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Personale Strutture


Professore Associato





I am Associate Professor at the University of Padua, Italy. My main areas of research involve epistemology and philosophy of nature. In the first stage of my career I have worked on Leibniz (focusing on the concepts of “life” and “organism”) and on the relations between Leibniz and Hegel. Over the last ten years, I've dealt with early American naturalism and phenomenology. In particular, I have been working on the philosophy of Wilfrid Sellars and on Marvin Farber's project of naturalizing phenomenology. I am currently planning to write a book on the topic of naturalism and civilization.


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Pubblicazioni più recenti:

2023 – American Gods. Debunking the Symbolic Dimension of Early American Naturalism. “American Journal of Theology and Philosophy” 44 (1), pp. 47-69 -
2023 – Husserl’s Legacy in Sellars’s Philosophical Strategy, in Daniele De Santis, Danilo Manca (eds.), Sellars and Phenomenology, Athens: Ohio University Press, pp. 14-36.
2022 – Both Natural and Supernatural: Leibniz’s Integrated Model of Life – Springer Forthcoming
2021 - Tropes Variations: the Topic of Particulars beyond Sellars’s Myth of the Given. “Synthese”, 199, pp. 12019-12043 -
2020 – Marvin Farber e il progetto di una naturalizzazione della fenomenologia, “Discipline Filosofiche” XXX/1, pp. 135-157.
2020 - Between Laws and Norms. Genesis of the Concept of Organism in Leibniz and in the Early Modern Western Philosophy, in Natural Born Monads. On the Metaphysics of Organisms and Human Individuals, ed. by A. Altrobrando, P. Biasetti, De Gruyter, Berlin, pp. 11-32.
2018 - The lingua franca of Nominalism. Sellars on Leibniz, Routledge, New York, pp. 36-58.

Area di ricerca

Early American Naturalism, Early American Phenomenology, Sellars and Sellarsian Studies, History of Epistemology, Intellectual History. Early modern Philosophy (Leibniz), Classical German philosophy (Kant, Hegel).

Tesi proposte

Sono disponibile a seguire lavori di tesi sui seguenti argomenti: naturalismo filosofico, filosofia americana del Novecento, storia della fenomenologia negli Stati Uniti, metafilosofia contemporanea.