MSCA Individual Fellowships - Archive
H2020 MSCA - IF 2015
Felipe Gomez Cuba – WINDASH: Wireless with Increased Network Density, Antennas, Spectrum and Heterogeneity
Felipe Cuba is a telecommunications engineer and studied at the University of Vigo (Spain), where he also completed a Master in "Applications of Signal Processing in Communications" (2012) and gained his PhD in 2015. His doctoral thesis focused on cooperative wireless communications and in this project he will continue this line of research with the aim of designing wireless network architectures that maximize the potential benefit of increased resources and developing optimal resources allocation schemes that maximize network performance in these architectures. Following a cross-layer interdisciplinary approach, he will work and collaborate with The Wireless System Group at Stanford University (communications), and the SIGNET group at University of Padova (networks).
The project will be supervised by Prof. Michele Zorziat the Department of Information Engineering.
H2020 MSCA - IF 2014
Antonio Acosta-Vigil – NANOGRANITES: Nanogranite Inclusions: New Window into the Partial Melting of the Deep Earth´s Crust c
Antonio comes from Spain. He obtained his PhD from the Universidad de Granada (Spain), and had postdoc experiences at the University of Oklahoma (USA) and the University of Padova. He has always worked on the petrology and high temperature geochemistry of crustal rocks, though using different approaches (field studies, experiments, modeling). He is the PI of this project and, in collaboration with researchers of the Australian National University, University of Padova and Instituto Andaluz de Ciencias de la Tierra-CSIC of Spain, he will conduct experiments and different types of analyses on rocks formed in the lower continental crust of the Earth.
The project will be supervised by Prof. Cesare Bernardo at the Department of Geosciences.
Subhabrata Maiti – NANOCARB: Self-selection of a multivalent nanosystem for carbohydrate recognition
Subhabrata obtained his PhD degree in 2013 from Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science, Kolkata (India). His PhD work dealt with the investigation on soft-nanocomposite system comprised with metal nanoparticles and their applications in enzyme catalysis and biomolecule sensing. He worked then at the University of Padova (Department of Chemical Science) under the guidance of Prof. Prins as a fellow of an International Mobility Programme. His NANOCARB project has the purpose to build up an original method for the development of an innovative class of carbohydrate receptors using dynamic combinatorial chemistry (DCC) on the surface of a gold nanoparticle with a broad aim towards developing a multivalent nanosystem able to recognize its target also in vivo.
The project will be supervised by Prof. Prins LeonardJanat the Department of Chemical Sciences
Sandrine Paradis-Grenouillet – THISTLE: Transformation and the management of HIStorical foresT. Landscapes of the Eugaean Hill (Padua, Italy). Fresh perspectives through spatial analyses and dendro-anthracology
Sandrine completed her BA in archaeology and MA in Archeoscience at Dijon University (France). In 2012, she obtained her PhD in geography, with hioghest honours, from the Limoges University (France). Her research covers several disciplines (geography, geohistory, geoarchaeology, archeobotany etc.) and deals with the pressure of human activities on forest areas. In this project she focuses on the evolution of historical forests in the Euganean Hills (Colli Euganei, Padua-Italy) through wood charcoal production, with the aim of developing an integrated approach to reconstruct forest landscapes on the Euganean Hills at different temporal and spatial scales. She will develop historical mapping of woodlands, conduct field surveys to identify archaeological remains into the forest and realised anthracological analysis on charcoal production site.
The project will be supervised by Prof. Chavarria Arnau Alejandra at the Department of Cultural Heritage.
Beatrice Scutaru – TransHI-Rom: Risk and Migration. A Transnational History of Romanian Migration (2002-2013)
Beatrice comes from Romania. She completed her BA and MA at the University of Angers (France). In September 2013, she received her PhD, with first-class honours, from the Universities of Angers (France) and Alexandru-Ioan Cuza - Iasi (Romania). She then worked as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Centre de Recherches Historiques de l'Ouest (University of Angers). Her project TransHI-Rom, "Risk and Migration. A Transnational History of Romanian Migration (2002-2013)", will analyse how evaluations of and responses to risk shape the migration process. Drawing on empirical research, the study will demonstrate the relevance of "risk" in undertaking the migration process and will provide a more complete history of Romanian migration during the last decade. T
he project will be supervised by Prof. Antonio Varsoriat the Department of Political Science, Law, and International Studies.
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