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MDB has mainly studied mechanisms of control of proliferation and differentiation in eukaryotic cells using the Saccharomyces cerevisiae model, with a multidisciplinary approach to support cellular and molecular biology techniques. More recently has undertaken research concerning the effects of nutraceuticals and metabolites in the
regulation of these processes. He recently proposed two models oriented to oncology.

Some significant scientific results obtained with the yeast model were: i) the isolation and characterization of the GEF parent gene for Ras oncoproteins; ii) the identification of two new mechanisms that control the eukaryotic cell cycle: the one in S phase and the other in mitosis; iii) a contribution to the understanding of the mechanisms regulating the cellular dimension; iv) the demonstration that a caloric restriction mimetic molecule antagonizes specifically a powerful proliferative mechanism camp-dependent; v) the discovery that a second calorie restriction mimic molecule can have powerful anti-invecchiming effects


Office hours

  • Friday from 10:00 to 11:15
    at Online, con piattaforma Zoom, attraverso un link disponibile tutte le settimane
    Il docente riceve tutte le settimane con l'orario indicato salvo altrimenti comunicato. E' possibile concordare un incontro in gg o ore diverse, ed eventualmente in presenza, previo appuntamento.


1: Baroni MD, Colombo S, Libens O, Pallavi R, Giorgio M, Martegani E. In S.
cerevisiae hydroxycitric acid antagonizes chronological aging and apoptosis
regardless of citrate lyase. Apoptosis. 2020 Oct;25(9-10):686-696. doi:
10.1007/s10495-020-01625-1. PMID: 32666259; PMCID: PMC7527365.

2: Baroni MD, Colombo S, Martegani E. Antagonism between salicylate and the cAMP
signal controls yeast cell survival and growth recovery from quiescence. Microb
Cell. 2018 Mar 26;5(7):344-356. doi: 10.15698/mic2018.07.640. PMID: 29992130;
PMCID: PMC6035838.

3: Baroni MD, Martegani E, Monti P, Alberghina L. Cell size modulation by CDC25
and RAS2 genes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Mol Cell Biol. 1989
Jun;9(6):2715-23. doi: 10.1128/mcb.9.6.2715-2723.1989. PMID: 2548086; PMCID:

4: Baroni MD, Monti P, Alberghina L. Repression of growth-regulated G1 cyclin
expression by cyclic AMP in budding yeast. Nature. 1994 Sep 22;371(6495):339-42.
doi: 10.1038/371339a0. PMID: 8090203.

5: Griffioen G, Anghileri P, Imre E, Baroni MD, Ruis H. Nutritional control of
nucleocytoplasmic localization of cAMP-dependent protein kinase catalytic and
regulatory subunits in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. J Biol Chem. 2000 Jan
14;275(2):1449-56. doi: 10.1074/jbc.275.2.1449. PMID: 10625697.

6: Anghileri P, Branduardi P, Sternieri F, Monti P, Visintin R, Bevilacqua A,
Alberghina L, Martegani E, Baroni MD. Chromosome separation and exit from
mitosis in budding yeast: dependence on growth revealed by cAMP-mediated
inhibition. Exp Cell Res. 1999 Aug 1;250(2):510-23. doi: 10.1006/excr.1999.4531.
PMID: 10413604.

7: Baroni MD, Monti P, Marconi G, Alberghina L. cAMP-mediated increase in the
critical cell size required for the G1 to S transition in Saccharomyces
cerevisiae. Exp Cell Res. 1992 Aug;201(2):299-306. doi:
10.1016/0014-4827(92)90277-f. PMID: 1322313.

8: Martegani E, Baroni MD, Frascotti G, Alberghina L. Molecular cloning and
transcriptional analysis of the start gene CDC25 of Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
EMBO J. 1986 Sep;5(9):2363-2369. doi: 10.1002/j.1460-2075.1986.tb04505.x. PMID:
16453707; PMCID: PMC1167121.