal, (ISSN: 1040-0419; Impact factor 0,724).

Paolantonio, P., Cavalli, S., Biasutti, M. Pedrazzani C. & Williamon A. (2020) Art for Ages: The effects of group music making on the wellbeing of nursing home residents, Front. Psychol. - Performance Science, 11:575161.

Biasutti, M., Concina, E. Delonghry, C. Frate, S., Konkol, G., Mangiacotti, A. Rotar Pance, B., Vidulin, S. (2020). The effective music teacher: A model for predicting music teacher’s self-efficacy, Psychology of Music. (ISSN: 0305-7356; Impact factor journal).

Schiavio, A. Biasutti, M., van der Schyff, D. & Parncutt, R. (2020). A matter of presence. A qualitative study on teaching individual and collective music classes. Musicae Scientiae, 24(3), 356–376. (Impact factor 1.225)

Biasutti, M., & Concina, E. (2020). Online composition: Strategies and processes during collaborative electroacoustic composition. British Journal of Music Education, 1-16.

Schiavio, A., Moran, N., van der Schyff, D., Biasutti, M., & Parncutt, R. (2020). Processes and Experiences of Creative Cognition in Seven Western Classical Composers. Musicae Scientiae.

Kayani, S.; Wang, J.; Biasutti, M.; Zagalaz Sánchez, M.L.; Kiyani, T.; Kayani, S. (2020). Mechanism Between Physical Activity and Academic Anxiety: Evidence from Pakistan. Sustainability 2020, 12(9), 3595.

Biasutti, M, Concina E, Frate S. (2020). Working in the classroom with migrant and refugee students: The practices and needs of Italian primary and middle school teachers, Pedagogy, Culture & Society, 28:1, 113-129,

Welch, G., Biasutti, M., MacRitchie J., McPherson G. E., Himonides E. (2020). The Impact of Music on Human Development and Well-Being. Frontiers in Psychology, 10:698, (Impact factor 2.22

Research Area

Scientific Research Activities:
Project evaluation, research in education, ICT, e-learning, education for sustainable development, psychology and music education.

Thesis proposals

Scientific Research Activities:
Project evaluation, research in education, ICT, e-learning, education for sustainable development, psychology and music education.