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Bardin, A. (2025) Ontology and Politics in Hobbes’s Civil Science: A Materialist Agenda, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press (forthcoming)
Bardin, A. (2015) Epistemology and Political Philosophy in Gilbert Simondon: Individuation, Technics, Social Systems, Dordrecht: Springer.
Edited Volumes
Bardin, A., Ferrari, M., Nony, A. and Tenti, G. eds. (2025) The Edinburgh Companion to Gilbert Simondon. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press (forthcoming)
Edited Journal Issues
Bardin, A., Carrozzini, G. and Rodriguez P. eds. (2019) ‘Special Issue: The Work of Simondon’, Philosophy Today 63(3).
Bardin, A. and Del Lucchese, F. eds. (2015) ‘Ontologia della resistenza: figure del mostruoso nel pensiero materialista, Quaderni Materialisti 13/14.
Journal Articles
Bardin, A. and Ferrari, M. (2024) ‘Governamentalità algoritmica e governo degli algoritmi. Implicazioni epistemologiche e prospettive politiche (a partire da Gilbert Simondon) [Algorithmic Governmentality and the Government of Algorithms. Epistemological Perspectives and Political Implications (starting with Gilbert Simondon)], Scienza & Politica. Per una Storia delle Dottrine, vol. 36, n° 70, pp. 33-47.
Bardin, A. and Ferrari, M. (2023) ‘We Have Never Been Modern (Enough)’, Method & Theory in the Study of Religion.
Bardin, A. and Raimondi, F. (2023) ‘Shall we forget human nature? Political anthropology and technics from Marx and Engels to Simondon’, Contemporary Political Theory 22(1), pp. 24-45.
Bardin, A. and Ferrari, M. (2022) ‘Governing progress: From cybernetic homeostasis to Simondon’s politics of metastability’, The Sociological Review 70(2), pp. 248-63.
Bardin, A. (2022) ‘Liberty and representation in Hobbes: a materialist theory of conatus’, History of European Ideas 48(6), pp. 698-712.
Bardin, A. (2021) ‘Simondon Contra New Materialism: Political Anthropology Reloaded’, Theory, Culture & Society 38(5), pp. 25-44.
Bardin, A. (2019) ‘From Life to Matter: Simondon’s Political Epistemology’, Philosophy Today 63(3), pp. 643-57.
Bardin, A., Carrozzini, G. and Rodriguez P. eds. (2019) ‘Introduction to the Special Issue: The Work of Simondon’, Philosophy Today 63(3), pp. 567-70.
Bardin, A. (2019) ‘Materialism and Right Reason in Hobbes’s Political Treatises: A Troubled Foundation for Civil Science’, History of Political Thought 40(1), pp. 85-110.
Bardin, A. (2019) ‘Simondon (novo)materialismo? Um movimento para além do pensamento político moderno’, Doispointos 16(3), pp. 13-26.
Bardin, A. (2019) ‘Simondon et la politique’, Implications Philosophiques []
Bardin, A. (2018) ‘Philosophy as Political Technē: The Tradition of Invention in Simondon’s Political Thought’, Contemporary Political Theory 17(4), pp. 417-36.
Bardin, A. and Rodriguez, P. (2018) ‘A Vindication of Simondon’s Political Anthropology: Response to Balibar’, Australasian Philosophical Review 2(1), pp. 54-61.
Bardin, A. (2018) ‘Hobbes: materialismo e libertà’, Scienza & Politica. Per una Storia delle Dottrine 30(58), pp. 51-70.
Bardin, A. (2018) ‘L’epistemologia politica di Simondon’, Aut Aut 377, pp. 91-105.
Bardin, A. (2018) ‘Génesis y estructura de lo colectivo: Creencia, trabajo y lenguaje. Lo transindividual, trans. by Laura Melissa Rey Bermúdez, Revista de Psicología, Universidad de Antioquia 10(1), pp. 361-393.
...see pdf for the full list
Research Area
Political Philosophy and History of Political Thought.
I have worked on the relationship between science and political thought from early modernity to the present, studying the ideological function of natural scientific models conceived as ontological and epistemological foundations in political and social theory. I have written extensively on Thomas Hobbes and Gilbert Simondon.
I am currently developing a critical study of the political stakes of human nature from a materialist perspective: the (a)political animal.