Stays under 90 days
European Union nationals
European Union nationals in possession of an identity document are free to stay in Italy or other European countries for up to 90 days without any formalities.
Non-European Union nationals
Non-European Union nationals who stay in Italy for a maximum of 90 days (e.g. visitors, students, tourists, or on business) do not need a residence permit.
They do need, however, to present a Dichiarazione di presenza (Declaration of Presence) at police headquarters (Questura) within 8 days of arrival. This is not necessary under one of the following conditions, i.e. when:
- an Italian stamp was put on their passport on entry into a Schengen area from an Italian border;
- they are staying in hotels, B&Bs, university accommodation or student residences.
This declaration of short-term presence in Italy does not entitle you to work and cannot be converted into a work permit. You should always carry it with you in case of police checks.
SAOS - Servizio Accoglienza Ospiti Stranieri
Palazzo Bo, via VIII Febbraio 2, 35122 Padova
email: saos@unipd.it
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