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Since 2019 I am Associate Professor of early modern history at the University of Padua.
After a BA in Medieval History at the University of Trento in 2006, I was admitted to a MA at the Scuola Normale Superiore. In 2008 I graduated in History and Civilization at the University of Pisa and in History and Palaeography at the Scuola Normale, where I also earned a PhD in History in 2011.
In addition to various trips for study and teaching purposes, I spent research stays at the Warburg Institute (London), the Italian Institute for Historical Studies (Naples) and the Harvard University Center for Italian Renaissance Studies (Villa I Tatti, Florence).
Between 2017 and 2019 I was non-tenure-track Assistant Professor in early modern history at the Scuola Normale.
I work on the early modern period, with particular reference to the cultural, religious and political history of 16th-century Europe, studied in an interdisciplinary and cross-cultural perspective. My research and teaching interests encompass mainly the Renaissance and Reformation/Counter-Reformation history [L. Biasiori, L’eresia di un umanista. Celio Secondo Curione nell’Europa del Cinquecento, Roma, Carocci, 2015, D. Pirovano Prize 2017; L. Biasiori, D. Conti (eds.), Prima di Lutero. Non conformismi religiosi nel Quattrocento italiano], with a particular concern for the mobilities within the diaspora of Italian refugees for religious reasons, and the interweaving between the rediscovery of antiquity and the discovery of the New World.
An author on whom I have extensively worked in this perspective is Niccolò Machiavelli. At first, I tried to understand the traces of different cultures within his works, focusing in particular on the way in which The Prince re-orientalized the figure of the Persian king Cyrus (Nello scrittoio di Machiavelli. Il Principe e la Ciropedia di Senofonte, Roma, Carocci, 2017). This interest in the Eastern world turned into the investigation of the similarities between Machiavellian and Islamic political thought, explained as a result of the Eurasian circulation of manuscripts and books that conveyed the political theories of Arabic aristotelianism [see L. Biasiori, G. Marcocci (eds.), Machiavelli, Islam and the East: Reorienting the Foundations of Modern Political Thought, London-New York, Palgrave 2018].
During the years I worked on the project "Comparing Religions" funded by the Balzan Prize Foundation, I have also developed an interest in the legal, economic, social and cultural consequences of suicide in early modern Europe [see L. Biasiori, The Exception as Norm: Casuistry of Suicide in John Donne's Biathanatos, in C. Ginzburg, L. Biasiori (eds.), A Historical Approach to Casuistry: Norms and Exceptions in a Comparative Perspective, London, Bloomsbury, 2018, pp. 153-73].
On the problem of images as a source for the historian I have recently translated, introduced and edited a collection by E. H. Gombrich, Immagini e parole, Carocci, Rome, 2019.


Office hours

  • at Studio 40 (III piano, prima della Sala del Caminetto)
    Si pregano gli interessati di contattare il docente via email per concordare un orario di ricevimento.


Research Area

- early modern history
- Renaissance history
- Reformation and Counter-Reformation history
- history of political thought
- intellectual history
- historical anthropology
- connected history
- history of historiography

Thesis proposals

Seguirei con piacere tesi riguardanti:

- Storia dell' Europa nella prima età moderna nei suoi rapporti con il resto del mondo
- Storia religiosa e culturale della prima età moderna
- Storia dell'Umanesimo e del Rinascimento
- Storia della Riforma e della Controriforma
- Storia delle migrazioni
- Storia del pensiero politico