Choosing Padua as Host Institution

UNIPD is a leading University in Italy for the quality of its research and education, it is deeply connected with the city and offers a unique learning and working environment for students and scholars.

Padova is located in a strategic position in North East Italy and has a strong record of international partnerships with Universities and research centres worldwide.

Padova has a long tradition and consolidated reputation for scientific excellence ( Its 32 Departments and 27 interdisciplinary research centres cover an exceptionally broad research scope including Arts&Humanities, Social Sciences, Engineering, Physics, Technology, Life Sciences, Medicine, Natural Sciences.

Frontier Research @UNIPD is funded by Intramural grants (ca. 20 ME year) and European projects (ca. 15 ME year), being a first driver for technology transfer. Padova provides world-class facilities and research infrastructures, top degree courses, innovative funding programmes addressed to early-stage and experienced researchers. It also offers qualified support services for both students and scholars.

Our strengths

  • Highly performing research facilities and laboratory equipment
  • World class research groups
  • Optimal employment conditions: Padova is one of the first subscribers to the Statement of Commitment for the implementation of the ‘European Charter of Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers (C&C)’ and the European Commission has acknowledged the ‘HR Excellence in Research’ logo since 2012
  • Possibility of tenure track positions for ERC grantees or three-year MSCA Global Fellowships holders
  • Qualified support to researchers choosing Padova as their Host Institution when applying for international funding, from proposal preparation to grant management.
  • The University of Padova is a Euraxess Contact Point
  • The University highly skilled staff is ready to offer support to incoming researchers and their families, moving to Padova from abroad


International Research Office

via Martiri della libertà 8, 35137 Padova, Italy
tel. +39 049.827 1947 / 1945
fax +39 049.827 1911