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Ricercatore a tempo det. art. 24 c. 3 lett. B L. 240/2010





Michele Basso is a tenure-track researcher at the Department of Political Sciences, Law and International Studies (SPGI) at the University of Padova. He received a Ph.D. in Political Philosophy and History of Political Thought. His teaching involves Social Philosophy and History of Political and Legal Concepts. He studied at the University of Padova, at the L.M.U. in Munich and at Max-Planck-Institut für europäische Rechtsgeschichte, Frankfurt am Main. Among his recent publications: the translation in Italian and editing of the German text "Zur Soziologie der Weltkriegs" [Sociology of World War] by Emil Lederer (Sociologia della guerra mondiale, Morcelliana, 2023), the monographs "La città, alba dell'Occidente. Saggio su Max Weber" (Quodlibet 2020), "Dalla società plurale allo Stato delle masse. Filosofia politica e sociologia in Emil Lederer (1882-1939)" (FrancoAngeli, 2022); the translation in Italian and editing of the German volume “Die Sitte” [On Custom] by Ferdinand Tönnies (Il costume, Morcelliana, 2019).


Office hours

  • Wednesday from 11:30 to 12:30
    at Via del Santo, 28 - aula docente 03.015
    E' gradita la prenotazione del ricevimento, scrivendo a

Research Area

- Classical Sociology (Weber, Durkheim, Toennies, Troeltsch);
- Separation betweeen State and society and the flourishing of the so-called social sciences (in particular: economics, statistics, political science);
- Karl Marx's thought, with particular reference to legal notions as possession, property, contract;
- The transformation of the social sciences during the First World War;
- Emil Lederer's thought (sociologist and economist, 1882-1939)

Thesis proposals

I am available to propose and supervise dissertations that relate to the topics also indicated in the ‘research area’ section: classical sociology (e.g. authors such as Weber, Durkheim, Tönnies, Simmel); the birth of the social sciences (economics, statistics, sociology, political science); the thought of Karl Marx; the transformation of the social sciences during the First World War.
I am also open to dialogue with students who do not yet have a clear idea of how to construct their thesis, but who are interested in doing research work on the indicated topics.